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"You got here okay?" I ask, my hands clasped behind my back as I approch Harry.

It's so surreal. He's right here in front of me. His skin is more real than ever before. The glint of his eyes are just a bit brighter, his lips just a bit plumper. It's Harry Styles. My husband is right here.

I'm so fucking nervous.

I'm worried. What If I flinch? What if we have nothing to talk about? What if I've changed? What if we changed?

I really want to keep this date we have postive but I can't help but be caught in the negatives instead.

Harry sat on a bench, looks up to me, his face lights up. His eyebrows raise and theres a small pout on his lips. His lips are such a beautful plum colour. I can't help but study him because I don't know when I'm going to be able to do so again. His hair is now short. It's so weird, but he did it for me. He's beautiful and I hope for him to one day grow it out again.

I take his hands and pull him from his seat, I struggle and hear a faint snort as I do.

I then pull him into a hug, I melt in his hold, his scent holding randsom. I brush my hands on the back of his neck, used to the curls that used to lay so perfectly there.

I back out of the hug and I feel myself hesitate as he puts his hands on either side of my shoulders. His face doesn't change much but this forlorn tone lays in his sage eyes. "Are you sure it's safe for you to be here?" He asks.

"Most of the people are drunk back at the shoot. Barely anyone noticed me gone, I bet." I say and pull him away, to go for a walk. "Let's not talk about it though. I mean everything that's happened." I say and he nods in agreement.

Hand in hand, we walk over to this grass patch, it has a lake and a beautiful wooden, arched bridge connecting either side.

I lead Harry to the centre of the bridge. He leans on the banister, looking at the empty space of grass and trees. "Why don't we leave tonight? We'll go off somehwere, Haze. Please, baby. Why don't we... we can get a ticket somewhere. Just you and me, Hazel. Until we fucking die." He says, and it breaks my heart knowing it's not that easy.

I don't say anything to respond, he notices that I don't. He turn to me for a moment before moving around so I'm the one in front of him. He hugs my stomach from behind, it grumbles, I haven't eaten since early yesterday as I've had shoots.

I hold his hands that are on me, he rests his chin on my shoulder, his skin on mine sends me to awe. "I'll take you to the moon if I have to." He whispers, kissing my shoulder before swaying me from side to side. I look up at the starry sky, the full moon brightening the sky.

"I can't, Angel. You know this." I say as soft as his whispers. His head turns towards me a bit more, still on my shoulder, his nose brushes on my cheek. I feel his silk green eyes look up at me. They're so much different than they were when we first met.

Then, they were cold and intimidiating. He let no one in. Now, they're vulnerable. Anything could hurt him.

"Why not, baby? Why can't we?" he asks, almsot begging for me to give in. It was easy last time because he and I didnt know the consequences.

"They're all fighting for me. And I know barely anything, Ang. My side, your mother's side. It's all hidden lies. If you have me, if I give in, they'll know it's you behind this too easily. It'd be unsafe for both of us. It could get us killed, Harry."

He then revolves around me again, but now he's leaning on the railing, facing me. He frowns, softly closing his eyes as if he's trying to contain tears. "Hazel, come home." he says says, frustrated. Not at me. But at himself I'm guessing. He's angry at himself and angry at the people around us. The world has failed us both.

New Angel H.SWhere stories live. Discover now