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I'm fucking miserble.

It's now been just over thirty-one hours since my Hazel went missing.

People right now see Harry Styles, the model who has dark secrets but right now I'm Harry. I'm Harry who wants her wife back. Harry who wants a hug.

Harry beneath the mask is sweating. In fact, the mask is so fucking uncomfortable on my face but I can't take it off.

I gave Louis a hug, I really fucking needed but it didn't feel like Hazel's at all. I really fucking need her right now. It's not healthy loving someone so fucking much but when she's the reason that the world spins, it has to be healthy. She is my fucking healthy. I'm like a satellite that orbits around her prettiness.

I pull my collar away from my neck for air, I really fucking need it.

I can't even remember if I say goodbye to the boys because right now my mind is focused on Hazel. It has been since the minute she disappeared and way before that.

I push through the crowd full of men with masks and suits with younger women by their side- I'm positive most of these women have been purchased.

I catch Sebastian and Diego and charge towards them. It can only be so many people who have taken her. I had to save Hazel from the Hearts as one of my tasks so it could be them. It could be Malacoda- it could even be Linda.

I force my hands to Sebastian so he's between me and the wall. "Where the fuck is she?" I ask, I haven't realised how hoarse my throat is. 

"Woah- who?" He asks so cluelessly. I push him further into the wall, I'll break him through the fucking wall if I have to.

"Don't play fucking dumb. Where is she?" I say and rip off his stupid fucking mask. "Don't go all quiet now, you shit. Where the fuck is she?" I ask again, my walls are completely down. Anything could hurt me. Violence is the only thing I know to build some walls back up.

Maybe even Harry is a monster.

"Styles, let's say I do know where she is, I wouldnt tell you. And let's say I knew where your lover ran off to, I can only presume she ran off to someone better than you but either way, I wouldn't tell you." He grins and I push him one last time before I storm back off into the crowd.

My clammy hands are clenched, it's fucking painful but I can't stop. I'm angry and not even and Mala or The Guerras. But because if I wasn't such a prick in the first place, I would be on better terms with everyone. This is my payback.

I'm risking my life for the one who gives my life back. If I see mala and he knows I ran off with Hazel, he'll kill me. I made it so he couldn't benefit off of Hazel and no one else could either. I made her free.

I catch him in the VIP area wth a younger boy beside him, whispering something in Mala's ears. Mala is listening but his eyes lock on mine, he's smirking and this angry dread fills my stomach. I guess the feeling is better than starvation.

I take a deep breath, the smell of liquor filling my nostrils before walking up to the Mafia Boss. Mala is lazy for a GodFather, it's kind of pathetic. I guess we all are, though. The main associates sit down and let others do the work.

The guy next to Mala then looks at me and stops speaking to him. He looks fucking terrified. I would get a high out of this but if people weren't as terrified of me, this would be a lot easier.

I open my mouth to say something but Mala takes me by the shoulder, chuckling to me. "I've seen you've come back!" Mala says and I purse my lips shut, ready for the worst.

His arms cocks back, ready for a punch in the gut, I squeeze my eyes shut in preparation. The impact though hurts, is better than Hazel out of my life. It sounds so fucking cringy but it's true.

"Where's Hazel?" I say, I feel the need to clear my throat. As I say my words, the guy beside him looks alert. He knows something to do with where my wife is.

I don't show any emotions, Mala shrugs. "No idea," He grirns. "If you find her, tell her daddy says she's grounded." He pats my back and I freeze up, disgusted by his words. "You know, I might need to kill you. You were meant to keep my daughter safe. There's always sanctions with me, Styles." He pouts sarcastically and I want to fucking disappear. "Boys."

Two larger men walk towards me and my legs unconsciously run out of the area, more men start chasing me. I run up these huge stairs and trip on the way up, I can feel they're right behind me.

I'm met with a long hallway and there's a man who closes the door, the door starts ratteling. I don't have time to even think as I keep running, I still hear the rattling in the distance.



Harry's no good alone. </3

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