Chapter 6

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Gaara pov

   I stare down at her hand and raise a brow. Her hand is past the radius where my sand would usually attack.

"What are you doing?"

She tilts her head and looks down. "Oh um....a hand shake but I guess you don't like that." She pulls her arms back slowly. She didn't have the usual look of fear on her face that everyone else has. "About what you asked before..." she began, starting to walk down the road. I involuntary follow so I can listen.

"You asked who and what I was. I am Kaiya Mitsu, and what I am is just a wolf." Mitsu? There was a clan I learned about named Mitsu. A clan of beasts that have long since scattered over the world. Aside from the tail and ears, this girl, Kaiya, was nothing like a beast.

 She looked over her shoulder, curiosity  glows in her fiery eye. "Now its your turn. Who are you anyway?" I narrow my eyes slightly. She doesn't know a out me then. "Gaara of the sand." With my questions answered, I turn to leave. I hear her take a step towards me so I glare over my shoulder. "Follow me and I will kill you"

    The girl froze completely and the familiar look of fear filled her eyes. I turn away and continue walking to the inn.

Kaiya pov

  I was taken aback by the malice dripping from his words. I only watch as he walks away till I can't see him anymore.


      Days roll by and I grow closer to my new friends and I have also been training with them. I felt more open and even go outside during early and late hours. Today is the start of the chunin exams. AT LAST.

        I walk with Asuma, Kurenai, and this Kakashi person who's silver hair defies the laws of gravity. His face was covered with a mask and headband so only the left eye was visible. He had his nose stuck in a pervy book. "Kaiya," Asuma began. My ears perk up at attention. "I decided to enroll you in the chunin exams."

  I whip around and grab his arms tightly. "Really? Really? I can actually participate?" My tail was wagging side to side furiously, catching the eye of Kakashi. But then I remember,  "But.....I don't have a team Asu-nii."

   "That's what he's here for. You will join his team on a temporary basis." I grin and hug him tightly. "Thank you so much Asu-nii." Asuma and Kurenai them set off in different directions while I follow Kakashi. We walk quite awhile and rather slowly I will admit. It's like he is purposely trying to be late.

    I can feel the eyes of people on me but I ignore it. After being around other people, I grew less self-conscious about my tail and ears. I pick on their whispers easily. Most sounded wary and others sounded amazed that the 'Night Wolf' was making a public appearance. All of them had one thing in common, they were all shocked that I was just a kid, genin age.

    Kakashi tilted his head up, drawing my attention towards three kids up ahead. A blonde in a orange and white track suit giving a closed eye goofy grin, a raven haired kid with his hands stuffed in his pockets calling the blonde a loser, and then a girl with long pink hair hovering near him like a puppy.

   I raise a brow and look at Kakashi who just shrugs. The pinkette waves at him. "Kakashi-sensei, Naruto failed all our missions again." I look at the obvious suspect, the goof had scratches and burns all over him yet he continues grinning. "Hey Kakashi-sensei who's that?" The pinky asks.

  Kakashi pushes me in front of him, all eyes on me now. "This here is Kaiya, a temporary addition to our team. She trained outside of the academy and will be learning how to work in teams. He isn't going to mention the exams? I give a wave and look at them. They have noticed wolf characteristics already. I don't see the raven haired k—— I shriek when something grabs my tail. Speak of the devil, the raven haired kid was gripping my tail roughly and staring at it. "Its real." He mumbles like he was confirming something.

   "OF COURSE ITS REAL!" I shout and pull it out of his grasp, hugging it to myself. "Alright enough, now introduce yourselves." The blonde jumped at the chance to get the first call. "Yo, I'm Naruto Uzumaki, believe it!" His sky blue eyes stared at me expectantly. I smile and nod to him.

   The pinkette grabbed my hand and smiled sweetly. "Hey there I'm Sakura Haruno nice to meet you." Oh that's the name I heard from Ino. "Ino mentioned you once." I instantly regretted my choice of words. '"What did that scheming brat say huh?!" My eyes widen at her instant change of attitude. Bipolar???

   I hear a 'hn' and turn to see the raven haired kid. "Sasuke, Sasuke Uchiha." He was trying to sound cool obviously. I wanted to ruin his pride a bit. "Ugh that was so lame. My ears feel wounded from listening to that." I tug my ears down to empathize. I am rewarded with a glare. Hah not every girl is charmed by you. I thought to myself.

"First impressions." I point to Sasuke first. "Arrogant, prodigy, emo, and lady-killer." I point to Sakura next, "Obsessed with emo kid, weak in taijutsu, and a bipolar." Lastly Naruto who was grinning nonstop. I sigh. "Goof, screw up, determined, driven by a goal, and........why do you smell like fox?" Both Naruto and Kakashi tense up slightly. The blonde just shrugs it of.

   Naruto and Sasuke start arguing and entered a glaring contest. Finding it stupid, Sasuke heads off but not before rudely rejecting Sakuras offer to 'build teamwork'. Kakashi went off to report on their missions. I turn to see Naruto being chased by what is obviously a cardboard box painted to look like rocks.

   I know one kid who is stupid enough to use such a awful camouflage. Next thing I know is Konohamaru jumps out in a puff of smoke calling Naruto boss. Boss? What's up with that? Two of his friends stood behind him posing. They all had goggles too. Did Naruto get a fan club?

   "Hey Koru." I call out. He looks at me with wide eyes. "What the? Kaiya what are you doing out in the daytime." I grin and shrug. "Just felt like a change." He nods and turns to Sakura, she was staring daggers at Naruto and Koru mistakes it for something else. Asking if she was Narutos girlfriend, which he idiotically says yes to, causing Sakura to set off.

     I watched as she bangs them up until bumps grew on their heads and stomps away. Just when I thought it ends, Koru comments about her wide forehead. Dear god......their idiots. When Sakura gives chase, he and Naruto run away as fast as they can but halt when Konohamaru smacks into someone.

   Two mean looking older kids stand there. 

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