Chapter 22

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One of these days, boredom was going to kill him. Casey hung his head trying to remain awake while blocking our Splinter, Karai and Tigerclaws growing argument regarding the plan. None of them could agree on what to do. It seemed like the argument was going on for hours, the hockey vigilante was so ready to go to bed, he should have taken up Raphael’s advice and escaped while he still could.


All heads turned towards Mikey, who did not look impressed. 

"April, has something to say" Mikey turned to their good friend who nodded in thanks. 

"I think you are all looking at this wrong. We agree we need to save the city but we can't run in blind. We must plan ahead which is why none of your plans will work. We are a big group who should really split into smaller groups to help regain the city back but we must think about our vulnerabilities" April spoke with her head held high, she looked over at Diana who watched with an impassive expression. She turned to a scientist in the room who had been glared at since he rudely commented about a certain hothead. 

"Myself, Leatherhead and Donatello, have been working on a special formula that can be watered on the city to get rid of the Armies of Lord Dregg and any extra mutants Kraang has created. The problem is, anyone with mutant blood could be affected and…" Rockwell was interrupted by another.

"You need someone to risk their life and place it in the bomb beneath the city that you are sure will help save the city without the authorities working it out" Ikkou spoke up in a bored tone from where he was sitting in the rafters above, his twin nowhere in sight. 

"Yes, how did you?" Leatherhead looked confused at the Saki brother who jumped down avoiding the formula that the former crocodile had a hold of. 

"Because, if you actually paid attention to the news. You would see that the said bomb had been moved to TCRI, the Kraang have it and…" 

"Ikkou enough, go see Akio" Oroku Saki interrupted his trigger happy brother who rolled his eyes behind the mask vanishing from sight. Leaving many of them smirking. 

"He still never knows when to quit, do continue" Saki said, crossing his arms over his chest as they took in the new information. Ikkou had been very sarcastic as he commented to pass the time, creating more issues than normal but Saki understood. This was Ikkou's way of worrying, Akio was unconscious in one of the rooms, he was sick and wasn't getting any better. His fox was healing him but very slowly. They were all worried, especially the Saki family. 

Leonardo looked ready to murder the arguing ones as he left the room, intending on getting some sleep knowing he didn't have much time for rare moments to sleep. He entered the room he was sharing with Mikey, Donnie and more importantly Raph who was sleeping beside the makeshift crib holding their baby girl. 

A smile filled his features seeing Raph curled up on the edge of the bed almost like he was trying to be near the crib as much as possible while he slept. 

Carefully, Leo placed his katanas against the wall before he climbed into the bed. Sliding in behind his mate, he couldn't help but connect hands with his lover and tangle their legs. Leo was quite surprised Raph slept through him getting into bed but he also knew his lover was equally exhausted. It wasn't long after Leo settled down that the door reopened and his two brothers made their way to bed. He barely lifted his head in greeting as the other two waved only to slump into the darkness.

Several hours passed before Leonardo found himself disturbed by someone knocking on the doorframe, the first thing he became aware of was his arms being empty and the lack of Leah in the room.

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