30: maybe it's the end

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owen and cristina found themselves once again strolling around the city. the same place they were before. it had been weeks since novella was put on a ventilator, and nothing happened.

they had to face their reality. they couldn't hide in a small box that was a little hospital room forever. they had to get used to the idea that their child wasn't going to die just because they weren't there with her the entire time. it didn't mean they weren't scared or that they didn't care, they were just trying to adjust to the life that they were given.

she constantly had a fever, but the t-cells were fighting the cancer in her body quickly and aggressively. neither of them were sure if that was something they should be celebrating, but they couldn't celebrate either way.

but they strolled around at a park full of bright green grass, while the sky was light blue and the bright sun was shining over their heads.

cristina wore her hair in a high ponytail and wore a brown top with shorts. she never wore shorts, but it was hot that day, and she wouldn't survive in pants.

owen wore a blue t-shirt, shorts, and sneakers. it wasn't anything he didn't wear, but being a surgeon, it was nice to wear something other than scrubs during the daytime.

nothing except novella was on their minds, but they never ever talked about her. it was too painful for their liking. so instead, they talked as if life was the greatest. like they were put together perfectly.

"i told you, i never wanted to be anything else but a surgeon." she told him, though he didn't believe it at all. a dog and its owner walked past them, and the dog jumped right on owen. he laughed wholeheartedly, waved to it, then continued walking.

"really? you've never wanted to be a nurse or anything like that, either?" he asked. cristina rolled her eyes at him because she said it a million times before.

"no, never. if you don't believe me ask my mother." she finalized. "i never wanted to be an obgyn, i never wanted to be a physician, it was always a surgeon."

they continued walking without saying a word. they didn't know where they were heading, but there were two places they'd gone to already. one was a restaurant and the other was a clothing store to get novella some new pajamas.

"i thought you would've been the same thing. like...why are you a trauma surgeon? it's weird that i don't know." she knew a lot about him. more than anyone could. but she knew nothing about what he was like before transferring to seattle grace. of course she knew little things, but not everything.

"well, i grew up the smartest kid in class—"

"surprisingly." she teased. he laughed.

"i did, though." he said. cristina nodded her head and motioned for him to keep on talking.

"okay, and i knew that i was capable of becoming a surgeon and it would provide a good life for me and my family." he explained, while cristina moved her head over to him.

"trauma was what i liked best because i guess it fit with my personality. i liked the rush and i like to act quick. i worked well under pressure and so i wanted to give it a try." cristina nodded her head one more time then turned to look at the nature right in front of her. she wasn't a nature person, but the view was nice.

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