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This is part two of the double update



I really do wonder how they've gotton a girl who is only known as Harry Styles' girlfriend to be on a pretty successful late night show.

Penny and I walk out of one of the biggest restaurants in Paris and the flashing lights come running in. I know most of these people are hired. They're all probably up to no good. Probably, they're all part of the modelling organisation. Despite that, they pobably jumped in feet first not knowing anything and landed too hard. They got themselves stuck.

I've learnt that the Bakery side and the Heart side despise the modelling side but the modelling side is what powers me which gives them money. I'm a prop for all of them.

I stop at the entrance and look around at all the flashing lights. I don't pose but I brush off my small top and skirt.

I look to the right and I recognise someone.


I give the most subtle smile, I'm not sure if I mean it. He's the reason I'm here but it isn't really his fault. I love Niall, he's still a joy to be around.

I quickly look away from Niall, Louis is right next to him.

I search for anyone else and I see Harry. My heart breaks for him and me. He can only love me from afar.

When Harry and I started getting attached, I felt like loving him was so wrong because we were the two people who hated each other. Kissing him felt forbidden. In a way, it's the same now. He and I would be dead if I kissed him.

Harry lowers his camera, his broken eyes ignite everytime another flash captures a moment in time. He looks at me for a moment before smiling warmly to me. Every time I see him, I fall in love again. The feeling that I haven't felt for only eighteen days overtakes me again when I see him. He reminds me of what it is to love.

He raises the camera again and just like that, he's another man in the crowd.

"Hurry up." Penny tells me and I nod timidly, walking over to the car.


I take a sip of the coffee in the cup. It's the only warm thing I've drunk in days. I've had a salad today so I have so little energy.

"So, Hazel, your career is very new," I nod. "So how have you managed your success to early on?"

I think about the answer very carefully. If I say something wrong, I'll be hurt. I look off to the side and Penny is there. But also my own mother which is a surprise. Penny rasies his eyebrows, telling me I'm on thin ice.

"Well, I suppose when you're surround by people who are so supportive it helps feed some creativity and boosts the motivation of it all." I say. I could've just said it was all Harry but I would be in deep shit for that, I don't think my body would be able to take it.

He nods, interested in what I'm saying but I know he isn't. No one ever is. James will ask another person just like me the same question. The question looses it's substance. Nothing has substance anymore.

"So, you debuted your career with the perfume 'Mode'." He says and pulls out the femmine version of the perfume in front of the camera, displaying it on the bigger screens causing the crowd to cheer.

I slide the dress on and although the dress is simple, it flatters me.

On the grey one it's the same but it says 'Feminine'. On both of the lids, there's a little charm which is a cross, the same cross on Harry's hand.

I smile, leaving the memories behind me. I felt so good that day.

It's funny because the perfume is so expensive most people in the crowd don't even own the thing they're praising. And the fact the founder of the perfume is part of the mafia but no one knows that really says a lot about how much people know.

The crowd dies down, it's hard to respond to all of it. It's overwhelming but I guess I ignore it. It's the easiest thing to ignore in all of this.

I give a half smile as Mr James Soupart. "Oi oi!" Someone screams from the audience causing me to look up at them.


I give Louis a nod, a natural response I could give to anyone before turning back to James. "Word on the street that you at the time was dating the male model for the brand, Harry Styles?" He asks and I look at my management again.

I could say I'm happily married but lying is the only logical thing to do. Half the things I say are lies.

I can't say anything.

I eye the host and smile uncomfortably, I hate how there's so many eyes on me. Yet no one will ever know. I bet no one has noticed any bruises or the loss of weight since Mode. No one.

"Yes, I did." I reply to his accusations. "Our careers sort of got in the way of things. I think in a way we both wanted very different things." I say and leave it as that.

I don't want to think about Harry too hard right now. It's physically impossible but I don't want to melt down on the TV.

The interviewer turns to the crowd, facing all the cameras. I look at Louis for only a split second. "Don't go anywhere, next we learn about the debut of Plaisante coming up next!"

I lean forward, placing down the mug, before shaking hands with the presenter.

I look to the crowd and smile at them, taking my exit but my eyes lock with Louis' again. "Bathroom window." He says and I turn away and walk off.

I push past Penny. "Sorry, I really need the toilet." I say and he nods.

I close the door behind me when I get to the toilets, locking it shut before looking up to the window. "Harry," I whisper. I walk over to the small rectangular window right above the toilet and unclasp my heels so I'm bare feet then I climb on the lid if the toilet seat.

I see a glimpse of his eyes but its too dark to see anything else.

"Hello." he says and I take a deep breath. I couldn't smile but my heart did. It almost hurt.

"Are you thinking anything through, Angel?" I ask him. I have no doubt that he will find a way back to me but I wonder if he's being efficient. It'll kill me if we have to secretly speak for the rest of our lives. I don't want to be anyone else's. Just his.

"I have no idea what I'm doing," He starts and I huff slightly. "But baby, I promise I will get you out of here. No fucking questions asked, Hazel." He almost panics and I nod, even though I'm not sure he can see.

"Hazel, you're on in five! You need to get you're touch ups." Penny says through the door, I roll my eyes and turn to jump off of the toilet.

"No, Haze, don't." He says and I turn my head around.

Slowly, I see his chipped nails peak through the small gap, then his full hand with a cross by the thumb. I see the little creases in the skin from the light and my stomach lights up a tiny candle. "I'm not ready." he says.

Then, I lift my hand up to his, I bring my finger to his middle one, tracing around his hand, over the cross, until our hands fully entwine. I stare at it as if it's the most beautiful thing we've ever seen.

Because it is. And it always will be.

I peck his hand and I unclasp his hand from mine so he has no choice but to let go.

"I love you." I whisper and although everything in me in telling me to stay that little bit longer, I leave the bathroom ready to become a doll again.

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