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Punches are just becoming numb- almost boring.

It's only been days since my disappearance and I'm not sure how much my body can take anymore. The first days, I used to fight back. Now I'd be wasting time and energy my body no longer has.

"How, fucking dare you, Hazel Woods." Malacoda says between his teeth, his fist makes another mark on my skin.

I look down at my lap, my whole body is throbbing. I can barely even think. "Don't you fucking ignore me, you know you should've told me it's that Harry Styles."

Harry wants me back. I want me back. And because Harry is somewhat accomplishing his goal to get me back, it's me who gets the consequences. It's always me, no one else. It's not the person who set me up with him, or Penny for not paying enough attention. It's mine.

"Sir, your appointment." Someone knocks on the door. He looks back and gives the lady a frustrated smile, his knuckles go white.

He turns fully, leaving the room and Penny comes in as a replacement.

Penny hasn't laid a finger on me. It's the only thing I appreciate right now. Knowing i won't have another hit.

"Steal the necklace, leave. Okay?" He says to me, I can only timidly nod.

I soon get ready, I get pulled to the car's back seat to get on our way. The car is silent, not a single sound except for my thoughts.

We turn a corner, and something clicks in my brain. It feels like I recognise the place.

On the corner of the road there's a bakery and I frown, my head against the window.

"Sorry I was late," I hear Harry come up behind me. I  turn around and smile because of his warm presence...

The day I went to that photoshoot.

My head pings up a miniscule smile on my face.

Just down the road, we get to the pub. Penny takes me inside and orders me a water at the bar, we sit on the stools.

He huffs, taking out his phone, he has a call. "Don't fucking move, I'll be in a minute." He says, jumping from the stool to leave the building.

I do as he says and I sit there patiently- I have no reason to leave. No one is waiting. No one cares. There's no point. They always win.

"Hey, darling." This bitter smell invades my nose, I cringe and turn to this plump man who just sat beside me. I don't say anything. I take a look at his tattoos down his arm, they're all faded except from one. A cross.

"Aren't you Hazel? That girl on Mode?" He asks and I simply nod. "Hazel Woods?" I nod again. "My son, suits that cover, my wife disagrees." His son. This is Harry's dad. my father-in-law. Holy shit.

He gets closer and smiles, his teeth are crooked and look like mold. He takes my waist, I want to shrivel at the feeling. "You should do more modeling." He says and winks and before I can react, he's on the floor.

I go to speak but I am stopped.

Penny punched him. And he keeps doing it. I back up, my heart is racing. I go to stop him from hurting the guy anymore but I get pushed back.

I need my fucking inhaler.

They have one for me but it's not with us today.

I lose my balance from the push, I turn around and a pair of green eyes from afar connect with mine. Harry's green eyes.

He drops all his stuff and I shake my head. He can't come over, I'd probably be killed this time. "I love you," I mouth and turn around to penny. "I'm going outside." I state.

"No you won't." He says back and I huff.

"Yes, it's not as if I can go anywhere. There are eyes everywhere." I say, I feel so out of breath. I need to cry but if I did, I'd get hurt by someone.

I walk out the pub, I'm not sure how much longer I can keep in the tears. They are emotionless tears. It's not because I'm sad it's because I can't handle anything anymore. The only thing I can do is cry.

Someone takes my hand.

"Come home with me," harry says to me. I frown at his voice. That alone makes one singular tear fall.

"Harry, no, I can't." I say. If his dad is here then it's possible that Harry is here too. They'd know too easily that he's the reason I'm gone.

Harry gets closer, his cologne hits my nose, my muscles relax. He brings something to my mouth, he kisses my forehead but I flinch. I flinched. "I'm sor-"

"It's okay. It's alright, baby." His eyes say otherwise. They're sage and bloodshot. His eyebrows are low and his lip is trembling so subtly.

I look down at what he's holding to my mouth, and it's my inhaler. He never lets go of it. Anywhere he goes, it's with him too. I inhale, the medication healing my lungs, and I nod to him.

"Are you drunk?" I ask and he shakes his head.

"I haven't eaten for days, or drank anything. I can't" He says and he hugs me.

I melt into his touch and it feels like I've been found again. As if I lost the light at the end of the tunnel and I found it again. As if I fell in love again. "I can't cry." I say but I burst into tears. And the tears wouldn't stop.

He holds my head to his chest, his warmth makes me remember what warmth is. It makes me remember waking up to his heart beat. It reminds me of how it feels to feel. "It's okay, Haze. It's okay, let it all out, baby." He says, kissing my head.

I feel his then duck his head, kissing my cheeks. "I'm sorry." He whispers in the kiss. He drops down. He then kisses my stomach. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry," He doesn't stop. He goes to the floor, bowing down to me. "I'm sorry, Haze. I love you, I'm so sorry, baby."


"I'm sorry."

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