Chapter 34

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Hannah came home from the dinner out with Jake around 10. She ran out of the car and right into my arms. I brought her into our room and layed her on the bed. She had a doctors appointment in the morning so she cuddled into the blanket and went to sleep. I walked out of the room to see Cassie and all the puppies sleeping in the middle of the living room. "Oh we really need to find a home for you little guys." I said as my favorite puppy woke up and ran over to me. "Hello Murphy." I said as he roled over wanting me to rub his tummy. I kneeled down rubbing his tummy when I heard little pitter patter of a pair of feet. I looked up to see Marissa.

"Daddy...." She said rubbing her eyes. I walked over picking her up and kissing her cheek.

"Yes baby girl?"

"I can't sleep." She yawned and put her head on my shoulder.

By the time I was going to say something she was already asleep. I brought her back into her room and tucked her in. I kissed her head and walked out of the room. By now it was One in the morning. I walked over to the calander and marked off a new day. Hannah was counting down the days until baby Derek was born. there was only one week left. We were going to have another little guy running around.

I went into our room and laid down next to Hannah. She was snoring softly, it was so cute how she did that some times. I pulled her close to me and she couddled into my chest and shivered a little bit. I pulled the blankets over us and kissed her head. Her rhythmic breathing slowly made me sleepy and i fell asleep next to my soul mate for the first time in months.

When I woke up there were two little bodies laying in my bed where my pregnant girlfriend was. She must be at her doctors appointment and woke the kids up and put then in our bed. "Daddy....." Tommy said rubbing his eyes sitting up as he felt me get out of the bed.

"Ya buddy?"

"Where did mommy go?" He asked standing up on the bed to be near my height. Looking at him now he has my jaw line, Hannah's eyes, my hair, and my nose. All and all Tomm looks a lot like me, Marissa on the other hand is the complete opposite, she looks just like Hannah.

"Mommy went to the doctor." I said looking into his blue eyes. I can't wait until he grows up beating up every boy who breaks his sisters heart. Bringing home his girlfriend to meet his family. Telling us he asked his girlfriend to marry him and that she said yes. turning 21 and going out with all his friends driking. Having his first birthday party with all of his family. Learning how to ride his bike, count to 100, read, and learn his ABC's. I can't wait.

"Daddy?" He asked causing me to realize that he had asked me a question while I was thinking. "Why did mommy go to the doctor?" He asked looking up at me with sad eyes.

"It's ok buddy. She is just going to check on the baby in her tummy." I said as he started to smile. "She is going to be fine!" I said as I picked him up when Marissa came over and started jumping on the bed wanting me to lift her up as well. I picked them both up and threw them over my shoulder and ran into the living room. The phone started ringing so I took the kids and threw them on the couch in a fit of giggles.

I checked the caller ID and it was Niall...... Huh? Niall never called me unless it was important. This has to be something serious. "Hello?" I asked kind of scared of what he had to tell me.

"DUDE!! Guess what I just did!" He said as I started to laugh at him. I looked over t my kids as they were coloring on ground talking to each other about nothing.

"Niall it better not be anything like you te a certain amount of spicy buffalo wings again. This better be important. I am spending time with the kiddies." I said smiling nd nodding as they showed me their pictures they just made. "Hang it up on the fridge for mommy to see." I told them as Niall started to laugh at me. "Hey shut up they drew me a picture! What is it you want to tell me." I said going into the kitchen and getting the kids apple juice. It was 9 so i got them each some cereal and set it down at the table as they crawled in their seat and started eating their breakfast.

"I'm getting married!" He shouted through the phoe causing me to cose my eyes and pull the phone away from my ear. "I fianally asked now I won't be the last on to get married!" He said as I started to laugh.

"Well congrats!" I said as he started to laugh. "Oh and Niall." I said as the Marissa fell off her chair and started to cry. I picked her up and waited for Niall to respond, until I realized that he wasn't going to. "Be careful okay?" I asked/ told him.

"Lou......" He said as their was a longish pause. "Don't worry, I won't mess this up." He said in a low whisper not wanting to realize what I was talking about.

"Niall its ok..... We are back together its fine now." I said kissing the top of Marissa's head.

"Mate?" He asked me as he snapped me out of whatever it is I was doing. "Can I ask you something?"

"Ya! Niall you can ask me anything." I said with a small smile tugging at my lips as I set my daughter down and watched her run to go cuddle with the puppies.

"Well two things actually...... One, can I have one of the dogs to give to Allyna for a present. I mean she has always wanted a dog and she keeps pestering me for one so why not get one from my best mate!" He said as I started to laugh.

"Yes Niall you can have one of these puppies, you just might have to ask Tommy and Marissa which one you can have. They have grown very attatched to them which was probable a bad thing. ANYWAYS! What is your second question?" I asked after chatting his ear off.

"Are you.... Ahh how do I ask this..... Ummm." He stuttered as he tried to figure out how to ask the question.

"Come on Niall just spit it out already." I said as he took a deep breath.

"Are you going to ever ask Hannah to marry you again?" He asked as I realized that we never established if we were still going to get married or it we were going to leave it how it is and go from there. I mean I would love to marry the girl of my dreams but I don't know if we are ready for the commitment after what happened last time.

"Ummm..... Actually, yes. I plan on asking her someday soon. Maybe after the baby is born." I said after a little while of thinking.

"WAY TO GO LOU!" I heard Harry shout from the backgound.

"Well I have to go the kids are pulling each others hair." I said as I saw TOmmy grab Marissa's pig tail and pull as she let out a yell.

We said our goodbyes and hung up the phone. I set my cell down on the counter and went to go put Tommy in a time out when Hannah came through the door.

"MOMMY!!" They both shouted running at her and hugging her legs. I walked over and kissed her and picked up Tommy.

"Just because Mommy came home doesn't mean that you can get out of time out." I said as Hannah looked at Tommy.

"What did he do this time?" She asked as he put his nose in the corner.

"Pulled Marissa's hair." I said as we sat down on the couch. "How did your appointment go?" I asked as something flashed through her eyes but quickly vanished.

"Good." She said but she was clearly lying. "The baby is as healthy as a horse." She said as I laughed at her simile. "He is due any day now so we should get a bag packed for when he feels like coming into this world. She said leaning on my shoulder.

"Will you marry me?" I blurted quickly realizing what I said.

She looked into my eyes and studied my face. "Louis..... I thought you would never ask!" She said as she threw herself into my arms. I have it all planed out and all I have to do is call and book everything." She said clearly excited. "I can't wait!" She said with a 13 year old girl side that I have never seen before.

"I love you." I said kissing her temple.

"I love you too, Lou."

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