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"You can turn around now." I say to him as I turn around myself.

I'm not sure why, but I can't bring myself to allow him to see me dress. Back at the place, everyone would see me undress, they'd feel me how they want, dress me how they want. I know Harry isn't those people but something just tells me that I shouldn't allow him to. Because I now have a choice.

As my eyes catch on to his, he smiles softly at me. I have to keep my eyes away from his bruises so I look down at the flannel I'm wearing. It smells like Harry and I've missed the scent so much. "Harry," I speak out.

He doesn't say anything but he looks towards me, telling me he's listening. The short silence pushes me towards the question that I feel is very appropriate to ask, especially now. "Can you tell me all that happened between... The Mafia?" I ask, it feels weird knowing this is all the mafia and that my own father is the one controlling all of this.

"Hazel, that life's behind us." He states and I look down to my feet in disagreement before looking at him again. He moves towards me swiftly, making my eyes shut for a moment, but I open them again knowing that it's all okay. "It's okay," he says, holding my hands. "Just tell me what you're thinking."

I take a deep breath and look to his eyes. "You're life is in danger, Harry. They want you dead." I say, and my heart weakens as I do. It's terifying knowing that I can never live, I can only run and survive. That is my life. That's our life.

He looks to the side for a moment. "But that's my life, Hazel, not-"

"But you're my life, Harry," I say, closing my eys, he brushes his thumb against my cheek. "I need you to be okay, Harry. They want me all to themselves and they want you dead." I say to him and he doesnt respond back, I dont think he can find words to say. "I want to know what happened, Harry."

I open my eyes back up, Harry's close, I can feel his warm breath on my skin, it makes me melt to his touch. His sage eyes looks between mine, his eyebrows slightly frowned.

"Are you sure?" he asks and I just stare at him. "I mean, it might be alot. I don't know what they did back there but I don't want to put anything else on you." He says.

"Please, Harry." I respond and he nods timidly.

He smiles. "Okay."

He takes a seat on the bed, it bounces slightly as he does. He looks at me and smiles awkwardly, with doubt, then pulls his t-shirt off of his body, now just in his tight black boxers. I look him up and down, it makes me nervous that I have him back. I have all of him again. I'm worried he feels that he has none of me.

He gets comfy in the bed, I watch him as he does and it takes me back to before I was taken. It wasn't long ago, I know. But seeing his butterfly tattoo crease as he curves his back on the pillows is amazing. His sage eyes, that hold no harm, searches helplessly for my thoughts. The veins in his hands and his chipped nails makes me fall in love again, my stomach bubbles. This angel was bought to my hands and I almost dont know what to do.

I walk up to the bed, he smiles warmly at my presence. I tuck myself into the white sheets, I forget the warmth of thick sheets. Harry and I turn to each other, either side of the bed. "Harry," I say to him, the words almost get stuck in my throat. I feel my mouth dry up, my heart is beating just a bit faster than usual. "I'm yours no matter what, you know?"

I gets lost in my eyes for a moment, I get to study his beautiful green eyes as he does the same with mine. He looks between both of my eyes before smiling, showing his teeth and a deep dimple. "Yeah?" he asks rhetorically. He looks down for a moment and rolls on his back but keeps his face facing me. "Yeah, I know."

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