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As I get closer to the tin box where my own brother in law's dad will be, I find myself picking my nails and biting my cheek.

I'm not flirting with him, no way. I'd rather be given a hit than do that. I plan to give him Zayn's resting place as Harry has said I'm the only person he's told about the location.

Another reason why I'm escpeocally anxious is because they lack to tell me things. I have no idea how they've bribed Steven here nor do I know what he knows. I'm completely clueless.

"Out." Penny snaps making my head turn to him. He doesn't look at me but looks at the grey shed in front of him. He huffs. "You heard me, out."

I nod and open the door, pulling myself out the car. Today is a cooler day, the slight breeze calms my nerves.

I turn to Penny one last time and he's scratching his outgrown shaven hair, taking a hit of his vape. He doesn't notice my concern, no one does, so I use half of my energy to step into the shed.

I look up at Steven Malik and I try to put together what Zayn would look like. Steven has rather prominent cheekbones and his eyes are a nice brown, his eye lashes long and dark. His skin is a warm brown and his hair I couldn't tell and he's bald.

"I'm here for my son." Mr Malik says which causes my jaw to open slightly.

I frown because somehow I have to break the news about his death. I mean already today is a lot to take in. I never knew Zayn was kidnapped. Somehow I have to tell that to Harry too. But Zayn's own dad? I struggle to find the words.

"I'll give you anything, please." He begs, his pleads cause a flood of tears to run down his cheeks.

I look to my feet, lost on what to do. I can't tell him any easy way. "Zayn's dead." I murmer, I feel my legs physically shake.

In other corner of my eye, I see Steven's face drop, I'm only washed in guilt.

I don't know why I told him like that. How stupid can I be? I just told someone they're kid is dead and I seemed to do so easily too. I could've used 'passed' or something lighter than that but no. Dead.

In instant regret, I lookup to him to apologise. I open my mouth to speak but he gets in before me. "No, no he's not. That's what all these deranged people say. I need to see him." He states firmly.

It's hard to break it to him.  I am going to be stern just so I don't sound sarcastic if things go wrong. "Steven Malik, these 'deranged' people are dangerous." I lean on the table, my balance seems to stagger. "They're killers. They're malignant."

I look into his deep brown eyes and he makes a small noise as if he is trying to muster up words to say but I cut him off. "The  people who took your son, Mr malik, are the same people who took my husband. Only he was lucky enough to escape this shit." I partly lie. Harry wasn't taken but Harry was lucky enough to escape in some ways. "He watched your son pass and it wasn't pretty sir." I say and although I feel guilty, I keep my head up.

He nods slightly, I think this is the information sinking in. "How did he die?" He murmers so faintly.


"Tell me." He says and I nod, figuring it's the least I could say.

"Shaken and shot. Five years ago."

I watch as he falls to his knees, his sobs becoming louder and louder. I squeeze my eyes closed, it really isn't fair to tell him like this. I take out the piece of paper from my dress and I crouch down, sitting next to him.

I sit in silence, his cries overfilling my ears. It's not fair. This place is merciless. "It's like a maze." I begin after some time. If I get the chance to tell him to leave, then I will. "It'll only get harder to find your way out."

He turns to me. He looks disgusted in me and to honest, I'm disgusted in me too. "You're husband watched my son die. You're evil." He speaks, gritting his teeth.

My stomach drops lower. The longer I'm gone from Harry, the bigger of a monster I'll be. I look at my now interesting knees. "I.. can't tell you much but, up until now, we all thought Zayn was an adoptive child." I say faintly.

His tears become louder, my mouth keeps running. "My husband was going to get him out, y'know. Zayn would've turned out just as deranged as the rest of us." I say, trying to help. I've realised my stronger side is gone and I just want to help the man in some way.

He nods and I tap on his shoulder to give him Zayn's resting place, he put's it in his pockets.

I stand up, I stuble slightly from the heels before helping him up too. His eyes are red and puffy, it's hard to look at them without crying.

"You can leave. Run away as fast as you can, as far as you can. Never speak of us again. We'll give you all the money you'll ever need. Or, your arrivals will become more violent each time." I give him the options. He leaves with money, or he keeps fighting for something that hasn't been there for years.

"I'll... I'll go." He turns says. I can tell it's not for the money, but for his own safety.

I nod. "Please know that if you're ever seen again, you will be killed." I state, fear in his eyes. He nods profusely.

"Umm.. Is Zayn's.. y'know... is it part of whatever this is?" He asks and I shake my hed.

Now, although I don't know myself, I tell him no as Harry would've chosen a resting where Zayn is completely free.

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