Chapter 13

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: I am standing with my team along with six others. Out of the starting twenty seven, we are the only ones that passed. I observe my surroundings quickly. Choji is whining about his hunger, Shikamaru says its a drag that so many are left, Ino is gleaming at Sasuke. Green tracksuit guy with a bowl cut is talking to Kakashi who, I must say, doesn't look like he is hearing a single word until the man finished, sending him into a rage. I can almost see the flames of fury.

Papa stood in the middle while seven jounin sensei stood behind him. Far right was a sandy blonde guy with red glasses, going left, was a Asu-nii, Kakashi, Green bushy brow guy, Kurenai, a sand ninja with half his face hidden behind a cloth, and lastly a pale man with black hair tied in a ponytail and had brown eyes with slit pupils.

I continue to analyze the atmosphere and the contestants reactions to the others. A girl with brown hair tied in twin buns watched Kakashi and fuzzy brows with a smirk. I assume that's her sensei. A boy in front of her is the exact replica of fuzzy brow, I remember him from the hallway on the first test day, he had a look of determination. Neji was looking around just like me. His pale eyes settled on me and Sasuke for a moment before looking ahead. I look over at the sand ninja. None had a scratch on them, something I didn't bother to notice before. I glance at Gaara who was emotionless as he always seemed to be.

I noticed Kurenai looking at her own team and I follow her gaze to a trembling Akamaru snuggled up in Kiba's coat. Poor thing.... Hinata was looking at Naruto with a pink blush on her cheeks, her fingers fidget in front of her chest. Hey, I think I know who she has a crush on. "Hey look, all the leaf rookies are here." Sakura whispered. Naruto had his arms behind his neck which I call now 'Narupose' "Woah everybody's here. Old man Hokage, Eruka sensei, even bushy brow." Bushy brow, is that his actual name then? Sasuke clutched his shoulder tightly. "I don't have a very good feeling about this." I look back at the front and see the pale snake eyed jounin looking this way. A wide smirk was painted on his lips. I felt a shiver run up my spine when I made eye contact. I noticed he was dressed like Kobuto, was that his sensei?

Papa steps forth after Anko announces that he will explain. My tail involuntarily wags, drawing some attention from the gennin surrounding us. I couldn't help it since it has been forever when I last saw my papa. Snake eyes and even Gaara glance my way for a moment.

He tells us that the true purpose of the exams is a representation of the battle between allied nations. Gennin are here to become chunnin but are also here to fight for their lives and have the pride of their nation on their backs. I tuned out the story since I was told this story before.

I hear Gaara speak up in his cold venomous voice. "Any test is fine, just tell me the details of the exam are already, I can handle anything you throw at me." I looked at him and see his eyes look different. They had darkness in them, making them look evil. Papa nodded and cleared his throat. Before he could speak, a ninja jumped down and landed in a knelt position. "Lord Hokage, before you begin, allow me Hayate Gekko, proctor of the third exam speak first." I can't see him but he sounded tired, his voice being monotonous and bit louder then Shino's voice.

Papa nods and the Hayate guy stands up. "Its nice to meet you all." *cough cough* "There's something I would like all of you-" more coughs "-to do before the third exam." And more louder coughs. Okay this guy is seriously sick. He had dark spots under the eyes too, as if he didn't sleep much. "Uuuh....we have to have a preliminary exam before we move on to the...uh...real one." Shikamaru freaked out for a moment and Sakura decides to ask what they meant.

"As lord Hokage said, there are many important guests coming to watch. We can't afford to waste their time. Their here to see only the best. If any of you feel like your not in top physical condition-" More coughs. Ino sweatdropped and others gave strange looks. I can almost laugh at the whole situation. "Sorry, but anyway. If you don't feel up to this, its now the time for you to bow out. Preliminaries will start immediately." Kiba bared his canines. "Come on, you mean right now!?" Ino furrows her pale blonde brows. "But we just finished the last exam. Don't we get a break?" Her high voice was kind of making my sensitive ears hurt. "Man what a drag." Guess who...yep Shikamaru. And of course Choji is asking when we eat.

