Epilogue part 1/3

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(yes she is leaving but this is not the end. I well tell you her journey and throw in a occasional Gaara pov. Like in the beginning where I develop her relations, I will make her grow into a stronger shinobi.)

(play song) "Your really leaving us huh?" I look up from my bag and turn to see Asu-nii. "Yes....ever since that fight during the retrieval, I had realized something. He was the last of his kind, and I might be as well. I also need to stop being so afraid to kill." I turn back and place the last of my needed belongings. "You were fine in the preliminaries." He states, he made the move to take out his box of smokes but stops. Asuma had stopped smoking after papa died. I zipped up the bag and slide it onto my back. I take one last look around my room, all the memories of being raised here filled my mind. From the day I arrived to this day when I leave.

(Go to 4:30. The music is perfect for this moment) "That was a spar to me, I had no intention to kill that boy. But I'm a jounin, I wasn't given the chance to adjust so I need to learn quickly that I will fight enemies. My enemies, enemies of the leaf, enemies of my clan. And enemies are those who kill us, so we need to fight seriously." I turn to him, determination in my eyes. Asuma saw that and smiled. "In my opinion, you've grown quite a lot already." Together we left the apartment and walked to the gate. I was not expecting everyone to be there, even Neji and Choji who should be resting. My chest felt warm.

Ino ran over and wrapped her arms around me. "Don't get killed alright?" I pat her back and smile when she lets go. Naruto grins at me with closed eyes. "You'll come back stronger than ever, believe it!" I laugh and thrust my fist in the air. "You know I do!" Choji was eating chips like always. But he seemed upset about my departure. Neji had changed after the fight with Naruto but still kept his emotions in check. I could tell though, by the slight furrowing of his brow that he was concerned. Shikamaru patted my head between my ears. "It'd be a drag if you don't return safely." He gave a crooked smile. After the mission, he seemed to have grown in some way.

(7:03 should be playing by now) We continue our farewells until I finally left. I take off running down the dirt road. My bare feet pressing into the loose dirt. I was going to miss them. But I will not return until I have grown stronger. First thing is first, I need to find out if I am the last or not. Am I the last of the Mitsu's?


Gaara pov.

I walk with Temari as we leave the next day. Distracted from my thoughts of what happened the day before on the roof, I didn't realize we already made it to the gate until I hear the voice of Shikamaru. "So your off now?" I stop and look back. Temari smirks. "Yeah. We'll come if anything else happens okay crybaby?" The boy sighs but he also smirks. "humph, This is why you women....." I decided to ask him. "Had Kaiya already left?" Kankuro and Temari looked at each other before sharing a grin. My eyes narrow at them. What were they thinking of? "Yeah, she left a few hours ago." He scratched the back of his neck. "We may not see her for three years, maybe four." I turn around and start walking. "I see." Lifting my hand, I touched my cheek. I could still feel that warm gentle touch.


A year later (after the Matsuri kidnapping Arc he's now 14, kaiya still 14)

I resolved to become the Kazekage, just Naruto wanted to become the Hokage after the exams. I wanted to create bonds within the sand like I had done in the leaf. My goal was to find a way to redeem myself and help the people. Few have noticed my change in attitude, such as the young academy students like Matsuri. Here I stood on the cliff looking at the fire painted sand as the sun sets. "Gaara let it go. I don't want to say this but.......You know how they see you." I heard my brother behind me. "Your a weapon of terror." I look up to the sky. I know what he's trying to tell me.

"Leaving us and joining the regular troops is not going to be an easy thing. Their full of jounin who think pretty poorly of you. And the villagers?...their as terrified as they always been." I did not turn to look at him. "I know that." I finally say after a moment of silence. "I've always known. But doing nothing at all will almost certainly bring greater pain." Like Naruto and Kaiya who left to become stronger and make a difference. "I know what I must do. I must clear my own path....and perhaps then the day will come. The day will come where I can be like him. I look off towards the sun that burned of firelight. I was reminded of her eyes. The amber eyes that smiled, worried, scolded, and encouraged me and never showed fear towards me. I will strive to be like Naruto, someone who is precious to others.

"I want to be part of this village, so I'm aiming for the title of Kazekage, as a shinobi of the sand. So I will work hard. To connect to the people of this village. Watching Naruto Uzumaki has brought me clarity. Until I met him and that girl.....Kaiya Mitsu. My ties to others have only brought pain.... and sorrow. But they were always pushing me, to redefine those ties. I think I finally understand. The suffering and sadness of life, a joy. These are feelings that can be shared with those around me." I turned my head up to the deep red sky.

"It was them, they are the reason my eyes are open. When I fought him I connected, he knew the same pain I have. He taught me I could change the path my life can follow. And she showed me that there are others who are not like me and him, that can show understanding and care. Some day Kankuro...." I turn to look at him, a smile on my lips. "I would like to become something precious too. Not to be viewed as some hideous weapon, but as the sands next Kazekage."


(leading up to the sequel. Bare with me for awhile longer on this)

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