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"You're bringnig Tee?" I ask, keys in hand. It's soon Niall's birthday- tomorrow actually. He's turning 20 this year, Liam and I decided to do a little somthing for him. We never celebrate birthdays- one reason we're doing this is because we want to bring something to Hazel's life. 

"Yes, for her joyride." She says and I just smile. I take a deep breath, it feels fresh. There she is, my Hazel. She looks similar to how she was before, taking in her will always be my favourite thing. I've got her and she's got me.

She notices my warm smile towards her and so she smiles back. Having her back, I have that same feeling as I did when I first met her. I wanted something from her, I needed it. I craved something about her- now I know I just love her.

"You ready to go?" I ask, snapping out of my trance.

"I'm ready to go." She tells me then walks past me, she knows no matter what, she has to be infront of me. I can't risk losing her again.

I watch as she gets into the passenger seat. When the boys are in the car she goes in the back but she's in the front today so I can grab her. Just in case.

I move the car onto the road. "Hazel. Are... were you upset with me? Yesterday?" I ask out of curiostiy. I decide  it was better telling her than keeping it to myself. I figured that's what she would want.

"No.. Harry, I'm not upset." She reassures me, her voice has been a lot smaller since I got her back. "It's a lot to take in, is all." She says and I nod, ending the conversation.

"Just-" She says, but cuts herself off. "Please forgive Niall. He didn't do anything wrong, it was a mistake. You guys were so close." She says and I stop the car at the red light.

I look to the steering wheel and chuckle to myself, I turn to her with a fake smile, it's better than crying. I hate feeling like I'm going to fucking lose her.

"It's weird getting used to all of this, right?" I ask rhetorically, I look back to the wheel.

"What?" She asks and I turn back to her.

"It'll never be the same as it was. It's weird, we're going to have to realearn each other." I tell her my thoughts. I feel like what I'm saying is true. This is it, this is us. There's no other side. Just acceptance and getting comfortable  with it.

"What do you mean, Harry?"

"I love you so fucking much, Haze. Y'know it's not going to be the same," I start explaining to her. "You went through shit, baby, so much fucking shit. Shit I'll never be able to comprehend, I'm sure." I say, knowing theres no perfect way to say this. "I mean, there's so many boundries now-"

"I'm sorry-"

"What? No, Hazel don't do that to yourself." I say to her, frowning. "It's normal, right? I forgive you. I love you." I say, she nods with no courage whats so ever. "We just need to grow again." I say and I notice it's not really helping, I don't know how to fucking help. "Look, it's okay, okay?" I pause, moving my whole body to its facing her a bit more. "I love you. And we'll grow and I promise baby, I'll grow with you."

The green light reapperars, so I shuffle in my seat again and move forward. "And you'll never leave, no matter how difficult I am?"

I turn the wheel, making a right and as I do, I look at her with an enthusiastic face, a subtle smirk on my lips. "Stuck like glue, my love."


I pass her with the shopping cart, I see the movement hidden in her jacket from Tee. "What are we looking for?" She asks, walking with me.

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