Chapter 35

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It was around 4 in the morining when I heard a squeal coming from whoever was laying next to me in bed. "Lou....." I heard Hannah mutter. I was still asleep so I wasn't sure if it was part of my dream until I felt the bed becoming wet. Is Tommy and Marissa in the bed with me? I opened my eyes to see Hannah and laughed a little bit.

"Did you pee the bed? Is the baby pushing on your bladder?" I joked a little until I heard her scream out in pain. "Come on I was just kidding." I said as she looked up at me with wide eyes. She was looking around like she was trying to figure out what to do, or if she was ready, or if she had a plan for all of this.

"Lou!" She shouted snapping me out of thought. "It's time." She said as I looked a little confused.

"Ya... It's about 4:23." I said clearly not getting what she meant.

"Its time Lou! Not what time is it!" She started shouting at me."THE BABY IS COMING!" She shouted as I shot out of bed and started packing Hannah's bag as she slowly started to make her way down the stairs.

"I texted the girls and they will be here any minute to watch the kids." Right as I finished Lauren, Allyna, Harry, and Niall ran through the door with Kira, and Ashton. "Thank you guys for coming this early, but we really need to go!" I shouted as I rushed Hannah out the door and into the car.

I got into the car and started to drive to the hospital. I saw her reach for the radio to turn on the music. She flipped through the stations and let out a huff. "There are no good songs to get my mind off of this!" She said getting mader by the second. "Will you sing to me?" She asked as I laughed a bit.

"You are going into labor and you want me to sing to you?" I asked as she smiled before she let out a painful shout. Her contractions were 7 minutes apart. She nodded at me nd made a sad smile. "What song?" I asked as I stopped at a red light.

"Talking to the Moon by Bruno Mars." She said as I laughed. I should have known her favorite song.


I know you're somewhere out there somewhere far away, I want you back I want you back, my neighbors think I'm crazy, but they don't understand, you're all I had, you're all I had,

At night when the stars light up my room, I sit by myself. Talking to the Moon.Trying to get to you, in hopes you're on the other side talking to me too. Or Am I a fool who sits alone talking to the moon? Ohoooo...

I'm feeling like I'm famous, the talk of the town. They say I've gone mad, yeah I've gone mad. But they don't know what I know, cause when the sun goes down, someone's talking back, yeah they're talking back. Ohhh.

At night when the stars light up my room, I sit by myself, Talking to the moon, trying to get to you, in hopes you're on the other side talking to me too. Or am I a fool who sits alone, talking to the moon?

Do you ever hear me calling? 'Cause every night, I'm talking to the moon, still trying to get to you, in hopes you're on the other side talking to me too, or am I a fool who sits alone talking to the moon? Ohoooo... I know you're somewhere out there, somewhere far away." I finished when we got to the hospital.

"Thank you Lou." She said as I helped her out of the car and into the hospital. The nurrse got her into a wheel chair and brought her into the room. "Sir we need you to fill out these papers." The lady at the desk told me before I could walk into the room.

Are you the mothers husbad? Fiance.

Are you the baby's dad? No.

What is the gender of the baby being born? Male.

What is the baby's full name? Derek James Malik.

Date of birth? July 18, 20013.

Mothers full name? Hannah Marie Gleason.

Mothers date of birth. October 23, 1991.

Mothers eye color? Blue.

Mothers hair color? Blonde.

Mothers height? 5'1.

Your full name? Louis William Tomlinson.

Your date of birth? December 24, 1991.

Fathers full name? Zayn Javodd Malik.

Fathers eye color. Brown.

Fathers date of borth. January 12, 1993.

Once I was done filling out the papers the doctor came out telling me that Hannah had her baby in the amount of time that it took to finish up.

I walked into the room to see Hannah holding baby Derek. He was sleeping and she was about to fall asleep any minute. "Hey babe I can take him while you take a nap." I said as she handed me Derek. He was so tiny and cute. Derek started to yawn which made me feel a little tired as I cuddled up to him took a quick nap.

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