Chapter 14

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Sasuke is against Yuroi on the first match. Kaiya watches anxiously, remembering what she overheard Kabuto whisper to his teammate only a few minutes ago. The fight is a disaster in the start but Sasuke overpowers his opponent after Naruto shouted at him to 'get it in gear.' He seemed to remember something and immediately did a high speed taijutsu move 'Lions barrage'. He copied that off of Lee no doubt.

Kakashi appears in a puff of smoke, stopping Sasuke from falling back with his knee. Kaiya looked around at the impressed faces but one caught her eye. Gaara. His face was stoic and unchanging, arms crossed, and mouth forming a straight thin line. But she could tell that there is something different. His knuckles were white from gripping his upper arms, she could see that he was shaking slightly, and his sea foam eyes looked......Hungry

Kaiya pov

The rounds continue on through the day. Shino vs. Zaku, Shino wins. Shino turned out to be very scary when it comes to a serious fight. He had bugs plug up the wind holes in Zaku's arms before knocking him down. Yes, I remember when I first met Kurenai's team. I learned from Shino that he is an insect tamer who had all sorts of bugs living in him like a nest. Creepy but also super cool.

When Shino reunites with his team Kakashi appears in smoke. Naruto spins around. "Kakashi-sensei!" The jounin salutes and his eye closes in a smile. "Hi" Sakura looked worried and walked up to him. "What do you mean hi? How's Sasuke?" Kakashi has, what I could describe, a bored expression in his one visible eye but I saw something else in it. "Oh he's fine, resting soundly in the infirmary." He turned his eye to look at me, he knows that I'm onto the act. I give a shrug as if to say 'I won't ask' and he nods.

Next round is Kankuro vs Misumi. I look up and see the cat eared hood suit boy giving a confident smirk. His sensei looks at him and Gaara glares menacingly. I can't blame them, he looks like someone who'd underestimate everyone. Looking at Masumi, I realize he is the last of Kabuto's team. I hope he doesn't have a bothersome technique like Yuroi did. My wish was not to be. Masumi contours his body and winds around Kankuro like a snake. "Ready to die?" Kankuro laughs despite having his neck currently being crushed. "You fool, your the one who's going to die here" Crack. Karo's, yes Karo, head fell limp. Many gasp or stare wide eyed. All except his own team seem surprised. "I think he broke....his neck" Lee says. My ears perk up at Gaara's cold voice form across the room. "What's the big deal?"

When Masumi loosens his grip, the thought dead Karo whips his head around and long wooden arms wrap around the opponent. The white bandaged package moves and unravels, revealing the real Karo. Just as I thought when we first met him, he was a puppet master. The puppet crushes the bones in Masumi's body and Kankuro wins. I'm impressed, he made me think his death was real.

Sakura and Ino left for the restroom. When Sakura was walking back Naruto sighed. "Who ever the next pair are, their going to be weirdos, this place is chalk full of 'em." Kakashi narrows his eye slightly. "Well your one to talk." Sakura giggles "you have a point". "Hay give me a break!" I find myself laughing at them, a sound that I only headed around Asu-nii and papa. I glance over at Asuma and Kurenai and they both are smiling at me with warmth. My ears fold down and I look at the ground embarrassed.

Next round. Ino vs. Sakura. All I could say about the battle was that it was interesting. Ino ended up cutting her hair just like Sakura. The battle was a draw since both threw equally powerful punches to the face at the exact moment. They might not admit it but their perfect for each other. When seeing them sitting passed out against the wall, I felt pride towards my two new friends.

Asuma walked over to me and he placed his large hand on my shoulder. "I saw that face earlier kid. Don't stop yourself from opening up, you need friends like these". I only nod to him.

TenTen and Temari from Gaara's team step onto the stage next. Temari has only a giant fan on her back and TenTen has some storage scrolls at the ready. Gai and Lee both shout and root for TenTen. While her team is encouraging Temari's is silent, their eyes watching intently. Are all sand ninja stiff? I shrug off the question and sit by and watch.

Gaara pov

I have been watching the matches and Kaiyas reaction to them. Most of the others had many expressions throughout the rounds but that girl, she stays calm through all of it. When the pinkette Sakura and the blonde Ino faced off, that was when her face shifted. She had watched her two friends with admiration. But before that round even started, I heard her laugh. Something I have never heard from this girl before. She had always seemed to distance herself, though she appeared close with the Hokage. She seemed to be shocked by her own laugh and her wolf ears folded downward. It made her look so vulnerable

After the match and double knockout, the sensei of the Ino girl walked over and placed a hand on Kaiya's shoulder in a familiar manner. He said something to her and she looked up and nodded, her calm face returned. Temari was picked to go against TenTen. Unlike the idiot Kankuro, I knew Temari would win this match. Two males that wore green track suits were cheering loudly. Causing annoyance of the blonde boy I keep seeing around here. TenTen had her weapons deflected by Temari's wind. This shocked the members of her team. I will assume that she isn't the type to miss her mark.

"You know, you can always count on Temari to put on a good show." Kankuro says from beside me. I didn't care, as long as she finishes this quickly. "No big deal." I mutter. The TenTen girl leaps into the air and pulls out a scroll. The long paper twirls around her until the inside was facing outward and it wrapped itself into a capsule for protection. Weapons fly out towards Temari but I knew they will fail. When those weapons fall useless to the ground the next thing used are two violet colored scrolls.

"Rising twin dragons!" the whole room is filled with smoke and two scrolls shoot into the sky, spiraling around each other. She jumps into the spiral and throws a series of more projectiles at Temari, who deflects them again. Metal strings were attached to the weapons so they could be thrown again. Temari deflects a third time, showing all three moons in her fan. "Wind sythe jutsu!" The girl is trapped in the whirlwind and falls onto the fans edge. The match is over. I look up and see Kaiya. She was staring at Temari as if analyzing exactly what happened, so that if she is to fight her, she would have some chance on winning. A fanged grin appears on her lips as she gets an idea.

I am eager to see how she fights. She is certainly stronger than what she let's on. I can't wait till I fight as well. my grip tightens on my arm and I feel my sand stir. "Well, looks like we're guaranteed a clean sweep in this round." Kankuro muses aloud. I respond with nothing but a 'hn' as I turn my attention away from the wolf girl, who I'm still trying to figure out. The boy with the bowl cut and dressed in green shot up, jumping into the battlegrounds just in time to catch his comrade who Temari threw across the room.

"Hey nice catch." She taunts the boy who glared defiantly. "What is wrong with you. That is no way to treat an opponent who has done their best!" she cocks her head to the side and slams the end of her fan down. "Oh beat it. And take the garbage with you." I sigh inwardly at her behavior. The boy growls and his teammate calls out. "No Lee!" He charges and aims a flying kick to Temari's face which she blocks with her fan. "Not even close, you know what? Your as dumb as you look." She sneers at Lee. The older replica of him jumps down to stop it. I suppose I should do the same so we don't waste our time.

"Temari. Forget them, the match is over so get up here" I order coldly."You won so why waste your time with that pathetic looser and ridiculous mentor." I said, not as a question. Lee and I glare at each other for a long moment when his mentor placed a hand on his shoulder. "Just calm down Lee." He smirks and looks at us. "A word of warning. You sand village have no idea what Lee is capable of. But remember, he still hasn't fought yet. So I'd be careful if I were you." My eyes narrow at his words and I take them into consideration. If I fight him, then I'll be the judge of his capability.

The panel starts to randomized the names once again and we all turn to look.

Shikamaru vs. Kin of the sound village

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