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July 12, 2010 | 12:20 PM

The bride walked slowly down the aisle, arm in arm with her future father in law. She saw many guests in her peripheral view. But she paid no attention to that.

Her eyes were on Nick, her future husband. The father of of their yet to be born twins. She smiled as she saw him smiling at her beautiful face.

Nick looked down the aisle at his soon to be wife. He thought she looked so beautiful, as always. She wore a long white dress, embroidered with silk and pearls. It hugged her baby bump ever so perfectly. She looked gorgeous in it.

As for Nick, he was rocking the black and white tuxedo. He smiled even more as she came closer. The same goofy smile he had when he proposed to her. Paul gave her away and Selena then joined Nick at the altar. Nick took her hands and winked at her, causing her to smile even more.

Here Comes the Bride then came to an end and it was time to start the wedding ceremony. The priest firmly held his bible and smiled at the lovely couple. "Dearly beloved, we have come together in the presence of God to witness and bless the joining together of this man and this woman in Holy Matrimony." The kind priest started to say.

Nick and Selena stared into each other's eyes the whole time. Blocking out any distractions. She admired his heart shaped lips, his curly hair, and his tiny eyes. He admired her silky brown hair which was in a bun, her glistening caramel eyes, and her pink plumped lips he yearned for.

"Into this union Selena Marie Gomez and Nicholas Jerry Jonas now come to be joined. If any of you can show just cause why they may not be lawfully wed, speak now, or else forever hold your peace." The priest said.

Selena and Nick looked around the room and saw no one making a sound. They smiled at looked back at each other. "Okay." The priest said and began to continue.

"I charge you both, here in-" he started. But someone had interrupted it. The priest stopped and looked towards the direction of the noise.

Selena squeezed Nick's shoulders as she hung over in pain. She groaned once more and clenched her tummy. Denise watched from afar. Her eyes widened as she saw water dispersed on the clean floor. "She's having the babies!" She yelled and rushed towards her.


"That's it Selena you're doing good!" The midwife cheered. "Ah!" Selena yelled in pain as she pushed once more. "That was good, now I really need you to push harder this time okay?" She said as the baby's shoulders squeezed it's way through the tiny hole.

"Push!" She yelled. Selena gave it all and pushed. The next thing she heard was the sound of her baby crying. She leaned back and breathed heavily. Nick let go of her hand and looked at the crying baby. The baby was red in the face and had liquid substance all over its body.

"It's a boy!" The doctor yelled. Selena smiled slightly as she looked up at what was going on. She had a small glimpse of her baby boy before she laid back down to catch her breath. "Sir I'm going to need you to cut his umbilical chord." The midwife said. "Sure." Nick said grabbing the small pair of scissors from her and clipping the chord.

Another nurse then wrapped the baby in a hospital blanket and carried him across the room to a scale. The two nurses did their separate things. Analyzing the baby's weight and height and also seeing if the baby was healthy, due to the premature state he was in.

"Okay Selena, ready for baby number two?" Asked the midwife. She sat back down on the small stool and spread the woman's legs apart even more. "No." Selena said exhausted. "It will be over before you know it." She smiled. She then looked over at the chart to check for more contractions.

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