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It's not been a week. Maybe just over a week now. And slowly, very very slowly, they're making me work harder and harder.

"You have a meeting with Linda Woods and 2PM, then dinner with your new match at around 4PM. 5, you have a photoshoot and at  8PM, you have a family dinner with some drinks at the end." Penny says to me. The car pulls up and I feel like I'm going to puke up my guts.

I have no idea how I feel towards my mother. Maybe it's anger. Maybe disgust, sadness, sympathy. Maybe it's nothing.

I hop out the car, slamming the door behind me and look up at the small building. I sigh and go through the door.

I get located to the room, I take a seat. "Oh Hazel," my mother says and then she places her hand on mine, I look at her blankly. "You look so much healthier." She says, squeezing my wrist, her hand fits around it so easily.

"You've lied to me." I say, I want to get all my thoughts out, my heart feels heavy with hurt. I pull my hand away, under the table.

In astonishment, she puts her hand on her chest, her mouth gapes. "I'm not liar. Hazel-"

"You said you didn't know where my dad was."

She pauses and then carries on, "Well, your dad is a powerful man and I needed you to be kept humble." I'm in shock really, but I give her nothing. "You should be thanking me really."

I look to my lap and my head is hurting as if I'm holding back tears. "No, you hid my life away from me." I say.

"Hazel," She says in disbelief. "How was I meant to tell my innocent daughter her dad is the godfather of all of this?"

My dad, part of my DNA, part of me, it the reason for all of this. My dad is the reason for thousands of lives lost. The reason for lives ruined. My blood.

I try to ignore my thoughts even a little bit. I raise my eyebrows and connect eyes with my mother. "No one's innocent here, mum."

She tuts and frowns. "What did harry do to you?" She says almost concerned. I remember when I was so angry at Harry for shouting at mum the way that he did. Now I'm almost glad.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"You're attitude, Hazel. It's foul. and all these disgusting marks on your body." She says pointing to them. It makes me feel singled out and insecure. The marks on my skin will probably be there for the rest of my life. And they're disgusting.

I feel like I want to cry but I chuckle. "It's funny because Harry has never laid a hand on me. It was the people who took me. Mala, the brothers..." I say, "And you'd find the reason why my attitude is so foul is because I have nothing good to say to you."

She shakes her head. "You'll have a better life now, Hazel. You're home." She says and I look to the side, tears in my eyes. I take a deep breath.

"What life?" I ask, trying so hard to contain my tears.

"Your new life, dear."

"I don't want a new life."

"It's best for y-"

"I had my life, mum." I look at her, a tear rolls down my cheek. "I had it back in Italy with Harry. That was my life. You took that from me."

"Haze, my love, you don't just deserve life. You deserve the world. I have that." She says and I look her in the eyes. "Don't you want to world?"

My voice cracks and I back up to leave my seat. "I want Harry. I just want Harry."

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