Chapter 16

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Panic spread across the battlefield, Ikkou couldn’t believe it. Akio had taken down the Crux Clan leader, the two wrestled while bullets fired across the two. The younger assassin didn’t back off even when the rest of the clan got involved. Ikkou wanted to jump in and help but Raphael was his priority. The pregnant teen had fainted, Leo held him close as he was directed into a nearby bus. 

“Go! I’ve got him!” Dantzer cried out, the assassin had a hidden bullet wound and was defending Akio’s back. Saki grabbed Ikkou knowing the assassin needed medical attention, Ikkou had taken the bullet for Raphael and was currently bleeding out down his shoulder. Aruma stayed behind shoving Tigerclaw into the van and slamming the doors behind them all. Tigerclaw glared at his partner who locked the back from the outside before he took off into the distance with a glare of a lifetime. All of them watched as a bright light encased Aruma’s body until a white tiger reappeared in Aruma’s place and attacked to save his family.

Tigerclaw slumped in the back of the van as he glared off into the now darkness, Bishop was directing Donatello where to go while they had all squeezed in the back. Bishop smiled thanking the heavens he had brought the bus. They would go to a top secret facility which was basically above the turtle's lair. 

“Leonardo, will you please explain your circumstances?” Bishop asked, looking at the human in front of him who groaned looking at Donatello who was quick to catch Bishop up on their little adventure and the short version of their origins. The utrom nodded, asking the occasional question, “So why is it that we can’t track you on our systems?” Bishop asked looking at Donatello for an answer, the young adult hadn’t a clue. 

“Because, I made sure. You wouldn’t be able to track me or the others” Raphael turned his head from where it rested in Leonardo’s neck, all attention turned to the hothead. “How?” Bishop asked, “None of your business. Now tell me when we are getting out of this unbreathable vehicle so I can throw up” Raph ranted while Leo drew circles on the pregnant teens arm in hope to distract him. The leader ignored his partner's attitude for now knowing Raphael would take his head off for anything at the minute. Bishop gave the hothead an odd look, normally Raphael wasn’t this brash, just what was going on?

“We are here, take the next left Donatello” 

He did just that but soon found himself parking the bus in the warehouse where the shellraiser was kept. 

“Wait, why are we above the lair?” Mikey asked, looking at his brothers for answers who both just shrugged. 

“I sense we are going to leave this dimension” April stated, Bishop nodded handing out breathing masks. They all took them on instinct. 

“Yes! I get to be smart again!” Mikey exclaimed as they were all forced through the portal where they soon found themselves in front of the utrom council yet again. Raphael was not happy as he stood in between Tigerclaw, Saki and Leonardo. The Shredder was getting some odd looks from where he stood on edge with Karai and Ikkou in the same boat, the three looking around in worry. Hamato Yoshi remained on edge watching over his sons and other children. Casey thought it was wicked while the mutanimals were freaked out especially Pete at the flying blob things.

“It would seem the turtles have changed form again” Queen pointed out looking at the four humans that resembled the mighty green terrapins they had met last time. Leonardo looked at Donatello and shrugged. “Yes, we have returned to our natural forms” Leonardo answered while Donnie was quick to catch them all up on the short version of their origins. Queen and Pawn nodded while Rook was giving them odd looks. Raphael was trying to control his anger but it didn't help that Bishop was staring directly at him and it was giving him weird vibes. Something must have twisted in his body language as Casey blocked his vision while passing over what looked like a small shuriken, Raph took it with a nod and played with it within his fingers under the careful eyes of Tigerclaw and Saki. 

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