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"Niall?" my whisper quivers as I watch my own husband risk his life for me.

My heart might as well not move, as it is not working the way it should. It feels like its trying to beat throuhg my ribs, trying to escape my chest, begging Harry to just come back.

"Haze, what's worng, I can't hear-"

"Get the boys." I cut him off, my hand shaking the phone to touch the tip off my lip.

"Guys-" he says to the boys, I look up to harry who is stood behind some shelves. I know he doesn't have a clue what he's doing. Something in me tells me that he knows there's a chance of death. That part of me struggles to accept that.

"Haze?" I hear Louis through the phone.

I struggle to whisper without being inaudible. It's hard to be terrifed and quiet at the same time. They had no mercy killing an innocent child, they are sure to have no mercy on killing the person they want to kill in the first place.

"Come.. come to the shop," I look at Harry, and am remind of the risk, as if I could forget it at all. "Please, I've go Tee and Harry- he could get hurt. Please." I beg to them, and I hear some muffling down the line.

"It's alright. Just hide and stay quiet. We'll be there soon, okay?"

I nod, knowing they won't hear either way, then end the call. I look up at Harry again. He hasn't moved, but he's looking around, for anything that could help him. The baking aisle is sure to not help him that much.

I feel fidgeting in my jacket. My heart breaks for Tee. Imagine being a poor little cat, both of your parents are on the run.

If I knew I'd still be on the run, I would never have kept her, I would've put her in a local rescue pet site or something.

But now, I can't let Tee go.

"Shh." I say quitely to her, I bob her up and down in the material.

I smile, knowing she's calming down slightly, then that smile drops as I see Harry tackle a man down to the floor, flour poured all over the man's head.

One man turns to two, on the floor, presumably knocked out.

Harry then starts to walk, I see one of the men's hand come to Harry. Harry then kicks them to sleep.

I know the boys must be close. They've never been ones to follow the speed limit. And where Harry and I's lives are at risk, I hope to god they're close. The shop isn't too far away. I just hope it is close enough. It has to be.

I see a face, from the main man, the one with the gun. I can't see clear enough with tears in my to tell who it is. But although I can't see, I still recognise the figure.

I see the boys stealthily walk in, and my heart fills again. The hope is there because I know five against one is easy. And I know their dynamic. They're like brothers, the know how each other play this game. Automatically, the win.

"Hey, Landon, you're trying to take my wife around too, are you?" Harry asks.

I look beside me, Liam is there. He smiles slowly at me and covers my view from the scene. Although I want to know Harry's okay, it's probably for the best I don't see. Knowing it's happening is bad enough. I just have to trust the boys will help, and that I do trust in.

"Are you okay?" he asks and I nod profusely, overwhelemed with worry and scare.

"Yes, yes." I lie. I know the lie is like glass, you can see right through it, but that's okay, no one is okay in these situations. "Tee must be so scared." I whisper to him, trying to block out the gun shots. Harry doesn't like guns.

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