Chapter 19 ~ Again?

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Python'Snap yawned, looking up at still-pale dawn sky, padding out of her den to she who was awake. 

She seemed to be the first one this morning, so she patiently leapt up onto the deputy rock and waited.

Soon enough, a handful of warriors shook the den in their wake, padding out to go sit down as a cold, morning breeze twirled around them. 

Pine'Snout waddled out of e medicine den, his paw doing much better. "AH, Finally!" He yawned. "I can do patrolsss,"

"Please gather for dawn patrol." Python'Snap nodded softly.

"Pine'Snout, Birch'Fall, Sage'Cloud, and Clover'Pool. You all will take border patrol, led by Sage'Cloud. " She declared, once the warriors gathered.  "Twig'Strike, Rose'Skull, Petal'Thorn, and Gray'Fire, you four take hunting patrol."

After a little while, most of the clan bustled around the clearing. Apprentices shuffled from den to den, caring for the elders and cleaning out dens with their mentors watchful gazes upon them. Warriors came a went out hunting, or simply just speaking to one another. 

Soon enough, the bored patrol returned, looking quite upset. 

"Adder'Star." Sage'Cloud hissed the leaders name bounding over, the fur on her neck on end, hackles raised and her eyes glaring at the exit. "Moon-Clan patrol has been spot crossing the borders above the caverns."

"Thank you for telling me." Adder'Star replied flatly. "I'll call a meeting."

Adder'Star swiftly padded up the rock and sat down. "All cats old enough to scale the mountain side please gather for a clan meeting." She hollered.

The clan took a pause, and soon enough everyone gathered.

Python'Snap pawed the stone beneath her for a moment before looking back up at Adder'Star. 

"Moon-Clan has indeed tried to cross the border again. But this time, we'll take a different approach. We should have to operate two teams, one going to confront the leader the other taking care of the patrol. Or we could all possibly follow MoonClan out once we scare em' off."  Adder'Star paused, her manner quite calm. "Well?" She mewed finally.

"I think we should all go." Sage'Cloud let out a small growl, still quite furious about the MoonClan patrol.

"Same here. Safety in numbers." Clover'Pool reminded, backing up Sage'Cloud. 

"I think we should do patrols!" Another cat argued.

Soon enough growls and hisses formed among the stressed warriors, arguing.

"How about you?" Adder'Star asked Python'Snap.

"I personally think we should send patrols." Python'Snap tilted her head, deep in a thought.

"Alrighty then.  .  .Quiet!" Adder'Star snarled finally.

Silence swept over the clan. 

All the frustrated gazes seemed to quell, as they looked up at the leader.

"We will do patrols. Those who argue will be left behind as a punishment." Adder'Star spoke calmly.

The cats gave some firm nods, others quite hesitant.

Soon enough Adder'Star leapt down. "Those whom are ready, meet me at the entrance." She shouted aloud.

Most warriors followed, some apprentices joining in as they all padded forward to the entrance. 

"Everyone listen up. Who wants to come confront the leader?"  

Adder'Star watched as Petal'Thorn stepped forward, followed by Twig'Strike, Pine'Snout and Cream'Paw. "Alright then. All of us will go together. Python'Snap, you're in charge of fighting them off. "

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