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"Wakey wakey." My stomach drops at the sour voice of Malacoda. It's been a day or two since I had that task with Steven. My stomach has a terrible feeling to it and my eyes ping open, the blur simmering to Mala's face.

He shakes me a little, with the devil's smile on his face. "Today's your big day," He says, I have no idea what he's talking about. I look down as I feel his hand tapping my empty stomach, and I'm filled with disgust.

"What?" I ask, trying to escape from his hands that holds most of my dignity.

"You haven't been told? You'll be meeting your partner today!" He says, surprised that I know nothing, excited about the event.

"Of course I don't know, you don't tell me anything." I say through my teeth which makes him grab my face, yanking me close to him.

"Don't cross the line, my dear Hazel." He smirks like a Cheshire Cat which makes a shiver go down me.

"I'll never love him. Never. No matter what." I say. The only person I want is Harry. Harry is the person I would give my life for. I love and need him.

"Well, my Hazel, I'll love him with you." He smiles and pushes me back to the bed, I feel my head bang on the walls.

He chuckles and leaves the done up yet eerie room, so I'm left with the coldness around me and my quiet thoughts.

After only around five minutes of endless nothingness, Penny walks through the door. It's weird, I can tell who they are already by their footsteps. I miss Harry's footsteps.

I sit up and look down at my lap, dying for some warm food.

I hear Penny grab a chair and drag it to my bed, the legs scraping against the cold floor. The only thing about this room is that it's a nice looking room. I have a nice view of freedom blocked off by a window and the decration is great too. The only problem is that nothing looks colourful when you haven't eaten in, I'm sure, a few days and your father is refusing to turn on the heating.

Penny sits down in the chair, his knees are almost touching mine. He shoves me a white, round plate with a pale, soggy looking piece of bread on it. "Said he didn't want you to be bloated for your date." Penny speaks, and his words make me hurt more than they should. I shouldn't care about what they think yet I do in some way.

I smile faintly and look up to him, pushing the plate towards his chest. I blink a few times when I see such a pristine looking man with a cut on his face, right down his cheek. I wouldn't have imagined Penny to have a cut on his face. What makes me think even more is the fact the only person that cut could come from would be Mala.

"I see you staring." Penny speaks in a cold tone, I look down again. Silence then envelopes up, it's rather awkward in my perspective. "We're all in his little game, even the workers like me." He breaks the silence. It's probably the most information Penny has ever given me.

"What could Mala possibly want from you?" I ask, I don't expect Penny to give me any more of his time and words.

"He wants power. Not all of us have it but us, Hazel, are little gems of power that Malacoda is greedy for." He speaks rather fast. I have a feeling he'd be killed if he told me much else.

"He's powerful," I state a fact that has recently become very apparent to me. "Who is Mala?" I ask.

Penny just chuckles as if I'm stupid before jumping from the chair, picking the chair up afterwards. "Oh, Hazel. Do you want to get me killed?" He asks and I look down again.

His arm reaches for me, I flinch in response. He yanks me out the room, I can only assume I'm going to get ready.

Once I'm dressed, I look in the mirror. I don't even recognise myself anymore and it's only been a few days. I'm wearing a short black dress, I have matching sunglasses to go with it. My lipstick is a deep red and a cigarette lazily sits in between my lips. It reminds of when Harry was stressed.

My whole existence has been wiped from me in a matter of a few days.


The faint bumps on the road makes my empty stomach growl. There's a faint muffle of music in the background of the awkward silence between Penny and I.

He tuts, whacking the radio silent. "You look dead. Eat something, won't you?" He asks and with the little energy within me, I faintly chuckle.

"It'd be nice if you gave me warm, filling food. Not leftovers from days before." I speak my mind and I feel he turns his head so his eyes burn through me.

"Hazel, you are almost intolerable." He huffs and I look down at my hands, I'm picking my nails.

"Intolerable for speaking the truth? Or intolerable because you don't like to accept it?" I ask, I making sure to keep my eyes strictly to my lap.

The car comes to a sudden halt, he breaks the few minutes of silence we had. "Out." He snaps, I flinch at his louder voice.

I look around in the restaurant. The walls are black with a warm tone to the lighting. I look over to the only spare seat that appears to be in the restaurant, there's a man across from it. That man might well be the person who will forever control me. The person who will make me never see my husband again.

The man looks down, my stomach may be empty but I feel as if I might puke. I take my time to walk over to the man. He has black sunglasses on and I can only see the top off his head, the rest is shadows.

As I get closer, I smile, I suppose it's a way of trying to contain my nerves. As if I'm trying to swallow the pill. Walking up to this man is a big pill to swallow.

I take the empty seat, the smell of warm food making me more hungry then I can imagine.

The man is slightly tanned, I can barely see the colours to him though. He's still looking down at his lap, the man smirks and a dimple pops.

He takes his hand up to his glasses and then takes them off. "Hello,"

It's Harry Styles.

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