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"Hello," I say, my heart is lighter than it's felt in the last few days.

The glimpse of her sitting down made my heart break for two reasons. One: She's still alive. And two: She looks so frail.

She's pale and looks terrified. She looks like she did when she was taken originally. It fucking makes me guilty. Because I didn't give her the life she deserved for eternity. She's here because I knew they found out but I brushed it off. I didn't pay enough attention.

My welcome makes her face drop, I hear it hit the ground. Her face fades red and my heart flutters for the first time in ages. A couple of days seems like years.

She struggles to gather her next move. She goes to lean her elbows on the table but she goes against it. She then opens her mouth to speak but stops, placing her bright red face in the palm of her fragile hands.

"Harry..." She whispers, her voice quivers slightly as she does. "Harry." She repeats to herself, her voice seems tight as if she's spoken for hours. Or as if she hasn't spoken in a long while.

I go to reach for her hand but I decide not to. Instead, I put my foot against hers, she flinches but she doesn't move away. "It's me, Haze," I whisper, my voice too is weak and broken. It's as if I'm keeping in tears that I've run out of for days now.

Her leg starts to bounch against mine, my heart is cracking each time something else about her has died or at least gone pale. She looks like death itself, like winter when the trees are dead. As if sleep isn't a thing. And all my selfish mind can think of is how it's all my fault.

I try and keep my strength, me being weak won't help anything. "Baby, breathe," I start, I wish I could hug her. I'd never fucking let go. "It's okay. We're going to get you out of here." I reassure her, and I fucking meant it.

Hazel takes one deep breath and shakes her head. She moves her hands away and nods, looking at me and my hair. I had to make few changes. She really enjoyed my hair long and I loved it because of that but I need her back.

I promise I'll grow it back.

I slide my glasses back on, I figured it would be best to hide myself more than my hair does.

Someone pours our glasses, I was told the menu was already selected for us.

Once the man rushes behind me, Hazel speaks. "How did you get here?" She asks playing with the red wine.

I take a quick swig of the wine, it's bitter. I haven't drunken of eaten in days, I have no idea why it feels this foreign to me. "It doesn't matter, all that matters is that I'm here. I'm here, darling." I say, trying with all of me to reassure her.

"Oh, Harry," Her voice breaks again. "They've got me," Her glimpse of paradise is no longer in her voice. "They've got me, Harry. Malacoda, those twins all of them have me-"

"Your time is up." A man in a black outfit speaks, interrupts any information I could get from her. My face drops as he looks at her with disgust.

I can only fucking imagine what they're doing.

She flinches as he gets closer to her, a tiny piece of me dies as she does. The man practically rips her from her seat, I stand up with her to get one last glimpse. Her dull eyes catch onto mine, I feel my head pound from the kept in tears.

I look at her lips, and how they tremble as she takes a look at me. "Goodbye, Angel," She whispers to me and I had to stop myself from falling to the floor in agony.

They take her hands behind her, pulling her from the table, going the opposite way to me. I start walking out the other door, I turn to watch her again.

Her head is down as they're dragging her, I catch a glimpse of a bruise under her tight dress. I nod, accepting her last goodbye and turn back around towards the door.

"Get him," I hear someone mumble to another and my stomach twists. No one seems to hear so I slip away behind the door as if I never existed to begin with.

New Angel H.SWhere stories live. Discover now