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I want to put in a profile of kaiya just so you further understand her character.

 Personality: Cautious towards strangers but is open to the idea of friendship. She is energetic and cheerful most times. She is protective of those close to her but would like to avoid conflict at all costs if possible.

 Appearance: She has raven black hair with bluish tint. It starts off short like on the cover but up to the chunnin exams she had grown it out so it reached her lower back. Since her hair was originally un even there are some strands that fray out. Her eyes are a mixture of gold and orange like firelight. She bears a pair of wolf ears rest on her head and a tail that first seems long but as she grows, the tail doesn't so it will appear shorter as she ages. Kaiya has light skin with a teardrop shaped head. Under her eyes she painted small green triangles.

Clothes: She is usually wearing many shades of grey and sometimes white. After becoming a jounin she settled for one outfit. Dark grey hoodie with short sleeves over a long sleeve silver shirt. She wears black leggings reaching her knees and a darker silver skirt like Sakura's over them. The place she chose for her head band to be was around her neck.

Likes: Friends, Brother Asuma, Papa Hiruzen, singing, Dongo and tea, anything with meat, and stargazing.

Dislike: Acting cool, crying, seeing unhappy people, fighting, killing, the akatsuki since they were responsible for her parents.

Personal Jutsu: Transparency , Presence cloak, inferno thunderstorm, fireball, flame paw, lightning paw, Twin fang hunt, Electric claw.

Kekkai Genkai: Wolf form, Wolf god form (As big as Holo from spice and wolf) When in their wolf form, wounds heal faster.

  Risks: Orochimaru hinted at it. When a Mitsu clan member is consumed by the instinct to hunt they will automatically transform into their wolf god state without their control. Kaiya didn't fall into such a state during the invasion because her desire to help her village and friends was much stronger.

  Lira is a spirit wolf. Every Mitsu has one and acts as their voice of reasoning as well as being able to manifest itself with a summoning jutsu.

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