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Harry's hugs has never changed, but his scent did. Now he no longer smells like smoke and liquour.

It feels like honey, you get stuck in it. He feels like a pool of warmth, and a shield to harm.

Harry squeezes me, and I squeeze him back, he's alive. And so am I. "Are you okay, Hazel?" He asks me and I nod into his chest.

"Are you okay?" I ask him, taking myself out of the hug, putting my hands on his warm cheeks.

He smiles, I feel his muscles curve into it. "You're okay. I'm good, genuinely." He says and I smile to him. 

I press my lips into his, it's the first time since I've been back that I've initiated intimacy like that. I suppose it's stupid, I was trained to not care about trauma but I'm now like this.

We sit down in the near empty flight, Tee in black cage beside us. Harry and I's hands entwine into one, I lean on his shoulders, closing my eyes.

The boys are getting on another flight. They usually do this because of how risky it is. So right now it's just me, Harry and Tee.

The way that it was before.


The rustic yellow door shines from the warm sunset, the twinkle of Harry's rings compliment the warm colour. The doors opens, inviting us to warm smile.

"We meet again!" The bubbly voice invites us to her love. "Pumkin, Harry and Hazel are here!" She call out to her wife who peaks behind her, smiling as brightly as Catalina herself.

This house gives me such a homely and warm feel, something I can't describe. Maybe all homes have this feel. Or maybe such feeling is what makes a house a home.

The walls are colourful, the tiny kitchen seems spacious and homely. The bathroom here is all pink. It's all so colourful, not something you get often in a life full of dull, dead dreams. 

She brings Harry and I into a warm, yet needed hug, she smells like sweetness but refreshing too. She plants a kiss on my cheek, my hear the suction of Harrys afterwards.

she looks at me and smiles, patting my shoulders, soothing them afterwards. "You look like you haven't eaten in years." She exclaims. "Come in, come in." She says to us.

"Nicola isn't in. But, you're just in time for dinner!" She speaks proudly.

Harry passes her Tee's cage and her smile only seems to get bigger. I must say, the last twenty four hours have been quite shocking but I'd at any time climb that stupid hill to end up here.

"How cute, is this little thing." She says and places Tee down on the floor, in the corner before unlocking the bolts, letting Tee free.

"Sit, my loves. Sit." She smiles at us and Harry and I do as she says, and sits around the crooked, small table.

Harry and I take a seat next to each other, we're opposite Cat and her wife.

In the middle of the table,  in a big dish is Shepards Pie. I've never tried it before. It smells appetising and so I look at Harry.

Harry frowns for a moment and nods. I look back at the food and frown to myself. I keep asking for permission to eat from him. He must hate it.

I see cat look at me so I smile, taking a portion of the meal.

"So, how are you. The boys? Coming over are the boys?" She asks and Harry nods, swallowing his food.

"That's the reason why we are here." He says, Cat's face drops for a moment. "They want Haze and I dead."

She looks at both of us for a moment, to check if we were serious. You can tell by her eyes that she realised we are truthful. "Dead this, dead that." She chuckles. "Don't worry about that, honey, chase the world." The wife laughs, agreeing. "It is yours, you know?"

Me and Harry however, don't laugh. Harry weakly smiles, but it doesn't hold up. "Ah, we are family, dead or alive." Catilina says, trying to reassure us.

"Family?" I ask her and she smiles gleefully and nods. 

"Yes, yes. We love each other, we're family." She says then turns to her wife. "Isn't that right, my sweet pumpkin?"

"You know she is truthful." The wife says, scrunching her nose to Cat.

They smile warmly at each other, I look at Harry. He smiles and places his hand on my thigh, he goes to take it away, he assumes he broke a boundary. I don't know my own boundries but after what happened in the shop, his touch is something I crave more than ever.

"I'm your mum, your bestfriend, yes? Same thing, family is family."

I nod and accept. There's a sense of warmth in my stomach.

It's a family, and they accept me being part of that.

Dead or alive, I am part of a family.


I have not uploaded in so so long I've been busy studying!!

I hope you guys enjoy, thanks for all the support!

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All the love,


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23 ⏰

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