Chapter 13

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"And who might you be?!" Leonardo asked, annoyed at the intrusion. The oldest twin in the more navy colours stepped forward slightly, he tilted his head and removed his mask. To reveal black hair with a purple streak in. "My name is Ikkou and you are?" the calm tone made Leonardo frown, he looked at the other one who signed something to Ikkou. "His name is Akio. We are from the Japanese Foot Clan in Japan. We are the middle brothers in the Saki Clan'' Ikkou said, crossing his arms slightly, Saki nodded in respect to his two brothers. Saki was the one who asked them to come over since one of their family members was being targeted. They certainly got here fast.

"Now the question is, who are you?" Ikkou asked. 

"My name is Leonardo Hamato, I am part of the Hamato Clan" Leonardo announced himself in his Captain Ryan's voice, his brothers had to maintain their expressions especially when Ikkou raised an eyebrow. Ikkou looked back to see the shake of his twin's head, the one who still wore a mask and was dressed in a more violet blue.

Soon enough introductions were all done. The only one who hadn't introduced himself was Raphael, the teen was still angry at them all. Ikkou grinned to his twin who made a hand signal to Dantzer, the assassin explaining what had happened. 

"And who might you be?" Ikkou directed his question at Raphael who had made himself comfortable on the counter of the kitchen. 

"Raphael" the blunt reply made many smile. Ikkou only raised an eyebrow, "Does one have a last name?" Ikkou asked, fiddling with something in his hand. Raphael only smirked, "I've had many. There are some options, Hamato, Saki, Claw or Talon" Dantzer smiled after hearing the last one. "I would prefer not to be known as Hamato or Talon so if I had to pick and choose probably Saki-Claw" Raph answered honestly, the Hamato Clan looked sad at his response but they understood. Raphael wanted nothing to do with Hamato Yoshi, not that the others could blame him. 

"So you're the one with the bounty then?" 

"Yep," Raphael said, crossing his arms looking bored of the conversation already.

Ikkou smiled, "I like this kid" he whispered to Dantzer. "Well he is your blood nephew" the tired assassin was quick to reply. Ikkou looked at Saki who nodded, "oh god, don't tell me. Raquelle?". Saki only nodded with a grim expression.

Akio signed something that looked like a symbol of death. Saki smirked, giving the brothers his answer. The twins looked at one another, eyes meeting a mask and grinned. 

"So what are you here for?" Karai asked with a snarky tone. Ikkou looked at Saki then back to her knowing there was a story in there somewhere. A pat on his back confirmed it, Saki wore the expression almost to say, 'I will explain later'. Ikkou nodded, turning to the room, "Saki sent us an airmail. To say we have a problem. We came here to say hi" he joked earning himself glares from almost everyone. 

Letting out an exasperated sigh, "We have the location of your father and Aruma" Ikkou said, earning himself quizzed looks. “Who’s Aruma?” Casey asked, Tigerclaw shook his head. “Arum” He said with a raised eyebrow, “It’s his full name” Alopex finished for her already stressed out annoyed brother. Casey shook his head, he didn’t understand the point in taking one letter away for a nickname, he thought he’d have a cool nickname like. A hand tapped his arm to bring him out of his crazy thoughts. Looking to the side he saw Raph staring at him. Casey shook his head reassuring his best-friend. 

"How do we know it's not a trap?" Donatello asked from beside Leonardo who was still on edge. 

"Why don't you ask monkey brains if I'm lying or not?" Ikkou said, his frown turning into a smirk. The Hamato Clan were confused looking back at the mighty mutanimals. "How!" Mikey shouted. Rockwell was impressed by the assassin's aura, the telepathic man didn’t need words to see the familiar stance from the masked man who had his own mind shielded. It made many of them wonder, just who these two were.

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