Twenty Eight

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Thanksgiving Morning

"Hey." Selena said as she entered the kitchen. "Hey sweetie." Denise said as she prepared breakfast. "Making breakfast?" She asked as she walked near the stove. "Yeah." She sighed happily.

Selena admired this woman. She got up every morning to make breakfast for a family of almost thirteen. Plus she juggled with caring for her family and caring for herself. Selena only hoped when she has her baby, she'd be the perfect mother, as Denise.

"Do you need any help?" She asked. "No its fine honey, I don't want you to give the baby a work out." She smiled. But Selena ignored her, grabbing a few pans and placing one on the stove.

"Selena it's fine, really." Denise said as she watched her turn the stove on. "I know you don't want me to do anything because of the baby, but I have to enjoy my time before my stomach becomes huge." She smiled.

Denise sighed and rubbed Selena's stomach. "You're right sweetie, savor this moment." Denise joked. Selena chuckled and cracked a few eggs into the pan. "I'm glad we're not disagreeing." She smiled. "Why? Did you expect me to be rude?" Selena smirked. "No its just, Nick's last girlfriend was a bit of a.." She trailed. "Bitch?" She chuckled. Denise nodded and laughed. It was the first time she ever heard her swear, hopefully the last.

"Yeah, she was so disrespectful towards me and the family." She rolled her eyes. "I'm sorry about that." She said as she flipped the omelette over to the other side. "Yeah.. ever since Nick's accident, he's had the worst choice in women." Denise sighed. Selena looked at her for a second or two then looked down. Did she really have a problem with her and Nick?

Denise eyes widened and looked over at Selena. "No not you though, It came out wrong." She apologized. Selena slightly smiled and nodded. "It's okay." She replied. "It's just that before, he had a great girlfriend, just like you. He brought her over everyday but I never got to see her a lot because I would always be at work. Anyways, they were such a happy couple.. then when the accident happened, Nick forgot about her." Denise sighed.

Selena nodded and remembered that same moment in the hospital when Nick broke her heart. "It's for the best." She said and flipped the pancakes. "I mean, he met you." She smiled. "Yeah.." She said silently.

"Hey." Sam said as she entered. "Hey hun." Denise said then kissed her cheek. "Hey Samantha." Selena greeted. She smiled and sat down. "Have your parents called you yet?" Denise asked. She sadly shook her head. "Nope, I don't think they're ever coming back." She frowned. Denise sighed and turned the stove down. She then walked over to her. "Hun, you're parents are coming back for, they love you." She smiled.

"No they don't." She sighed. "They didn't want me in the first place." She admitted. "Well if they don't want you, I'm happy to adopt you. I've always wanted a daughter." She winked. "Thanks for the offer, but I can't." She sighed. Denise walked back over to the stove. "I think we all know why." She winked at her. Sam looked down and blushed. "She likes Frankie." Denise informed Selena. "So I've heard." She winked at her.

Sam blushed and looked down. "Do you think he likes me?" She asked. "He should. I mean you're smart and gorgeous." Selena complimented. "Thanks." She sighed, hoping that she was right. And she was; Sam was a beautiful young lady who was insecure about herself. "When do you think he'll come around?" She asked. "Whenever his heart tells him to." Denise said.

"What if his heart takes too long to realize." She asked sadly. "Honey, love works in mysterious ways, it's not easy." She stated. "Boys are slower than girls, they don't know what's in front of them until you show them." Selena said with a wink afterwards. Sam smiled at her comment, getting what she had said.

"Morning." Nick smiled as he entered. He kissed Sam's and Denise's cheek then went to his fiancé. He smiled an pecked her lips. "Morning beautiful." He said and rubbed her small tummy. "Hey Nick." She smiled. "How's the baby?" He asked. "Fine, no morning sickness so far today." She smiled.

"That's good." He chuckled and sat next to Sam. "Hey." Frankie said groggily as he walked in. "Frankster." Nick said as they girls said a simply, 'Good morning.' "H-hey Frankie." Sam smiled happily, yet nervously. "Hey." He simply said and rubbed his eye. "So.... what's up?" She asked nervously. "Nothing, are you okay?" He asked, judging from her odd behavior. "I'm... well." She smiled nervously. "Okay?" He said then sat down.

"Katie wait!" Demi yelled as her pint-sized daughter ran towards the kitchen. She giggled as she thought it was all a game. But Uncle Nick grabbed her by the waist and pulled her up off the ground. "Why are you causing your mommy trouble, huh?" He asked as he tickled her tummy. The toddler giggled and squirmed, trying to get out of her uncle's grip.

"Thanks Nick." Demi sighed and sat down. "You okay?" He asked as he sat down with Katie on his lap. "No, I didn't get much sleep last night because of Katie." She sighed and rubbed her temples.

"Don't worry I'll watch her until you're caught up on your sleep." Nick smiled and kissed Katie's cheek, causing her to giggle some more. "You sure?" She asked. "Yes, this'll give me practice." He said then smiled over at Selena.

"Okay thank you." She smiled. "And don't you worry about the cooking." Denise patted her shoulder. "Thanks mom." She thanked happily. "I'll see you later baby." She said then kissed her daughter's tiny lips. She thanked them again before heading upstairs to sleep. "Can I hold her?" Asked Sam. "Sure, be careful." He said before handing her the tiny toddler.

"Isn't she cute Frankie?" Sam said as she admire the toddler. "Yeah." He said. "Doesn't it make you wanna have kids some day?" She asked. "Uh.. I guess." He said unsure. "You don't seem sure." She said. "Why are we talking about babies?" He asked confused. "Dial it down a bit." Selena whispered to her. She nodded in response. "No reason." She said.


The girls were in the kitchen again, slaving over the hot stoves. The room was full of chaos. They rushed around in the room to find specific things for the meal. Denise was constantly panicking over the simple things. She only wished for Selena's first Thanksgiving with them to be perfect.

"Do you guys think I was being too forward with Frankie?" Asked Sam. "Umm...." Denise trailed off, stirring the pan of macaroni and cheese. "I knew it, ugh." She said in frustration. "Calm down honey." Selena says to her. "It's normal to tense up around guys." She smiles. "Really?" She asked relieved. "Yes that's why you talk to him more to get used to it." She says. "Okay." She nodded. "And now would be the time to talk to him or hang out." Selena said.

"Okay, I'll go." She smiled and said. Sam walked slowly up the stairs, thinking of what to say to him. When she reached the room door, her mind went blank. She took a deep breath. "Okay, here I go." She whispered confidently to herself. She put on a brave face and opened the door. "Hey Frankie, can we talk- ahh!!" The girl exclaimed. She closed her eyes and was in complete shock.

"Ahh!!" Frankie screamed also. He quickly pulled up his underwear along with his blue jeans. "Get out!!" He said, throwing a PlayBoy magazine at his best friend's head. "I'm sorry!" She apologized before closing the door. What just happened? She thought.

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