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My red dress is the only colourful thing in my life right now.

Since my proper waking up, it's been a day. It must be the twentieth because I saw Louis at the masquerade. Before I was pulled away, I did try and tell Louis it's too soon.

The only verbal words I've said today is 'where's Harry'. I suppose I don't believe they deserve my words. Harry made me live to my fullest and I've been separated from that.

Penny is my manager in a way. He makes sure I'm staying in my lane. He's not rude at all, he's just stern. I'm guessing Malacoda has got him as much as he has me.

I try my best with all the strength left in me to push the door open. I really need to find Louis to make sure he knows not to tell Harry. I trust him to not tell Harry and right now, that's all I have.

I also want to tell Niall that I forgive him.

I really would tell the clearly stronger man at the other side of the door to go fuck himself or something that Harry would say but I know that'll only get me hurt. They can't hurt me but Mala can.

With one push, the man behind the door jolts me back, the door completely closing. I'm worn out, my heart is thudding and for the past few hours I've been in constant fear. I start turning the door knob to try to open it but he's on the other side holding it firmly. He's probably trying to get the door locked.

The calm sound of chatter from downstairs is quickly overtaken by the ratteling of the door to try and get it open still. It's giving me a migraine and I don't think I have much strength to carry on. I can't really be starved but I haven't eaten since back at home. They've all harmed me in some way. The Guerra's have beaten me and my own father hurts me too. Anything I say seems to be taken with offence.

I stop the noise for a moment but I end up carrying on. I really don't see how it's fair to keep me away from the party because I didn't want to be Mala's arm candy. I'm his daughter, of course I wouldn't want that.

He wanted to take me around to find a potential owner.

And now that's out the window, I'll be punished.

My heart thumps even more as I hear running, I can only assume it's for me. I squeeze my eyes shut.


My eyes flicker back open and my ratteling slowly come to a hault. Styles.

Harry's here.

Harry must've been caught because the running has faded too. My stomach flairs and I feel flutters of something that is no longer allowed in my Paris,


I smile for the first time genuinely since my disappearance- I've only snickered or smirked at how ridicules this all is. Although I know the small glimpse of happiness won't last all that long, I know there's a tiny- minuscule chance that I'll be found.

The boys are here and most importantly, Styles.


It's been now another day of my disappearance , nothing has changed except form a large cut on my stomach hidden by a small black dress. It's not deep but it's large.

Penny is driving me to this guy, Steven. I'm not sure who he is but I need to tell him that if he backs off, he'll have all the money he could possibly need. And somehow I need to flirt to make sure he says yes.

"Who is Steven, anyways?" I ask Penny. Penny won't hurt me and even if he could, I'm not too sure he wants to. He is insulting with his words, though.

"Steven is none of your business." He states.

"I'll tell Mala about you leaving a mark on my body." I say, knowing he'll be killed if that actually happened.

Penny then has a change of heart, "Steven Mailk. He has a missing kid, Zayn, and he won't let the bugger go."

Zayn Malik.

My late brother in law.

This will be the closest I'll ever be to Zayn.

I smirk. "Malik."

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