Chapter 31

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Gaara pov.

Lee didn't let Kaiya finish healing him. He got into his defense stance, blood from where the bones pierced his arms dripped onto the grass. I remember how I crushed his limbs. "I'll handle this." I tell him, feeling like I should make up for what I had done. "No please, just back me up." He runs towards our enemy. He's being reckless. It's obvious that he can't last much longer with those wounds especially if he is still recuperating. I make my sand grab his leg to stop him, causing him to fall so I cushion the impact with more of my sand. Kaiya stood beside me and gave me a worried look. "You could be a little more gentler you know?" I look down at where Lee was. "The sand reacts to my thoughts before I can." (^this conversation is in the picture^) Looking back up to her, I see her eyes soften. "Maybe you should prsctice controlling the sand yourself instead of letting it act on its own accord." She proposes with a smile. "I gunph snnd em mu maof."(I got sand in my mouth) Lees yells but its muffled. He get up and glares. "Will you please let go of me! Ack." He winces from the injuries he had sustained.

I walk past him, my eyes set on our enemy. "You're not doing anything in your present state. I've got this." He finally complies. "Do not let your guard down. He uses his bones to attack. He controls all of them at will!" The sand remaining in my gourd rises from the opening like a cloud of smoke. "Your Gaara of the desert, you wield sand." My opponent finally spoke after remaining silent all this time. "Hence the name." The bones that were protruding out of him retreat back inside his body. He then raises his hand and I can see his fingertips preparing to fire another round of bones so I send out my sand to charge at him. "Digital shrapnel!" The bones are fired and I use some sand to shield me while the rest block and attack but he effectively dodges my attacks. But wounding him was not what I was aiming for.

"Gaara of the desert. Rather a foolish nickname isn't it? Your nothing without that sand of yours." He throws a bone spike which I block. I quicken the pace of the sand and rapidly beat the ground around him. "Sand shower." I say my new techniques name as a thin cloud of sand hovers in the air. "What a surprise." The man says sarcastically as he tries to jump away but the sand I had embedded into the earth by my attacks wrap around his feet. "As long as i have it, I can do anything, if I need more sand then I simply use the earth we're standing on to make more. The sand from the sky rains down while the sand from bellow rises up in a funnel surrounding him. Before I fought, I had opened a tunnel by my feet where I fed my own sand into the ground and broke up the rocks and minerals that lay bellow.

I had my arm extended. The funnel came to a solid stop. "You did it!" Lee cheered. "Lee, its not over until we confirm the death, you never know if it will be a clone or substitution." Kaiya hits him on the head as if correcting a child. Strange how I could find it amusing despite being in the midst of battle. I close my hand slowly. "Sand burial." With that the funnel caves in with force. This guy had the same eyes as the Uchiha. "They have the same eyes." I state aloud my thoughts. "What do you mean Gaara?" Kaiya leaned over and looked up at me. "Those eyes seek to prove the worth of their existence."

Kaiya pov.

We watch the mound of bloody sand. Gaara narrows his eyes and knits his unseen brows together. I look back and see the Kaguya man dig himself out, his skin was covered in the black lines of the curse mark. Slices of his skin had been ripped off. His back teeth were even showing from where his left cheek used to be. There was also a layer of bone where muscle should be. It was a disgusting sight to see so I turned away to not look. "That sure was a lot of pressure. Had I not had grown a membrane of bone beneath my skin, I would have been crushed beyond recognition."

"More bones. He's a monster, a freak." I here Gaara say. People said the same about him but if he was the one to say it then that meant something bad. "Well he certainly is a nuisance." Lee agrees.

"I underestimated you, but that's the last time I'll get caught in your sand." Gaara plants his feet on the ground, bending his knees. He performed a series of quick hand signs. A fall of sand started rising out of the ground in front of us. "Sand....Tsunami!" The large wave charges towards the Kaguya, He was swept away despite his efforts on trying to escape. "Y-you did it." Lee says, wide eyed with amazement. I was surprised too. Gaara had all sorts of new abilities that he must have developed after the chunnin exams. "No not yet." Gaara informs as he lowered his arms before slamming both hands into the sand covering the field. "Giant sand burial!"

I could see the shockwaves travel over the brown grains. The force shook the ground, making it difficult to stand. "Why won't he give up." Gaara mumbled. He's alive?! A tail breaks out of the surface and thrashes about. A transformed man rises out nut Gaara tries to trap him before her recovers. "Sand coffin!" It still didn't work. He breaks out of the sands hold and runs at us. three pairs of bones stick out of his back, his skin turned into a dark violet tan, his white hair was now grey, and a long boned tail trailed behind him.

This isn't good! This guy really is a monster!

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