I see Naruto take a hard swallow and his sky blue eyes were wide but he clenched his fists in determination. Sasuke suddenly winced and he held his shoulder. "Its best to quit. You've been like this ever since the tangle with Orochimaru." My eyes widen, that name. I look at them quickly just in time to see a curse mark on his neck before he covers it with his shirt collar.

Without caring for the other gennin, I use the body flicker technique and spear in front of Papa. "Ibiki, Father, Anko." I greet them, my tone holding urgency and seriousness. The three look at me and I kneel, to not arouse suspicion about my familiar terms with the Hokage. "I have seen it. I know you have been watching the forest for something. I now have reason to assume its Orochimaru that you are searching for." I look up and see Anko nod. "A curse mark is on his neck."

"It's just as we feared." I hear Papa say. "What do we do with him?" Ibiki asked. Anko was the one who replied. "We take him out of the exam, hand him over to black ops, and let them keep him locked up. We have to keep that mark under control an-" "Oh and he's just going to quietly go along with all of this huh, you really think so?" I hear Kakashi's calm and even voice interrupt Anko. "You're forgetting. He's of the Uchiha clan." Anko whips around to shout at him. "I don't care what the heck he is. If he stays, he's a danger to everyone! Doncha see? As he gets stronger, so does the curse mark! That thing is feeding off his chakra. Its a forbidden jutsu that devours the one who bares it." Anko squeezes her shoulder and looks back at Sasuke. "He should be dead by now."

My ears pick up on Sakura pleading with Sasuke to give up but he doesn't respond loud enough to hear. She is about to raise her hand when another rises instead. Murmurs from the others fill the room like the sound of a breeze passing. I stand up from my crouched position and look over to see Kobuto with his arm up.

Gaara pov

First she was with her team then suddenly in front of the Hokage. She didn't kneel until after greeting them. I could've sworn I heard her say father to the old man, a pipe held between his teeth, the Hokage. She then kneels to them. I can not here her words but her voice sounded like she was tense. My eyes turn to the Uchiha holding his shoulder in pain. The pink haired girl seems to know why, while the blonde is confused.

I look back and see that the proctor from the second exam was yelling at a silver haired jounin. Even though she is shouting, I can only here bits and pieces. Curse, devour, he should be dead by now. At first I tensed, the words being similar to the whispers I hear in suns, but they all turn to look at the Uchiha instead.

Whatever the issue was, it was dropped and the Hokage started talking about the next exam. The pinkette was about to raise her hand but a silver haired older gennin, who was right beside me, does it first. I look at him with narrowed eyes. "You got me, I'm out." Hayate Gekko flips through his files. "Kobuto Yakushi ok, you can go ahead and step back."

Kobuto smiles apologetically to the blonde kid trying to protest. Does he ever keep quiet? "It seems to me that I've seen that one before." The Hokage informs the two jounin beside him and Kaiya, who was now standing. She gave a small wave before her whole form flickers and next thing I knew, she was back behind her team.

Kankuro whispers to Temari behind me. "Did you see that sis? I don't think that wolf girl is an ordinary gennin." I would have to agree with them for once. The Hokage and the two jounin start talking about the Kobuto boy. Kobuto was still beside and whispering to his teammate with tinted spectacles. "What are you doing? Have you forgotten lord Orochimaru's orders?" Orochimaru, the Sannin rouge? I turn my head slightly to listen. "Hnph, I'm leaving all that to you, what's the problem? With someone of your abilities, it should be no trouble. Its your chance to prove yourself Yuroi. After all, you want to replace me right?"

So this boy was pretending to be a weak coward huh? I see Kaiya narrow her golden amber eyes and one of her wolf ears twitch, no doubt hearing their whispered conversation, but she stares forward to not give any indication that she was listening. The pinkette tries to raise her hand again after Kobuto leaves but is immediately stopped by the Uchiha.

Good, I don't want to loose a chance to fight him. After so much waiting and discussions with the Hokage, the preliminary rounds begin.

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