Chapter 21

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"Are you going to eat?" 


Asuma sighs. Kaiya has barely touched her meat. Which was very strange. She loves meat! Something was obviously on her mind, that or she just finds the teashop across the street very interesting. "Are you listening to me?" he asked. He got the same response as before. "Mhm." 

   Kaiya pov 

I couldn't shake the thoughts from my mind. Gaara. He was alone. Didn't think his teammates were friends. He immediately declined my offer to join me and the team. I wonder why he's so distant. Ugh these thoughts won't leave me alone. 

 I'm brought back to reality when Choji speaks up, more like shouts. "Ten orders of short ribs woohoo!" A waiter walked over. "Did someone order the short ribs?" Choji starts piling the slices of beef onto the small grill in front of him. "This is all mine. Don't go stealing any Shikamaru. "Don't worry, I wasn't planning on it." Shika says with a sigh. How can he eat so much? My stomach growls and I realize how hungry I am. picking up my chopstick, I snatch a few slices of the grill and place them in a rice bowl. "Hey those are mine Kaiya." He growled. 

  "Choji, I haven't ate a single bite yet so just shut it." I growl back, glaring while baring my fangs at him. I drip soy sauce on my food before picking up one to chew on it. I don't eat my food  quickly, I like nibbling on it to savor the taste and texture. "Can you tell us what you were thinking about?" Shikamaru asked. Before I'm given a chance to answer Ino's voice was heard. "What the heck are you guys doing?" We turn our heads to see the pinkette and blonde standing behind the window. "Shikamaru, Kaiya, shouldn't you guys be training instead of sitting around pigging out?" Ino asks with a scowl. Shika grumbled and tilted his head. "I have been training, everyday all day. Asuma has me working like a dog." I start chewing on my next piece. Asu-nii laughs loudly. "And its not only Shikamaru, Choji's joined us for training as well." 

    "What about you Kaiya!" Sakura asks me. I shake my head. "I haven't. I am already prepared since I've trained much longer." I mumble through the short rib in my mouth. "Eh? what does that mean?" I look at Asu-nii to explain. He nods to me and starts speaking. "Kaiya here has trained in ninjutsu since she was four and has plenty of jutsu to use. Meaning she doesn't need to prepare new tricks for her opponent." I nod and they just give me shocked looks. "No way, you've trained for ten whole years? your practically already a chunin" Ino exclaims, admiration in her eyes. I shrink back in my seat. "No.....I don't have much fighting experience and that's what I need the most." 

  "Ah man, I wish I never signed up for this stupid exam." Shika leans back with his arms behind his neck. Asuma gives a scowl. "I don't wanna hear it, there are plenty who'd give their right arm for this exam. Besides Kurenai's and Gai's team have been working their buts off. You don't want them making you look bad do you?" He hesitates before sighing. "Man this is such a drag." 

   After that I left early and started walking around town. I wander into a section I have never been before. Suddenly I'm stopped when a rock was thrown at my head. I tilt my head to the side to dodge it. Turning around I see some older kids that aren't ninja. "Hey what are you doing here freak!" The one in front said. He was taller and had a rock in his hand. Why does this remind me of Sasuke? Oh yeah. he did this to Kankuro. I was distracted and didn't see that he threw the other rock. The chunk skims my face, creating a cut on my forehead. I step back quickly. What do I do? I can't hurt a civilian especially if they aren't even ninja. 

   I growl at them and show my fangs, hoping to get them to back off. Papa will be mad if I hurt his people. One walked up from behind me and I jump onto a roof in order to escape. "I'm part of this village, why are you attacking?" I say, pointing at the headband on my neck. "Who cares. you look like a freaky monster." Monster? No one called me a monster before. Shikamaru, Choji, Ino, Hinata, Kiba, and everyone else didn't treat me like this so why? I run across the rooftops as fast as I can to get away from those kids. My destination was papa, I hope he isn't busy right now. 

   Iruka was on the roof with his newest academy class. I land behind the group of kids unnoticed since I have already cast my presence cloak. "Today's history class will be outside. As you all are aware,  on this rock face are the sculptures of the Hokage. In order from the left all the way to the right." He begins telling about each one of them. First being Hashirama, Tobirama, Papa, and then the fourth who unfortunately died shortly after becoming Hokage, Minato.

  "Iruka sensei? Who is the fifth Hokage?" Asked a little ginger haired girl. "Hm. That hasn't been decided yet. Maybe it will be your favorite teacher!" Iruka grinned and did a goofy pose. I laugh, causing my jutsu to be broken, and shake my head. "Don't be silly, a teacher should stay a teacher." The sensei looked up at me with wide eyes. "How long have you been there Kaiya?" He asked nervously. "Since your lesson began." I state casually.

   "hmhmhm. Working in a occasional joke to have an engaging history lesson aye Iruka?" I turn around and see papa. Skipping over to him, I jump onto his shoulders to sit. The kids looked in awe at the Hokage and curiosity along with amusement at my behavior towards him. "Oh lord Hokage!" Iruka straightened his posture immediately with a red face. A kid with goggles and spikey brown hair poking out the end of a grey hat stood up. "Hey old man, what are you doing here? You to Auntie Kaiya"

    "I just wanted to look at the mountain side images like you students are doing." Papa says nonchalantly with a closed eye smile. My wolf ears flick a few times. "Please don't call me auntie. It makes me feel old." I groan and rest my chin on top of papa's hat. "I am here for papa though." Iruka tilted his head at what I called the Hokage. "You couldn't have come at a better time, care to join me" He asked papa, gesturing to the spot next to him.

   Papa talks to the students about the will to protect those closest to them and how bonds are important. It makes my mind drift back to the red haired boy from the alley. Bonds are important so why did he act like he wasn't interested in making any? Isn't it sad to be by yourself all the time. I fiddle with his hat as he lectures the kids about use their one life carefully. The kids name off those who are precious to them. "Do you have special people too?" Asked a boy. "Why of course. I Have my grandson Konohamaru and this girl here Kaiya as my adopted daughter. But I also have all the people of the village."


     I am still on papas shoulders as we walk through the halls. "Kaiya what's the matter? Your acting strange." I look down and slide off his back. "I went to a different part of town threw rocks at me because I look different. No one called me a monster before and I wondering if the others I met think the same thing inside." Papa stopped his tracks and looked right at me. He placed a warm calloused hand on my head between both my ears. "Kaiya, they only misunderstood. You are no monster and the people you met so far don't think so either. I am happy that you have come so far as you have. Making friends, walking outside during daylight hours, and even you fighting skills impressed me. You are strong in many ways Kaiya, don't let shallow words push you back into that shell of yours." I nod slowly as he told me these things. I felt better now after his comfort and wise words. "Yes papa. I understand, I'll work harder and make you proud." He smiled kindly and I jumped out the window to go home.

   When arriving at the apartment, the smell of smoke drifting out of the door was a sure sign that Asu-nii was home. I sigh and enter, tapping my dusty feet on the ground. "Well hello there little one." I snake-like voice echoed in my ears and sent shivers up my spine and my tails fur prickled.

   Materializing in front of me was a tall man with pure white skin, his dull yellow eyes like snakes and bone straight black hair reaching past his shoulders. I knew who this was.


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