Chapter 6

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A couple of hours later…

Feeling something land on his forehead made the prankster wipe it away as he tried to turn away from whatever was bothering him. “Casey Enough?” April whispered as she watched the hockey vigilante drip water onto the turtle's head from the tree above. The two humans were unaware that the turtles were waking up. Casey continued to drop water on them despite April's warnings, she couldn’t help but giggle.

“They're going to get it, aren’t they?” Alopex turned to Dantzer who nodded.

“Want to make a bet?” Dantzer asked, looking at Alopex who nodded in confirmation. Tigerclaw shook his head from where he was leaning against a tree with Slash, Leatherhead and Splinter opposite the turtles about 10 feet away. 

“What’s the bet?” Alopex asked, turning to lean against her partner who continued sharpening his swords. 

“Who attacks first?” Dantzer smirks. 

“Donatello” Alopex answers

“Raphael” Dantzer shakes her hand. Slash shook his head but agreed with the grey fox. 

“Leonardo” Splinter answers, knowing his son very well.

“You're all wrong, it's Michelangelo” Tigerclaw clears his throat as he speaks, “If you concentrate, you will see that Raphael is in a deep sleep. Leonardo can’t really move without waking his mate and Donatello is already awake but seemingly unbothered by Casey’s antics. Michelangelo however keeps swatting the air and his breathing is a little too deep showing he is pretending to be asleep” Tigerclaw’s explanation comes with two nods of heads from the foxes. 

“Good analysing Tigerclaw” Leatherhead shares a look with Tigerclaw who nods, cleaning his pistol. They had put away their differences for now, well for the turtles' sake. 

“I think you are wrong. Leonardo clearly is going to react first, if he knows the others are in danger he will react” Splinter firmly put his foot down. Tigerclaw shared a look with Dantzer, ‘is the rat having a tantrum?’ Dantzer signed to him. Tigerclaw shrugged, turning back to the turtles. “We will see” Alopex murmured, using Dantzer as a boost to sit on the branch above the grey foxe’s head. April turned around to see the adults staring at them, she leaned against the tree behind her suddenly feeling the air shift.

Casey smiled, he pulled out his special surprise. April shook her head at him. Casey smiled, holding four pucks in his hand. Ignoring April, he set them up perfectly so they would hit the turtle's plastrons. He couldn’t wait for their reactions especially when he made sure they would explode with glitter, what’s one more bruise he thought, laughing. 

Leonardo was just starting to shift awake, he opened his eyes to see Donatello tinkering with a device. The purple turtle watched as his blue bandanna brother kissed Raphael’s head, the hothead grumbled leaning further into Leo’s arms who welcomed him in. Looking to his free side, Leo smiled when he caught sight of Mikey who had curled himself under Raphael’s arm and had an arm across Raph’s plastron almost like he was protecting him and their unborn hatchling. 

Casey held up three fingers looking at April who shook her head, earning a strange look from Donatello who would have raised an eyebrow if he could. “April? Are you alright?” Donatello asked, the red head nodded. Strange, Donnie thought but turned back to tinkering with the shell-cell. 

3…2…1…. Casey's smile widened as he dropped the pucks. April shook her head at his behaviour, the vigilante gasped when someone pushed him out of the tree making him land in front of the turtles who he expected to be hearing groans and moans. 

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