Chapter 8

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Kakashi officially announces that he recommended team 7 including Kaiya yesterday. Yesterday was only the day where the jounin sensei's elect their students for the exam. There are five days of preparing and extra training before the actual rounds begin. Kaiya trained with Kurenai's and Kakashi's team to practice working as a team and learning beast-like fighting skills from Kiba. She also wanted to help Hinata toughen up and get stronger so she won't be pushed around during the trials. Five days later, the exams begin.

Kaiya pov

The team walk through the academy's hallways up to the third floor. I felt that something was off. I brush my tail against Sasuke's arm and he looks at me. We both nod in unison, should have known he would notice it too. When we walk over to room 301 we see two older guy's pushing away a girl with brown hair tied in two buns. A boy wearing a green jumpsuit and had a bowl cut was already on the ground next to her. He looked bruised up.

The girl stands up and walks up to the boys again. "Hey, move, we have to go in there." She gets hit back again. Looking closely at the two boys I begin to smile. It was Izumo and Kotetsu using a transformation jutsu. They took notice of me despite having my chakra concealed. I give them a wink to show that I'm not going to give away that this is the first test. I simply watch as Sasuke acts cool on exposing the genjutsu and Sakura is asked out by the green jumpsuit guy with bushy eyebrows. He said his name was Lee.

A boy walked over sighing. He had the Hyuga's trademark pale lavender eyes. "Lee I thought the plan was to lay low." Lee clenched his fist and stood up straight. "Yes Neji I know." My team started walking away but the boy called Neji stopped us. "Hey what is your names, you two with black hair." Me and Sasuke turn around. This kid noticed despite making myself seem invisible. I deactivate my jutsu and everyone who hasn't seen me before look over.

I instantly hear whispers about my ears and tail, only the leaf genin are mumbling about Night Wolf. Though that will change since the nickname is spreading fast throughout the crowd. "Its only natural that you state your name before asking ours." Sasuke retorts arrogantly. "Your the rookies aren't you? How old are you guy's anyway?" Neji continues as if he didn't hear what Sasuke said.

"I'm not oblige to answer." The raven haired Uchiha states before walking away. I flick my tail to get Neji's attention. "I'm Kaiya Mitsu. Sorry about my teammates behavior." I bow my head, ears twitched when I heard him mumble 'byakugan'. I hear a startled grunt and I look up to see veins around his eyes fade away. "Your stronger then those three. I look forward to seeing you in battle." I smile wolfishly. "Same to you Neji Hyuga." With that I turn, my attention held on the words 'Night Wolf' being whispered through the hall.

For my first appearance in front of other villages I wanted to look nice. I wore a red ribbon on my neck with a gold bell which rings with every step I take. I wore a dark violet dress that ended at mid thigh. Black stocking with flower petal rims leave an inch and a half of skin showing between the stocking and dress. My hair had grown quickly since the first day I met Gaara and now instead of being uneven and messy at my shoulders, my dark raven hair flowed down past my butt in silky straight locks. I wore a grey transparent sleeved shawl.

I can't help but smile at the memory of my teams reaction when I arrived at the academy. I got to see both Naruto and Sasuke blush redder than a cherry. As I walked around to find my team I notice some boys from other villages including Konaha staring at me with a faint pink blush on their faces.

I catch up with my team. Apparently Sasuke had a run in with the Lee kid while I was away. Kakashi was in front of the testing room. He explains that if Sakura didn't enroll that meant the end for the whole team. I didn't count since I'm an exception but will still get scored. All four of us step into the testing room and I don't hide my presence this time.

Once inside, all eyes were on us and the other six rookies of the leaf. "This will be interesting." I smile lightly. "Looks like we're not alone...." mumbled Sakura. Sasuke only 'hn's like always. Naruto looks a little intimidated. My tail wags side to side and my ears twitch excitedly. I have been waiting for this moment for weeks now. My smile becomes a feral grin that shows my sharp fangs.

Gaara pov

I look up to see the six rookies enter. The Uchiha and his team have yet to show up, did they get killed off by other contestants already? I hope not. He would be a opponent I will want to kill later. Just as I thought this he and three others stepped into the room. "This will be interesting." A familiar melodic voice mused. I was confused about why she was there. Only teams of three are allowed to enter.

I notice that she looked very different from when I saw her five days ago. Her clothes caught the attention of most males in the room, her wolf characteristics and golden firelight eyes looked around the room. She showed no emotion until a hungry grin stretched her lips. Her thick black tail wagged behind her and I can see her sharp nailed fingers twitching. She was itching for a powerful fight just like me. The only difference is that she's letting everyone know it.

She kept this behavior unnoticed by other members, appearing to be a mysterious team member number 4. A silver haired boy with glasses starts talking to the rookies who all, except Kaiya, listen in. She was busy observing everyone in the room who took equal interest in this wolf girl. The glasses guy, Kobuto was giving information to the rookie genin and I hear the Uchiha as for info on me. Made sense since we both want to fight each other. Kobuto makes a comment about the sound which bangers them.

My eyes stayed on the girl who made a hand sign, her presence felt like it was disappearing into air. I knew she was still there but others who have been distracted by the genin wouldn't know where she went. She slips around the crowd to the front desk. I couldn't see her anymore.

The quiet of the room was shattered by a battle cry. I look up to see the blonde from before pointing at all of us. "My name is Naruto Uzumaki and I'm gonna beat everyone of ya. Believe it!!!" The blonde girl who was friends with Kaiya shouts at the pinkette.

How annoying. "That's the kid from before isn't it?" Kankuro mumbles. "He barks just like a dog." Temari grumbled under her breath.

Kankuro tries to take off crow but I lift an arm to stop him. Right then the sound ninja attack.

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