Chapter 9

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“I hate this plan!” Mikey exclaimed for what felt like the hundredth time in the past 30 minutes. Leo tightened his fists on his katana’s while they stood on the rooftop opposite Shredder’s lair, they were waiting on the mighty mutanimals and Splinter who were on their way according to April. A particular Tiger remained beside Leonardo but stood rigid and silent despite Casey asking tons of stupid questions. “I hate this plan!” Mikey whined. “We know Mikey” Donnie hugged his brother knowing the youngest was a bundle of nerves and it wasn’t helping their furious leader. 

After waiting for another ten minutes, the mighty mutanimals and Splinter eventually arrived. Donatello took notice of Splinter’s bandaged shoulder but shook off the questions as Leo turned to the group, “We are not here to cause violence and a fight. We are here to hopefully get some help. We are doing this for Raphael. So anyone who can't keep their mouths shut, are welcome to stay out here! Are we ready?” Donatello nodded, knowing Leo was in leader mode and didn’t care if he hurt any feelings. Leonardo had one thing on his mind and that was Raphael. 

Michelangelo smiled to himself. His thoughts were all over the place, especially on how they would get into Shredder’s lair without causing too much hassle. It turns out the best way to get your enemies attention was by going through the front door. No sooner did the group enter the ‘throne’ room did they find themselves surrounded by mutants, foot bots and Shredder’s henchmen. 

“State your business here!” Karai shouted, coming to stand opposite the group, that she didn’t seem to recognise the Monkey and Pigeon.

“Karai. Please listen we are not here to fight, we are….” 

“Wait! How do you know my name?!” Karai shouted, pulling her sword up at the human in front of her. All the footbots were ready to attack when Leonardo shook his head. He held his hand up before he lay his famous katana on the floor in front of them all. Karai was absolutely confused until she saw the familiar weapons in front of her. “Leonardo?” Karai said questionely. The human in blue nodded, “Why are you here!?” Karai demanded, shaking her thoughts. 

“We are here to speak to Shredder about his son” Leo spoke with his head held high and determination in his body language. Karai looked over at Bebop and Rocksteady who shrugged their shoulders, hissing she turned to Xever and Bradford. The two looked oddly confused about what to do. 

Leonardo froze when a dark chuckle emerged from the shadows in front of him but behind Karai. “Hamato Yoshi, we meet again in the flesh this time. It seems”. Shredder spoke, coming to stand beside Karai. He held his hand up to the mutants and footbots who remained standing rigid but still ready to strike at any opportunity. “Saki we have come in need of your help” Splinter said as he came to stand beside Leonardo who refused to move from where he stood. 

Shredder looked down at the young human claiming to be Leonardo then back to his despised enemy, Hamato Yoshi. “And why would you want my help!” Shredder hissed out, placing a hand on Karai’s shoulders showing his guard was still up. Hamato Yoshi frowned looking at his enemy with a brain-washed Miwa beside him. Leonardo was patient at the best of times but the longer the two adults stared at each other, the longer Raphael was in danger. 

“Your son is alive” Leonardo spoke, allowing the cat out of the bag. Tigerclaw moved forward from where he remained in the shadows standing on Leonardo’s freeside, alerting Bradford who remained on the edge seeing a familiar tattoo on the human’s arm. “Impossible, my son perished back in Japan years ago” Shredder said with anger. “Father, you didn’t tell me. I had a brother” Karai spoke up for the first time since Shredder had entered the conversation. The Shredder looked at Karai with a glare, effectively shutting her up. 

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