Chapter 25

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Shinigami smirked as the plan came together. It was like jigsaw pieces, at first she didn't trust Akio one bit until it clicked. She knew Akio, he was related to her. It took her a while to work out how she could use powers and in the end she had worked it out. Akio was her father, he didn't deny or confirm it as he taught her a trick. 

But, that was earlier on. Now she sat waiting for the supposeable man who was here to destroy her father. She now understood why Akio did what he had to do. He was protecting certain family members and one included her, he had to return her memories that he had stolen from her. At first she was angry but over time she understood and now was just annoyed as she knew Akio was making his own plan. He was relying on himself, no one else. It was better this way. She knew Dantzer played a huge role in this so she hoped the fox pulled through with it. 

Footsteps below alerted her to their arrivals, she gasped seeing Raphael chained at the neck and wrists while Leah was in his arms. It would seem Akio was right, the Hawk Clan would betray them. Shinigami as much as she wanted to jump out and surprise them, she had to wait for the right moment. Until she received the signal, she wouldn't move. For some odd reason, she had full trust in Akio, she knew he knew what he was doing. 

"Akio! Come out, I want to talk" The man shoved Raphael forward, the young teen looked absolutely exhausted from everything. 

Across from Shinigami was Tigerclaw up in the trees, the clan leader was watching and would only get involved when it came to it. 

"Akio! If you do not come out, blood will be spilled starting with Raphael and his daughter. Then I will find anyone else you love and kill them, just like you did!" The man shouted, looking around he noticed lanterns started turning on in a path to god knows where but if that was Akio leading him. He would do so, he shoved Raphael forward. His grandson stumbled while holding his own granddaughter who had thankfully slept through it. 

Shinigami watched from the trees all the way until they reached the meadows. Beside the rose tree was Akio but he had his back to them all. Gerald looked at him with pure evil, he shoved Raphael to his knees when they were barely six feet apart. 

"Akio, my son" 

Gerald was frustrated Akio didn't turn around not entirely, he moved his shoulder to show he was listening so he decided to push the limit. 

"Akio, turn and face me before I cut the throat of Raphael's as I did yours all those years ago" Gerald threatened, Akio remained with his back to him. Tigerclaw glared from afar as did a recent Alopex who hid with her brother. They all did. Leo and Donnie had appeared with Karai, the three hiding in the shadows. Several others were hidden in plain sight including Slash, April, Splinter, Ikkou and Saki. The others were back at the lair for Mikey's sake, the youngest turtle forbidden from leaving as he needed to heal. He was a teenager, was he really going to listen, they would find out soon.


Geralds frustration got the better of him as he grabbed a blade and pressed it into Raphael's neck, the hothead didn't dare move struggling to breathe. Due to him getting no response from his son, Gerald brought the knife higher intending on stabbing Raphael when his wrist was caught in a vice grip. Gerald looked up only to spot Akio's mask looking directly back at him. Within fluid movement Raphael was pulled behind Akio, Leah was sound asleep while Gerald found a sharp assassin blade aimed at his throat.

'your move' Akio signed, Gerald only smirked throwing a type of powder at Akio, his mask covered in it. Gerald moved to grab his son when another hand stopped him but this one belonged to Raphael who had managed to shove Gerald away from his uncle. 

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