Chapter 28

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(get ready to cry)

Kaiya pov

I ran back to the village after Gaara and his siblings left. When I get to the gates, I see Asu-nii standing there. I grin at him as I approach. "Kaiya, I was about to send a search party." I stop in my tracks. The look in his eyes was different. It was clouded with emotion. "Asu-nii?......" No answer. My smile slowly fades away. "Asuma." I say firmly. "Come on we need to get ready for tomorrow." He turned and started walking. "Tomorrow?" I ask. I wanted to know what's going on. As we walk I notice the change in the village. Other than damaged shops, the citizens were all gloomy. I stop walking and fix my gaze on Asuma. He noticed that I had stopped and turned around. "Kaiya?"

"Tell me. Tell me who died." I order him. I knew who it was. I had put the pieces together. The dark atmosphere, the dread I felt before, the way papa was so insistent that I do not watch his fight. (play) The jounin before me softened his features and knelt down, looking up at me. He puts his hands on my shoulders firmly. "The.....Hokage is gone."


Its the next morning. All is silent. The shinobi of the leaf have gathered on top of the mansion. I wore my black hoodie with the Forgiveness Kanji on the back over a dark grey dress. I stand between a crying Konohamaru and a silent Naruto. I don't hear anything but the rumbling thunder. Everything around me looked grey. Rain had begun to pour down on us. "Even the heavens weep." I hear my brother say. "We are gathered here today not only to honor the third Hokage but all those who sacrificed themselves in this battle so that our village would survive." I look around. Kakashi and Yugao aren't here. I'm guessing the memorial stone is where their at. Asu-nii had once told me that Kakashi's closest friends died when he was younger and carved on that rock. Yugao must be there for Hayate.

One by one we walk up to the alter and lay a white flower down. After Naruto placed his, he stood there for a moment. I could see that everyone loved the Hokage like a father. We, to him, were his dearest children. I step up and place my flower. The memories of being with him, sneaking into his office at night before I made friends. How I kept him company when he worked late. He always urged me to open up and break through my fear of people. I finally did and i'm glad I had before he died. He looked so happy when he saw my friends cheering for me. He was truly a father to me. More than he was to the others.

He raised me along with Asuma. Scolded me, taught me basic jutsu, lectured me about the will of fire. I loved him. I felt crushed. This is the second time I had lost a parent. The second time I could do nothing to stop it, even after becoming stronger, I felt powerless. "Thank you for everything Papa." I whisper before walking away.

When it ended I walked with Asuma and his team along with Kurenai's too. The six gennin were completely quiet. I wasn't watching where I was going and trip over a ridge in the road. I said nothing as I laid there, face on the ground. Ino ran over. "Kaiya are you okay?" she knelt and helped me sit up. She saw the tears were rolling down my dirt stained cheeks. "Hey now, it wasn't that hard of a fall." She gave a smile but I start to sob. "Ugh...." Everyone walked over. They must be surprised. I had never once cried like this. Even in the hospital they didn't see the tears I shed for Gaara. I was tired. I couldn't hold it in anymore. "Papa......papa." I whimper through my sobs. Ino hugged me close and Hinata crouched beside me, laying a gentle hand on my back. Why hide what I was feeling.

My friends were respectfully silent as I let it out, I confide in them. Once my crying has stopped I stood, rubbing my eyes. "S-sorry...." I mumble weakly. Shikamaru pats my head between my two ears. "Hey its alright. We understand." I give a small smile and we continue to walk. The rain had long since stopped and the sunlight beamed down through the gaps between the grey clouds. I forgive you papa. For leaving me parentless again. Forgiveness is my name after all.


(this one was short but it was only to capture the funeral moments)

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