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Harry takes my hand, and I smile, just so glad to feel his skin again.

I can't tell what's more difficult to digest: being away from the shit back there or being safe back at home.

He smiles at me, closing the door behind us. It's been two days since I've been back and it's quieter than usual but, that makes sense. Although a new rule, they still have not kept their eyes off of me which is great for safety but I wonder how long they're going to hold this up. I can't be cradled like a baby forever.

Harry unlocks the car and the boys get in. Harry opens the door for me, and it's not the front seat. It's not a problem but I've been in front for ages. He gives me a small smile, my stomach turns from his deepened dimple. "You're with more people at the back, my love," he tells me. "On the right is safer as it's a pavement rather than a road." He says and helps me in the car.

I understand how it's more safer because quite simply it is. No one can shoot me from the front, no one can drive by and hurt me. If someone pulls me out, I've got two people either side to pull me back.

"Hazel, love, can you lock the door for me?" Harry asks, now in the drivers seat, looking at me through the rearview mirror. I nod but take a split second to look how soft yet stern his green eyes are. They're like an overgrown garden and you just so happen to get caught in the vines.

All the boys now in the car, Harry takes off.

Since I've met the boys, I feel all of us has in some way matured. They all still mess around and things like that but mostly, they don't steal things because they can. I suppose I'd guess that back all those months ago I would expect a separate mode of transport for most of us- now, we're not fussed.

The boys were all called for a meeting. I wasn't invited but they refused to leave me alone. In my opinion, I'm safer at home as people from the mafia aren't there but Harry is stubborn and theres always that chance he's correct.

I look out Niall's window on the other side, he's also staring at the landcape around us. Looking at him now, I really do feel like I have nothing bad against him. I'm happy it's that way. Niall means a lot to me and although it'll take some time to take in that I went missing because of him, I think I'll be able to forgive him.

I look up at Harry and in the corner of my eye, I see him looking at me through the rearview again. I smile, knowing he can see me and then he goes back to paying full attention the the road.

The car ride is silent but the apartment the meeting is being held at is not far away now.

"Japan sounds like a good place to have a holiday in or something. It's close to Australia so it's probably...." Liam says, then pipes down. "Louis, Niall, stop loo-"

"Austraila. Are you fucking thick?" Niall asks him, nudging his nose. I can't help but smile.

I feel like they're trying so hard to make me comfortable but I also need normal to recover.

"Pisstake." Louis murmurs and both Niall and Louis giggle to themselves.

We then arrive at the apartment building, it's quite run down but I suppose you don't want to be paying for something that you'll soon not be in.

We all walk up the flights of stairs and before we turn a corner, Niall stops me. I frown at him and he looks to our feet but then chooses to look me in the eye. "Hazel, you know I'm sorry, right? Because I am. I'm so sorry. I really thought I left it behind, I really did."

I go in and hug him. I don't really forgive him as back at wherever I was really fucking hurt me but I hug him because it's a step towards forgiveness.

I smile and back out of the hug and he smiles. "It's not as if I died or anything." I say just to lighten the mood. I can tell it didn't really help but it was something.

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