Chapter 18

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(finally, what you've been waiting for. Kaiya will fight. To add epicness, listen to the battle song from Naruto.)

Kaiya stand there, feet planted on the ground. She raises a hand slowly. Hiroshi jumps back to keep a distance between them. She did not attack, her arm simply lifted above her head the other extended outward. Here left foot placed in front of her right. It was a pose of a ballerina. "well? Make your move." She commands with a taunting smile.

Hiroshi made hand signs quickly. "Water serpent jutsu!" A puddle forms on the ground and a funnel of water with a dragons head charges at her. She cartwheeled away gracefully and spun on her toes, throwing five shuriken at him. He jumps away from the blades but one scratched his cheek. Why did people yell the technique they are using? That's one thing she didn't quite understand. Intimidation probably or just to make themselves sound cool.

The Hokage watched as his adopted daughter danced around the series of attacks thrown her way, her face calm, not once loosing focus. He knew that she has trained since she was four, wanting to get stronger, but he had never seen her fight before. Asuma has but he said he wasn't supposed to tell her skill level to him. Kaiya wants to surprise him no doubt. He looked up at the other gennin. Naruto was cheering along with Ino, Choji, even Shino and Shikamaru looked excited to see her fight. Did she become friends with them?

Kaiya made hand signs and took the stance similar to Kiba's beast mimicry. Her nails gee into claws, her already sharpened canines grew to where they overlapped her bottom lip. Channeling chakra to her hands and feet, she launched herself high into the air and dove onto her opponent, claws piercing deep into his shoulders. She jumped back and Hiroshi threw water shuriken at her chest and head. Kaiya crouched to the ground and rolled toward his legs, using her claws to scratch his ankles. She cartwheeled away to keep her distance.

Hiroshi staggered as sharp pain shot up his leg. Seeing her opponents stance weaken she placed her feet firmly on the ground and ran on all fours towards the boy. Her form shifting into a large wolf as tall as Naruto, lean black fur, silver underbelly, white crescent moons on her shoulders and a diamond on her forehead. She pounces onto Hiroshi, teeth digging into his arm when he tried to shield himself. Her eyes narrow. Lightning sparks from her jaws and the trapped boy is electrocuted.

"Woah, go Kaiya!" The spikey blonde cheered. Ino watched as her friend shifted before her eyes. The colors of the wolf's pelt reminded her of that day she went shopping.

="No no no. You can't keep picking these three colors. Sure gray, white, and black are a good combination but their are plenty of other choices." Ino scolds while gesturing around the store. "Any other color will feel odd on me." Kaiya mumble and look at the clothes she held. Ino furrowed her pale blonde brow while she thinks. She seemed to come to a realization. "Is it your clan color?" She asked and Kaiya simply nods. "Mom used to call it the three lights of the moon." Ino understood and didn't question any further. She didn't want to stir any bad memories.=

The wolf version of Kaiya jumped and rolled to dodge nor water styled attacks. Electricity surrounded her paws as she launched herself at the boy, shifting back to normal in mid air. She spins in quick rotation towards Hiroshi. The lightning around the wolf paws now consumed a Kunai in each hand. The boy was taken out by a large blast that demolished the ground beneath them.

He coughed up blood and stood up again. He made hand seals and spikes of earth jut out of the ground beneath Kaiya. She is thrown back, skidding across the floor. When she got up, she took the all fours stance that Kiba does, her long ruffled tail wagging behind her in a taunting manner. She grinned with a wild hunger. The wolf girl looked intimidating, the blood dripping from above her left eye was not helping. Her golden eyes seem to glow. "Lira!" she shouted. A pure black wolf jumps into the ring out of nowhere.

She stands up and make and signs. "Twin wolf pack jutsu" She growls through bared teeth and shifts into her other form again. The two canines run circles around the boy, a cyclone of wind rising up around him. Fire and lightning form at both Kaiya's and Lira's paws. The powerful elements travel up the cyclone until it was a flame orange tornado with lightning dancing across the flowing wind. "Inferno thunder storm!" The now human Kaiya shouts as she back flips away from the attack she unleashed. Lira stood at her side.

Hiruzen narrows his eyes at the wolf, he could see through it as if it was a ghost yet it obviously had physical presence. When the inferno dies down, a burnt and charred Hiroshi was left on the floor. He sat up weakly, eyes widening at the wolf eared girl before him. He tried saying something but Kaiya teleported in front of him, a dagger at his neck. Her face held an eerie calmness as she stared into the frightened eyes of the young gennin. Will she kill him? He glanced up at the redheaded sand ninja. He seemed to think she would but his eyes widen a small fraction when Kaiya pushed Hiroshi onto his back.

"Just rest now." She mutters as she stood up and looked at Hayate Gecko. "The winner is.....Kaiya Mitsu."

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