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19 August 2013

A harsh burn tingles my cheek, I can see as little as nothing.

It hurts.

Everything hurts.

My head is throbbing.

I've woken up twice now, but each time the slap would put me back to sleep. I haven't even seen the light of day.

I feel paralysed. My body is stiff and I can't think without it hurting.

I was hit with the mop, Harry wasn't there.

Harry's not there.

Where's Harry?

The thought makes my eyes open, the light making me nauseous. I guess some small part of me that still works was hopping for Harry to be on the other side of my eyelids. My eyes begin to adjust and there's a blue eyed man in front of me. I know him.

Why can't I remember who he is?

"It's almost midnight." He says, the voice echos through my pounding brain.

"Where's Harry?" I only just about manage to say. My eyes are squinting, I get to see more details on the face.

"We had an agreement." The man states and it makes something jog in my mind.

I don't know how long I've been here but it was the nineteenth the last time I was akake. I was meant to see someone before I ran.


I completely forgot.


He told me there would be consequences, my stomach feels weak from just processing that. In a way, it makes me want to throw up but I couldn't- my stomach feels hollowed out as if I haven't eaten for months.

He's a powerful man, I can tell. I can't begin to imagine what he'll do.

"We had an agreement, Hazel Woods, and you ble-" He leans on my chair, I cut him off.


He frowns, I don't know why, but I smirk- I know I won't be doing that soon. I'm awake enough to play games that I know Harry would play.

I want to see Harry.

"What?" he says. He must be stupid if he can't comprehend I'm married. He's woken me up multiple times and he hasn't seen the glistening rock on my finger yet? And I thought he was powerful.

Powerful, maybe- definitely not smart.

"It's Hazel Styles." I say and he snickers, if I had more freedom with my arms, I'd smack it off his face. Last time I went though this shit, I was quiet but this time, they interrupted the life that Harry and I deserve.

Last time they said I'm the key. They said he'll die because they won. So him keeping me safe from them, these people, keeps him alive.

If I give into these people, Harry will die.

My heart drops like a pin, I almost hear it echo in the concrete room. I need to somehow escape this room, this place. I will find a way out, I have to. It's that or my husband's life.

"We'll get an arrangement done," He smiles like the Cheshire cat, leaning on my arms of the chair I sit on. All of the people like that, getting close. I guess it give them confidence as they dominate. Although, when Harry does it, he doesn't fucking spit.  He takes my wrist and I look down as he does. With only one hand, the black ribbon, Harry's black ribbon, gets snapped and my heart does the same. The only memory of my wedding day, gone. "You belong with us, Hazel."

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