Chapter One

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You don't know your beautiful OH OH! That's what makes youbeautiful.

My cell phone went off. It was my best friend Lauren calling. I checked my phone to see what time it was, it was six in the morning. This better be good. "Hello? Do you know what time it is?" I asked my morning voice clear.

"Hi! Umm yeah it's 10:00 right now.... Oh that's right you live in London with Mr. Fancy Pants and his friends." She said as I rolled my eyes.

"He is not Mr. Fancy Pants he is really sweet and you will love him. I can't wait for you to come meet him in next week." I said starting to wake up a bit.

"Well I am excited to meet him, but then again who wouldn't be if they were going to London to meet your best friend's boyfriend Louis Tomlinson. Anyways I will get to the point of why I called you. Remember Adam?" She said as I started to get confused.

 "Yeah...." I said hoping she would get the hint that I was confused.

 "We are dating! He asked me out last week! I can't believe it!" She said as I had to pull the phone away from my ear because of how loud she was talking.

 "Really? That's great!" I said as Louis started to move a little. I didn't want to wake him, especially not this early. "Umm Louis is starting to wake up so I am going to go... Bye!" I said as she huffed a little.

 "Mr. Fancy Pants wins again." She said starting to laugh. "Just kidding you know I love you! Bye!" She said as I laughed and rolled my eyes. I hung up the phone and set it on the night stand. I turned around and saw Louis looking at me.

 "Good morning beautiful." He said as I started to blush.

"Good morning Louis." I said with a big smile on my face.

"Who was that on the phone?" He asked turning his head to the side in confusion.

"Oh it was just Lauren. She is really excited to meet you. I honestly can't believe she will be here in a week!" I said starting to get even more excited, if that was even possible.

"Oh really, that soon. Next time you talk to her tell her I can't wait to meet her!" He said happy that I was so excited that my best friend was coming to visit.

"Okay Louis I will make sure to tell her." I said as we heard the door start to creek.Then all of a sudden the door flew open. It banged against the wall causing Louis and I to jump.

"Hey guys your up early. What are the plans for today?" Niall asked cheerfully walking into the room.

"Ummm. We really don't have any plans.... Why?" I said as I looked at Louis as he shrugged his shoulders.

"No reason." He said bouncing on his feet. This boy was up to something. "I was going to go out for some tea. You guys want to come?" He asked as Louis answered.

"Nah mate, we're good. Right love?" He asked turning to face me.

"Yeah. I have to get ready for Lauren to come anyways." I said as that reminded me. "And I should really call Allyna and see when her flight comes in." I said grabbing my phone off the night stand.

"Put it on speacker!" Louis said as I gave him a look. "I want to say Hello to her." Louis said with a huge grin on his face and I knew he was up to something but I didn't know what.

"Hello. Hannah is that you?" Allyna asked picking up the phone.

"Hey! I missed you guys so much how has life been treating you?" I asked not answering the question. I knew she would know it was me.

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