Chapter 8~Training

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Cream'Kit yawned, and sat up his eyes adjusting to the light as he blinked a few times and rubbed a paw across his face.

Rose'Skull yawned as well, as she watched her kit a faint smile spread across her face. "Good morning dear," 

"Good Morning mama!" He said rolling over in the moss, and accidentally kicking a feather and making it topple out.

 He looked around for Cotton'Kit, scanning the mossy nest's for his friend.

He stood up, and stepped out of the nest and accidentally tumbling over something.

 "Woah!-" He landed on his back but sat up. "Sorry Cotton'Kit." He said looking at her with a small lop-sided smile.

Cotton'Kit giggled, "Its alright." before shoving him out of the way so she could stand up.

 The two padded out of the nursery and watched the leader as she emerged from her den.

Owl'Star watched the cats for a moment, before padding up the Highrock.

"Good morning Sun-Clan!" She smiled, as the cats begun to gather below her.

Cream'Kit and Cotton'Kit hurried over to the other cats, 

"I have some exciting news! We have a few kits ready for their Apprentice Ceremony!" She smiled.

"Cream'Kit, You shall now be known as Cream'Paw. Your Mentor is Clover'Pool." She said,  before continuing. "And Cotton'Kit, You shall now be known as Cotton'Paw. Your Mentor is Pine'Snout." 

The two newly made apprentices padded over to their mentors, Pressing their noses together.

"Adder'Flare, please send out morning patrols," She said.

"Meeting Dismissed, stay safe everyone." She finished, before leaping off the highrock.

"Gray'Fire, And Twig'Strike." Adder'Flare snapped, her voice commanding and harsh.

"Alrighty, Now the meeting's over we can go train!" Clover'Pool smiled, turning her head to her newly made apprentice.

"Alrighty!" He said standing up from his relaxed sitting position. 

"Mind If I tag along with Cotton'Paw?" Pine'Snout asked from behind the two. 

"Sure!" Clover'Pool smiled. 

"Great! where do you think we should train today?" He said, sitting down next to her, wrapping his tail around his paws.

"I was thinking the meadow?" She said, giving a quick nod to a clearing past the forest.

"Ooo Perfect!" Pine'Snout agreed.

"Can we go now?" Cotton'Paw begged, her excitement rushing through her. 

"Yes, we can go now." Pine'Snout said, smiling.

The four cats all padded out of camp, heading to a clearing.

"Oo! Look at the flowers!" Cotton'Paw chirped, running ahead and bounding to the meadow and rolling around in the flowers.

Pine'Snout chuckled, and ran after her.

Cream'Paw laughed slightly and followed, Clover'Pool not too far behind.

They all made it to the clearing, as Clover'Pool and Pine'Snout stood in front of Cotton'Paw and Cream'Paw.

"Alright, do we want to learn fighting? Or do we want to learn defense? Or hunting for our first lesson?"  Pine'Snout asked, stacking the options on top of each other.

"Hm...Fighting!" Cotton'Paw said.

"Fighting?" Cream'Paw added.

"We can do that!" Clover'Pool smiled.

"Alrighty," Pine'Snout said standing up.

"Now, Cotton'Paw, You try and pin me to the ground, then I can show you a few moves after you do so." Pine'Snout said, waiting for his apprentice to pounce.

"Alright.." She said, crouching low and stepping on leaves, and a stick before pouncing into the air and landing on Pine'Snout. "Did I do it..?" She asked.

"Not quite, But try again, this time think of a way to get me down, like knocking my legs then leaping onto me." He said, giving her an example. 

Cotton'Paw nodded, and leapt onto Pine'Snout, this time she leapt down and yanked his tail before leaping to the side of him and sliding under him walking his legs. 

"Wow! Good work!" He said shaking her off of him and smiling, before standing up.

"Thanks!" She beamed.

"Now Cream'Paw, It's your turn."  Clover'Pool said nodding towards Pine'Snout.

He gave a small nod and leapt onto Pine'Snout, slightly unsure what to go he pressed his weight down onto him, trying to push him down.

"Nice try, but think of another way to get me down." He reasoned, as Cream'Paw leapt off.

Cream'Paw thought for a moment, before leaping over Pine'Snout and leaping on top of him, Covering his eyes he leaped down and rammed into his side making him topple over. 

"Nice one!" He laughed, standing up.

"We should head back now, we finished training for today! Good work! Tomorrow we'll practice a bit for fighting and then we move onto defense." Clover'Pool said, smiling.

"Sounds good to me!" Pine'Snout agreed.

~The four cats headed back to camp, as the afternoon sun glazed the mountains in a bright light.~

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