Chapter 23

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Diana didn’t know what annoyed her more, the fact that she had a few enemies underneath her roof, the fact that one of her oldest allies cub was in danger or the fact that the clans in front of her were bickering like children. She shared a look with the witch in the room, Shinigami only rolled her eyes. Even Leatherhead looked ready to fall asleep. 

However, no one expected Akio to stumble into the room, he was leaning heavily against the wall. Ikkou jumped down from the bench he was on to grab his brother. Oroku Saki moved on the double over to his brothers only to catch a sign. Without warning Saki took off down the corridor, running for the entrance, he startled both Pete and Slash. The two looked at him wildly. 

“What was that? Ikkou, what’s going on?” Alopex turned to the older twin who scooped his brother into his arms. 

“Rapahel is in trouble, it’s Aruma…something has happened” 

Without hesitation Tigerclaw took off after his older friend with the Hamato brothers following at speeds that should be impossible. They stumbled across something they wished they hadn’t seen. Tigerclaw was holding Aruma in his arms sobbing as his mate was cold in his arms. Raphael was staring down at his adoptive parents with a look of anger, he ignored them all picking up Akio’s katana, he walked in the direction of the Hawk clan with the Hamato brothers following. 

Entering the command room, Raphael walked straight over to Diana who watched him with concern. 

“When a clan kills another clan member, especially a leader. What is the procedure?” Raphael spoke in a cold tone. 

“Normally, the leaders would all come together and pay their respects but that would depend on who killed the leader of the said clan” 

“Hooded figures, feathers clicked on followed by horns” 

“What type of horns?” 

Mikey gave Diana a weird look but continued to watch their hothead. 


Diana sat up more startled, “Are you sure?” 

“I am” Raph looked down at his bloody hands, he still needed to change but he had a few things to sort beforehand. 

“AKIO! How dare you bring those that threaten our kind here!” 

No one understood the language but they knew it was aimed at Akio who could barely lift his head from his brother’s shoulder as Diana stalked over to him. 

“Tell me, it isn’t true” Diana firmly grabbed his chin, Ikkou went to move when a knife was placed against his chin. Ikkou froze. Akio didn’t really have a choice, he thanked the heavens for the mask he wore hiding his expression. 

“Diana, he kind of needs his hands to be able to talk” Ikkou exclaimed, only to be whacked upside the head. 

“Enough! If you want anyone to blame, blame me. I’m the one that somehow activated this stupid gem. Akio, didn’t do anything and if you dare…” 

“He didn’t do anything! Raphael! He is the reason for Aruma’s death, your uncle has been running for years from a powerful clan, they are called the Hex Clan. Once they have a target they never stop in pursuing their target even killing family members in the process! It’s his fault the Hamato, Crux, Claw, Saki, Hawk and many more clans don’t get on! You can’t stand there and defend a murderer! He hides behind a mask to pretend he is special and on top of that refuses to talk because of his fear to….” 

“He’s blind for fucks sake! I think that at least qualifies for some of his fear. He’s a mute and blind, leave my brother alone! It’s not entirely his fault! If we want to blame anyone, why don’t we add Dantzer to that list because we all know who was the one who royally fucked over the Saki, Claw, Crux, Hawk, Hex and Mirage Clan. We all know whose fault it was and in the end Akio covered for his brother because that's just the type of person, Akio is” Ikkou glared at the woman through his mask, his navy eyes darting around the room as he removed the knife from around his neck and pulled his brother out of Diana’s grip.

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