Chapter 29

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"How did you like the song!" Niall shouted as he wrapped his arm around Allyna.

"We wrote it just for you girls." Harry said as he picked Lauren up and spun her around before setting her down. I sweetly smiled at her and looked around for Zayn when I couldn't find him I went and watched Keaton and his band Emblem3.

Keaton, Wesley, and Drew were done singing and came to walk off stage. "KEATON!" I shouted when we started running at each other and we met half way, him picking me up and spinning me around, kissing my cheek. "Keaton that was amazing!" I said as he set me down when Zayn walked over. "Hey babe!" I said as he put is arm around my shoulder.

"Hi. Did you like our song now that you heard everyone sing it with me?" He asked mever taking his eyes off of Keaton.

"I loved it. It made me speachless and I can't wait to hear more of your songs." I said wrapping my arms around his waist when he pulled his other arm around my shoulder.

"I can't wait for you to hear them." He said with a half smile putting his hand over my tummy where the baby is. I was getting bigger but I don't think Keaton knew it was a baby he probably just thought I was getting fat.

"How far along are you babe? When should we come up with a name for the baby." Zayn said when Keaton's smile faded and he started to look around like he felt uncomfortable.

"Ummmm I have an appointment tomorrow if you want to see how far along we are and if we are far enough along the gender, then we can come up with a name for the little guy." I said looking at Zayn.

"You two are haveing a baby toogether?" Keaton asked.

"Well I hope so unless I am just getting super fat." I said gesturing to my baby belly.

"Well forgive me for not noticing like a real gentleman." Keaton said storming off.

"What is his problem?" Niall asked walking over to us.

"He likes her." Drew said coming over to the boys and I.

"What? No he doesn't! He would never like me he is too young. I mean he is really cute but that can't be possible. He doesn't like me." I said hoping all the guys would believe me that there is no way Keaton could like me.

"Well he told me when you and Louis left whatever day that was." Drew said "I am going to go talk to everyone." He said before he turned around and ran over to Tate Stevens and Carly Rose.

"He likes you? Haha thats cute! Thats actually really funny!" Zayn said laughing after Drew was far enough away. "Good thing I snatched you up when I had the chance." He said still chuckling about his first comment. "But I still dont think that would have made a difference." He said laughing even harder.

"ZAYN!" I shouted hitting him on the shoulder. "That was mean! I mean Keaton is dreamy and he can sing too! He is smart and funny and caring and helpful! What more could you ask for?" I said realizing what I said and how I said it.

"Do you have a thing for this so called Keaton? I mean you talk about him like you are 14 and you have a school crush on him. What next am I going to turn the corner and find you making out with him next to the lockers?" He asked me rolling his eyes and kind of chuckling at his little pun about us making out by the lockers.

"Zayn..... You know what I meant I was just trying to get you to stop saying those things to get you to stop saying those things about him. He is a nice boy but you are the one I am in loce with!" I said rapping my hands around his neck and pulling him towards me so I could plant a little peck on the lips before he had to preform. "Good luck babe I know you'll crush it!" I said as he was rushed off to the stage.

"Hey hot stuff! Your finally away from that fiancee of yours!" Keaton said picking me up and spinning me in a cirlce. "I missed you when you were gone!" He said setting me down when he was done spinning me.

"Keaton.... Drew told me you liked me. I just want you to know that you are a great but I love Zayn.... You are only 16... Keaton I'm 20, where I'm from that would be concidered rape.... I'm sorry but we can still be friends. But this relationship wouldn't have worked out I'm sorry." I said before he started to laugh. "What are you laughing at?" I asked with a very confused tone.

"Hannah.... I knew it was never goung to work out. I know you love Zayn and I respect that. It would be gross if we went out you are a whole 4 years old of me and have two kids with one on the way! I am not ready to step up and be a dad." He said before laughing and walking away before he was called onto the stage to preform with his band.

"Hannah! How were we?" Zayn said running up to me.

"You guys were amazing! Niall! I love what you did when you sang 'makin them drool from their chinny chin chin!" I said when Niall did is contageous laugh that got us all laughing.

Simon heard us laughing and had to find out what was so funny. "Boys! What is so funny?" He said as he came backstage. He must have heard Niall laugh becuse he joined in on the laughing. "Well anyways boys I wanted to come and tell you that your preformance was wonderful and I am so glad we put you guys together as a band back in 2010. We made the right desicion! Thank you for not letting me down!" He said before he quick ran back to the judge table before commercial break was over.

"Well I have to sing one more song with the band and then we are free to do whatever it is that we want to do. So what do you want to do tonight?" Zayn said giving me a sweet little smile that made me blush.

"Lets go out with everyone! Bring out the boys, Lauren, and Allyna!" I said already starting to make mental plans. "WE COULD GO TO OLIVE GARDEN!" I shouted "I love Olive Garden! I used to always want to go there when I was little and I haven't been their sense I was 14!" I said grabbing ahold of Zayn and hugging him. He chuckled a little and he grabbed ahold of me and told me we could go to Olive Garden after we stop off at the Hotel daycare change the kids and I wouldn't mind changing my outfit either. Maybe I could call up Erin and see if she wants to come so she can meet all of the boys.

"Whats that look about?" Zayn asked looking at me with that sexy curious look of his. "You are getting that look on your face that tells me you are thinking and making plans." He said laughing and rolling his eyes a little.

"Well I was going to call up Erin and see if she wanted to come and meet the boys and maybe reconnect with Lauren and Allyna." I said when the stage director came over and grabbed Zayn and started hustling him towards the stage entrance.

"That sound like a wonderful idea babe just let me know before we leave so I can make reservations!" He shouted before he went on stage.

"Hey is this Erin?" I asked as someone answered the phone.

"Yes... May I ask who is calling?" She asked as I started to remember all the good memories we had on the bus and at Volleyball and just hanging out at each others house's.

"Heyy Erin it's Hannah!" I said which caused he to laugh a little. "Heyy the boys, Lauren, Allyna, and I were going to go to Olive Garden and we wanted to know if you wanted to come? We are on the set of The X-Factor right now but we were going to pick up the kids and change before we left so you would have time to get ready." I said laughing a little at the end.

"I would love to go and meet the boys and reconnect with you girls!" She said with a little bit of a excitedness in her voice.

"Ok! We will be their around 8:00!" I said before hanging up the phone.

I can't wait. I get to hang out with the boys which I haven't seen for awhile. I get to see my awesome best friends which I haven't seen since I left England. And now I get to see my best friend whom I haven't seen in ages! I am so excited about tonight!

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