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I use the long mirror to do up my buttons for the masked party tonight.

Harry told us a while back now that Gemma doesn't want to be found but we're still expected to be there so we dont have much of a choice. We were ever invited but I'm sure they know we'll be here.

Since the wedding, Niall's been acting weird, like how Liam was. Liam is getting better now after the chat with Harry and now Niall is getting bad with whatever illness they have.

"Louis, I don't think I can go-"

"Niall I think you can go. Come on, they're probbely expecting us at this point." Niall's eyes are bloodshot and that colour of blue is masked with a burnt out grey. His cheeks are redder that usual and his bleached hair looks greasy.

Niall gives me a timid nod, smiles, and buggers off. Then there's the door.

I frown, not expecting anyone today but go to the door. Since Harry's been gone, I've been taking over. I open the door and to my surprise, it's Harry. He looks like Niall.

I'm starting to think they aren't just ill.

"Harry?" I say and he welcomes himself in. Normally I'd make a shitty remark on his manners but he's pulling his hair and his jaw is tensed.

He's murmuring something under his breath, I have no clue what though. He's pacing the space in front of us and he's gaining an audience of Niall and Liam.

There's a pit in my stomach. That doesn't happen often. Maybe Hazel left him? But Hazel and Harry are so very fit for each other. It's clear. But I don't know what else to really presume. "Harry, what's the matter with you?" I ask.

"Hazel, Hazel, Hazel, Hazel....." He murmers softely, he seems out of breath. Something to do with Hazel, something bad.

No, something terrible.

My stomach drops and I give Niall and Liam the eye and they walk off.

I rush up to Harry and grab his wrists to stop him from ripping out his own hair. His wrists were clammy, I might throw up thinking about his hands. He frowns at my touch and he looks up to me like I just committed the most disgusting crime.

"They've won." His words make my whole body tense but I really can't show it for Harry's sake. I think if I show my concern, it'd make him more stressed so I just frown.

At this point, I'm feeling rather sick to my fucking stomach. "I'm sure we'll find her, H." I say and he stops murmuring her name under his breath.

Liam walks past and he stops when Harry's head snaps to him. Me being confused, I look at Harry. Then Niall walks in, his arms are crossed and he's looking down. He must of felt Hary's gaze because he looks up.

Harry then slowly turns his head to me.

"The party." He says and rushes upstairs.

I smile as he does because at least we have a lead to find Hazel. They're both my best friends and I don't really know what I'd do without them both. Harry has stuck with me for years on end, he's like a brother. And Hazel makes the environment happy with her personality and smile. They're both like family.

I soon follow Harry upstairs, he's pulling off his top but I lean on his shoulder so he can't continue getting ready. "Sorry to say this, mate. But you look like shit, you need to freshen up." I say, regretting how I worded it.

He looks at me slowly and then rapidly nods and runs to the bathroom.

I walk downstairs, the shower becoming fainter to the ear before I slouch myself on the couch in a room with Niall and Liam.

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