Chapter 32

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Gaara keeps trying to trap the Kaguya but each attempt is swiftly sidestepped. He was even faster than the last time, not straying from his path as he continues to run towards us. Gaara raises a wall but he breaks through, I jump in front of Gaara who gets thrown back along with me despite my attempt on shielding him. I twist around so my back collides with a tree and make Gaara land safely. I Cough up blood on impact. "Is that the best you can do with your ultimate defense? Is that all?" The Kaguya sneers. "I'm very disappointed."

Gaara gets up and looks at me. "That was foolish." He scolds. I didn't have the ability to respond. The sand armor on his skin had crumbled in some places. "I see..." Lee jumps at the Kaguya while he was distracted. "He is not your only opponent!" He tries to use leaf hurricane. My eyes widen. "G-Gaara the tail!" I shout. His seafoam eyes widen and some sand flies up to safe lee from the initial force but is still thrown across the sky. Lee can't even sit up anymore.

"I'm tired of that sand. Very well Gaara. You first." Gaara walks over and stands a few meters across from the enemy. The mans skin shifts and he reaches behind him. He pulls out a long sword made of his spine. "Clematis dance/ First...divide." The sword separates at each bone and he swings it towards Gaara. Sand wraps around Gaara like a blanket before the sword does. He was trapped. The Kaguya lifts his other arm. "Then the flower...." His arm shifts into a drill of bone. "This bone is my strongest. It will bore right through you, defenses and all. *hack*" He coughed? Could he be ill?

The sand around Gaara takes on a different form. "Ultimate defense. Shukaku shield!" The sand has transformed into a miniature Shukaku statue. The bone drill punctured the shield but it did not give in. Cracks of breaking could be heard. It shatters and falls in pieces off his arm. "I-Its so strong...." Gaara narrowed his eyes slightly. "I took the hardest minerals of the soil I gathered and then I fused them with the sand using my chakra......Tell me. My friend there says you are of a dying clan. Are you the last?"

"I am of the Kaguya clan this kekkai genkai now belongs to me and me alone." So he is the very I also....."The last aye? Then your clan perishes today." I felt a dull ache in my chest as they spoke. Could I be the last? Mitsus were hunted for their giant wolf pelts and large fangs. Hunted for sport. I have never heard word of another Mitsu In all my fourteen years of life. (Chunnin exams- she was in her late thirteens like every other kid so after two months she is fourteen now.)

"They may very well be the case. My body has weakened. It my not hold out much longer. However, I will still live on. Because....I am not alone." He was starting to have difficulty in breathing regularly.

"Your not alone you say"

"That's right, my exsistence has been subsumed into lord Orochimaru's ambition."

"Orochimaru's brain washed you well." Gaara makes a hand sign. "You sad little pawn." The earth bellow the Kaguya turns to quick sand, dragging him under.

"I'll burry you two hundred meters below the earth under pressure to great for you to move a finger. Imprisoned there till the end of time."

"You did it! This time I'm certain of it." lee cheers. No....No.....He's alive, I feel it, I smell it. Damn, not this. A urge to kill starts to grow inside me. An urge to....hunt and guard what's mine. My ears lift at a voice beneath the surface. 'dance. bracken dance' Without me activating it, I shift into my wolf god state and run over. I whip my tail, throwing Gaara and Lee into the forest so they do not get killed by the many spikes of bone erupting from the soil. Kill him....I will kill him. A forest of bone had sprouted from the ground. My paws start digging at the ground bellow, anguished yells could be heard from deep below. 'Your wrong! You don't understand!' Suddenly the scent from beneath was gone. I look up and see Gaara and Lee floating on platforms made of sand. Gaara was visibly tired from lack of chakra.

"I am not his pawn! He is the one, the only one who ever gave my life meaning! can the likes of you ever understand that!?" He aimed his drill at Gaaras face.

Gaara pov.

It was sheer luck. I should be dead. The man had stopped his attack only because he had died before it reached me. I make my sand lower to the ground, not having enough chakra to keep it airborne any longer. I see the giant wolf who I knew was Kaiya. Why had she reverted to that form? Even more confusing was that she was digging at the ground where the enemy was no longer buried. "Kaiya." I call. She turned her body, golden fire eyes flashing with a dangerous feral hunger. This wasn't Kaiya anymore. No. It was. Another side of her that I had yet to discover. She had shown many faces but this was the most intimidating.

She bared her sharp fangs at me and growled. I should probably back off and take cover. No wait. When I had began fusing with Shukaku, she had stood directly in front of me and smiled, protecting her friends but smiled for me. I should return that gesture. Something tells me she was afraid of this nature herself. "Kaiya." I say again, calmer, softer. My hand extends out towards her head. "The enemy is dead, there is no one else here to cause harm to us or you." I keep my gaze leveled and serious as I look into her amber gold orbs. Light starts to show within them. Slowly she lowers her massive furred body onto the ground, her nose connecting with my hand. She seemed to have calmed now. I walk around to the left side of her face and brushed my hand across the silken black fur. "You need to rest." I tell her. She lets out a huff from her nose. "So do you." She lays her head down on her front paws. "Feel free to rest by me, I doubt bones are a comfortable bedding." She then closed her eyes and her breathing indicated she had fallen asleep. I take off my ruined over coat and sit myself to lean against her arm.

She was comfortable indeed. I close my eyes and rest within fake sleep to regain my chakra, the warmth from her fur comforting me. I was reminded of that time when she cared for my wounds after the chunnin exams.

Without realizing it.

I smile.

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