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In the corner of my eye, I see Harry sat there but he rises as soon as I catch his eye. "Hazel, what- what are you doing? You need to go back." He starts and I can't find the guts to respond to him because I know how bad and stupid this desison is.

"Hazel." he pushes and I look down at our shoes, feeling smaller than I should. I know he won't belittle me but I know I will. "Hazel, you're not being safe."

"Well, neither are you." Is all I respond with and I look up to him. He purses his lips, fustrated. He repositions himself as the train moves and I flinch. I look away.

"Baby, you're going to get yourself hurt." He says, a lot softer than last time, it makes me look at him once again.

His eyes are squinted almost, concerned for me. He's more concered for me than I am. His eyelashes dark, his sage eyes look faint and weak but deep and sad.

"I was going to get hurt anyways, Harry." I say to him. No matter what happens tonight, I'm going to face the consequences. I was going to get so badly hurt. Earlier, I told him I couldn't go home with him, but I can't leave him again. That would hurt me more that the consequences.

I weakly smile as he gives in, I take a seat next to us. He sits next to me, I shuffle closer to him, leaning on his shoulder.

"I love you so fucking much, Hazel Styles, you know that?" he says, kissing my head and I hum.

"I know." I say, closing my eyes. I thought the waffle would've given me more energy but I feel tired, my eyes are heavy.

"Holy shit." He murmers to myself and I laugh in response, I know how ridiculous all of this is.

But I'm home, and I'm staying home until I'm taken again. I can't fucking leave him. Not again.

"I'm going to get into so much shit." I say and I feel his head turn to me.

"No, you can't go back after this." he states and I feel myself not winning the argument that hasn't even started yet. So, I just nod.

I breathe out, feeling my self slowly fall asleep. "You're not fucking leaving my sight, you hear me?" He says sternly and I fully understand why. I mean, last time when I wasn't with him, I was hit with a broom.

"Loud and clear, Angel."



I pick at my lip, looking at Hazel sleeping on the sofa. All of us are staring at her wondering what the fuck is our next move.

She looks thin and weak. Frail and small. She's here but I barely feel like I have her back. She's the love of my fucking life and it kills me that I have to ingore every mark on her body. Her Instagram looks fake. She looks like anything but Hazel. Her ring is gone, so is the black ribbon against her wrist. It's all gone. As if her life is eating her awway.

I'm going to have to fucking fight for her life. I will die for her, I will. She's a fucking angel and I can't let her go again.  She's going to be traumatised for the rest of her fucking life.

"What the fuck are we gonna do?" Louis asks, his hands on his hips. It's funny, before Hazel arrived, Louis was quite a quiet person. Hazel made him a happier and better person, like all of us. When I first arrived back in Paris, I noticed the love seeping out of all of us in some way. The way Louis' face dropped when he heard the news only can be a reaction that a close friend has.

I look at Niall for a slight moment. I know Hazel would hate me to hate Niall. I dont hate him. He's practically my brother I've known him for that long. But if he didn't bring his phone, Hazel would be a lot less fucking trapped.

I know something's going to happen to me too. One of my tasks on the trip to save Gemma was to persaude Hazel to the model side which I never really completed. I didn't save Gemma either- she saved herself. And lastly, I had to keep Hazel safe. With all of the organisations coming for her, I had to keep her away from any harm. I completely failed that.

I know what's going to happen to me is going to be bad because the consequence of not doing these tasks was my death.

And it's been a while so I know whatever is coming, it's going to be fucking bad.

I look away from Niall and look back to Hazel. Even when she's in her most vulnerable state she looks at peace when she's sleeping.

I breathe in. "The only thing we can do is hide."

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