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"I know you know something." I spit, I'm surprised I'm not blowing his brain out. I've already put a gash to his face.

He's stubborn. I don't expect anything less from a dumb soul who chooses to be with Mala.

I haven't fucking slept since god knows when. The love of my life has been fucking ripped from me. I want to cry until everything is okay but no fucking tears are left.

It has been three fucking days since my sweet darling Hazel disappeared. I haven't slept. I haven't eaten. Because everything, every fucking thing, I can link back to her.

The guy in front of me is the same son of a bitch that quivered when I mentioned Hazel in front of Mala.

"Hazel Styles." I state, my heart drops as I do. The guy in front of me goes red, I almost see him break a sweat. "Well, that got a reaction."

"It's classified informati-"

I don't let him finish his sentence, I swing my hand across his face. I have so much fucking pain and anger built inside of me.

The guy infront of me grits his teeth and prances towards me, his hand goes around my neck.

"Get out of here, Styles, your mood is ruining the place." He says in a monotone voice so in response, my knee goes to his balls.

He gasps and I kick him to the ground, he looks like he's just shat himself.

I take a blade out of my pocket and put it against his throat. One wrong move from him and he's dead.

"You fucking tell me where she is or so help me I will put this blade through your throat." I say through my teeth.

"Stop, I can't breathe." He says as I put my hand to his neck. I chuckle hysterically. I'm going mental.

"Good, now you're going to tell me or do you want these breaths to be your last?" I ask, not giving two shits about the response.

"Who are you to her?" I ask and he tries to shake his head so I hold him down more.

"Penny. It's Penny." He states and he knows down well that I need more information than that. "Assistant... shit..... guard. Fucking hell." He says, he's as bright as a tomato.

I can hear the panic in Penny's voice now, he really can't breathe and it's thrilling. "And where is she, Penny?" I say.

He doesn't say anything, just struggles.

"Come on, I don't kiss and tell."

"Tomorrow, Palais." He says just about. "6 PM. If you're caught you'll be killing more than just yourself."

I hold him tighter, I don't give two fucks who's there, I will be getting her back.

"I'll opt you in." He spills and I frown.

"Opt me into what?" I get caught off guard.

I let him breath for a few seconds before pressuring him again. "I know as much as you. Bakery and that underground one made a pact. Hazel is their money maker."

My stomach falls. There's only one thing that really could mean. "They're selling her?" I try and hide the hurt in my voice.

"I guess." He says so fucking casually.

My heart fucking gets shredded, I push myself to my feet.

I brush myself off and go to the door.

"Nice doing business with you, Penny."

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