Chapter 30

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By the time we got to Olive Garden my children were happily asleep in their dads lap. Erin fit right in with the group and it seemed like everyone liked her =, maybe we can make her part of the group forever!

"So Erin how did you and Hannah become friends?" Louis asked looking at me with a big smile and looking at me like he used to when we were dating.

"Well back when we were in 5th grade we met each other and then we became really good friends in the middle of 6th grade and got stronger b the time we were in 8th. And I'm sure you have all heard about Logan..." Erin said when I started to blush and all the boys rolled their eyes and nodded their heads.

"Oh we have heard about Logan. Some of us have even met Logan. She used to talk about him all the time." Louis said rolling his eyes with the cute smile that I fell in love with on his face. If only he could have stayed like that instead of yelling and cheating on me. We had so many wonderful memories. But I am happy now that I have Zayn!

"Well I was his neighbor!" Erin said laughing at all the boys. Well she laughs at all the boys stupid jokes she is like Lauren and Allyna! I just deal with them. Somethimes they are so stupid I have to tell them to stop telling jokes. They were so stupid that they made the people around us look at us like we were the stupidest people that they have ever seen.

"I DON'T TALK ABOUT HIM THAT MUCH!" I shouted causing everyone to laugh. Then they started imatating me talking about Logan. "Shut up everyone!" I sid when Allyna and Lauren came back from the bathroom and looked at everyone holding their hands to their chest with a loving look on their face.

"Are we talking about Logan Sticha again?" Lauren asked as everyone burst out laughing again. God this group sucks they always make fun of me. Never Liam, never Louis, only me! They ALWAYS pick on me.

"You guys are so mean to me!" I said in a a fake whiney voice. "Erin they are always like this! I am hoping you stay around our group for awhile since you fit in with us so well. It is hard to find people that the boys like." I said as they pretended to be hurt which made us all laugh.

"Guys I would love to hang out with you guys!" Erin shouted as the babies started tor cry. Louis handed me Tommy and we carried them out to the car.

"The babies are getting fussie so Zayn and I should go. Plus this little guy." I said holding my stomache. "Is starting to kick. Oh! Boys, Zayn will be there for practice but I have a doctors appointment to find out the gender of my child and the due date I am going to see him or her for the first time!" I said as everyone was getting ready to leave.

"Well we will miss you at practice but I can't wit to find out if I am going ti be an uncle to a new neice or a new nephew!" Harry said as he put kirra into the car seat. "Well you will have to call us once you find out the gender of the baby!" Harry said opening the car door and leaning on it.

"Okay Harry I will make sure to do that." I said as he got into the car and rolled down the window, saying good-bye to everyone.

"Well we should go." I said as I grabbed Zayns arm and bringing him to the car. "It was nice seeing you again Erin we will have to get together real soon! I will call you tomorrow so we can set up a time to hang out again!" I shouted to Erin before we got into our cars and drove off. "How did you like Erin?" I asked Zayn as we started to drive back to the hotel.

"I loved her!" He said grabbing my hand. "I hope she can join the group real soon. Maybe we can set her up with Liam sense him and Danielle broke up." Zayn said as I though of those two together. They would be perfect for each other. "Well you have to call me first tomorrow and tell me wheather I am having a son or a daughter!" Zayn said as we pulled into the parking lot.

"Don't worry babe, I will tell you right away! I wish you could come with me so you could find out with me but I know you guys need the practice." I said leaning over and kissing him.

By the time we got the kids out of the car, into the hotel room, and into their beds Zayn and I were ready to go to bed. "Oh Zayn." I said when I stretched and yawned. "I am tired. Are you coming to bed with me now or are you going to go hang out with the boys?" I asked hoping he would come to bed with me now.

"Well we just saw them and I am beat so I will just come to bed with you now." He said as he came over to me and picked me up. He carried me to our room and laid me down on my half of the bed. He then proceeded to lay down onto the bed right beside me. He pulled me close, and I laid my head on his chest and fell asleep listening to his even breathing.


I was at the doctors office waiting to be told the gender of my baby, and the due date on which my beautiful baby would be born. The doctor came in and started to talk to me. "Well you should be going into labor with this baby on July 13. Today is February 24, so you should have another 4 months and 17 days." She said as she pulled up the altra sound to show me the gender of the baby.

"Is that my baby?" I asked as she began to point at the baby.

"This is the babies head, the body, their arms, legs, 10 fingers, and 10 ten toes. This baby is as healthy as a horse." She said with a creppy big smile.

"So whats the gender of my baby?" I asked with my eyes glued to the altra sound. I couldn't believe it I was going to be finding out the gender of my third child. I have always wanted three children ever sense I was 12. I was living my dream life, getting married to a wonderful guy, having three children, and I still have wonderful friends.

"The gender of your baby is....."


She is at the doctor. She is about to find out if my first child is a boy or a girl. I wish I could have went with her but I have to practice because the Take Me Home tour. The boys are all trying to get me to focus on the music but I can't help but think about my baby.

"Dude... You need to focus on the music and timing not the baby. She will call us when she finds out the gender of the baby!" Liam told me which made me focus on the music a little more.

"I'm sorry I am just worried that I won't be a good father. I feel like I am going to mess this whole thing up. I mean what if I drop the baby and it gets a brain dissorder. What if I hold it too tight and it sufficates. I am freaking out guys I don't want this to go bad!" I said thinkig about eberything that could go bad.

"Zayn calm down nothing bad is going to happen you can take care of Tommy and Marissa like a pro why wouldn't you be able to handle a baby of your own?" Louis asked me looking like he was truly trying to help.

"Tommy and Marissa are almost two years old! How did you handle them when they were a new born? How did you not get stressed? How did you look happy all the time? I mean you hardly got any sleep!" I said wanting to know all the answers from a guy that has already been a father to two babies.

"Zayn all babies are different. Tommy and Marissa were easy new borns, cried when they needed something and their mom knew just what they wanted all the time. We didn't get stressed because we tried to control that so we did't habe the babies crying more then they needed to. We were happy because we had two beautiful babies and they were perfect. We had plenty of sleep we just had to make sure the children were asleep before we went to sleep." Louis said which made me feel a whole lot better.

"Louis you don't know how much that helped it calmed me down a lot now all i have to wait for her to call." I said as my phone started to ring. "It's her!" I shouted as everyone gathered around me as I put the phone on speaker. "Hey babe! How was the doctors appointment?" I asked trying to be patient before she tells me if we are having a boy or a girl.

"It went great! I found out that our baby is due on July 13, and the baby is super healthy." She said trying not to tell me the gender of the baby so I have to wait to find out.

"Hannah I know what you are doing now tell me the gender of our baby!" I said as all the boys started to laugh.

"How dare you ruin my evil plans!" She said with a laugh at the end that caused me to laugh. "All right I will tell you the gender of our baby. Our baby is a......." She said before she hung up the phone on me.

"She is mean! She hung up on me." I shouted as the boys started to laugh. "She is going to get it when she gets back!" I said causing all the boys to laugh.

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