Chapter 19

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I killed her. I was the one who didn't hook that dumb dog up to his chain before I let him outside. I killed her, it took me awhile to admit it to myself, and I don't like it. Why do I have to mess everything up? My kids are going to be murderers. They are going to be in the gangs like the ones you hear about on the telle. I never deserved her. I took the life of a mother, daughter, friend, family, and wife.

"Louis......" Zayn said entering my room as the tears started to form in my eyed and threaten to fall. "Are you ok? You have been in here for over a week....." He told me looking at my eyes, they were red and puffy and I could barley open them to anything more then a squint. It's been a week, I feel like its been months. Time goes slow when your not with the one you love.

"Ya Zayn.... Its just...... No, no I am not." I said throwing my head into the pillow and crying my eyes out. "I have never missed somebody so much. She was the love of my life and I killed her. I didn't hook that stupid dog up before I let him out." I said as he rubbed my back which was soothing me a little bit but not much.

"I can come back later if you want me to." Zayn said as he turned around and started to walk out the door. I never realized how much I envied the other guys because they got to hang out and have a good time while I was up here crying.

"No I need company. You guys never come up stairs and vist me, yes I know that I can go downstairs and see you guys but you don't understand that all the memories come flooding back. I batley managed to conquer the memories in this room." I said as Zayn walked back into the room.

"I ahhh I planned Hannah's funeral for you. I know how hard it would have been for you if you had to plan it. I filled it with all the stuff she liked to do and all the songs she liked." Zayn said handing me a piece of paper and walked downstairs. The handwriting they were............... Different. The girlish one was.......... was..... It was HANNAH'S! I ran down the stairs after Zayn.

"Explain yourself! Why is the handwriting different?" I asked shoving the paper in his face. "Why is this girly handwriting?" I asked Zayn as he started to laugh. What the heck is wrong with this kid? Whis is he laughing at me when I am trying to be serious.

"This is Lauren's handwriting. Allyna and Lauren were helping me plan Hannah's funeral. Louis, the funeral is on Thursday. Which means you have the rest of today and tomorrow to write your speech and pull yourself together. All of her friends and family will be ther. Write about when you guys met od your favorite memory with her. Just don't ruin this." Zayn said spinning on his heel and walking away.


Shit. I almost kissed Hannah last night. To make things worse, she is MARRIED! She is married to my best friend too. I am such an idiot. When she met Louis, I was with him. I was hitting on her. It obviously didn't work.

No one knows about last night except for Hannah and I. Unless she told Allyna and Lauren. I am just going to play it off like it never even happened. This is going to be hard. My thoughts were broken with a ring of my phone. I don't know this number........ "Hello? Who is this?" I asked expecting a fan to scream on the other end.

"Is this Zayn?" The girl on the other end asked. "I am sorry if it isn'd. I knew it was to good to be true." Oh this is the nurse I gave my number so I could try to convince myself I was over Hannah. It didn't work.

"Oh, Hi. Yes this is Zayn. Are you the nurse from the other day?" I asked not wanting to tell her I wasn't into her or anything. "I never caught your name. What is it again?" I asked trying to play it cool. It didn't work because she was laughing at me.

"My name is Parrie. I don't think I ever told you my name." She said giggling at my stupidness. "I was wondering if you maybe wanted to go out and get some coffee today. Maybe around three. If you don't I understand." She said as her tone got hushed. "I will just let you go." She said before I could chime in.

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