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"Hey, are you even listening?" Selena heard Blanda say.

She looked up at her co worker, who was straightening Selena's hair. "Oh, sorry." She apologized. "So anyways, I walk into my apartment, to see Jack sleeping with another girl! That's when I said love hates me." Blanda complained.

"Don't worry Blanda, love will find a way for you." She said, assuring her. "That's what my mom always says, but it's not happening." She said annoyed.

She pulled out her hair spray and sprayed it all over  Selena's hair. "Love is patient." Selena said. "Easy for you to say." She said, setting down the container. She teased her fingers through Selena's hair to set it in place. She stepped back and took a good look at her work.

"Perfect, the only thing you need is, this." She said pulling out a small container with two circles on them. "What's that?" Selena asked pointing to the object.

"These are contacts." Blanda said, opening both holes. “And  you are going to wear these." She said. "Those tiny plastic things?" Selena asked unsure. "Yes." She answered taking Selena's glasses off. "Just keep your eyes open and look up." Blanda said before placing the contacts in her eyes.

"Ow." Selena said blinking multiple times. Liquid escaped her eyes as she adjusted to the contacts. "You'll get used to it." Blanda said pointing to her eyes. "You wear them?" She asked shocked. "Yes, and by the way, I have brown eyes, not blue eyes." She said nudging her. "Wow." Selena said laughing.

"Hurry up! The flight leaves in an hour so we have to leave!" Nick yelled from downstairs. "Coming!" Blanda yelled. "Hurry up, I'll bring your suitcases down." She said, leaving.

Selena looked at the clothes laid out for her on the bed. It was was blue skinny jeans and a long black sheer top. She slipped her clothes on, along with her black UGGS. She grabbed her coat and walked down the stairs.

"Here she is!" She squealed. Nick and Blanda watched as Selena walked down the stairs awkwardly. "Don't be so stiff." Blanda frowned. "Here is your purse, and your other outfit is in your carry on, change into that on the plane." She instructed.

Understanding, Selena nodded and took the Marc Jacobs purse. "Okay, we have to get your passport and head to the airport." Nick said, grabbing his suitcase. "Where's the others?" Selena asked as they left the house, hauling the luggage. "A man only needs a handful to survive." Nick replied, referring to his suitcase. They all loaded the bags in the trunk and entered the vehicle.

"I thought you go big in Texas." She said smirking.

"Very funny."  Nick replied with a smile, driving out of the drive way. "What's the address?" He asked as they stopped at a red light. "Just take a left onto the highway and go to exit 7." Selena instructed.

They made a quick stop at Selena's apartment. She fetched her passport, documents, and made sure her place was locked up tight. She then entered the car and the three drove to the airport silently.

"Here's your stop." Blanda said smiling. "Money." She added, transforming her smile into a smirk. "How could I forget." Nick said pulling out his wallet. "How much do I owe you?" Nick asked. "Two thousand and three hundred dollars." Blanda said excitedly. Nick pulled out his check book and wrote down the information. "Here." He said handing her the check. "Thanks" She said grabbing the paper and kissing it. "My great treasure, thank you fortune cookie." She said kissing it again.

Both Nick and Selena laughed at the blonde. Nick grabbed the bags and loaded them on to a cart. "Well, see you guys back at work." said Blanda. "Okay, and your in charge while I'm gone. I'll keep in touch with you." Nick informed. She nodded.

"Hope your fortune cookie comes true, you guys!" They heard as they entered the building with their luggage.


The two sat in their seats as the plane took off.

"Have you ever been in first class?" Nick asked. Selena drew her attention away from the window and on to her fiancé. "No." She replied smiling. "You'll get used to it as we travel for business meetings." He said.

"Yeah." She replied with a yawn. “Go to sleep." He said pulling out his laptop. "I'll work on my article." He added.

Selena nodded. "Here." She said handing him his pills. He took it and swallowed it, sipping some water after. "Get some sleep."  She instantly rested her head on the window, and was soon asleep. While Nick typed away at his intense article.

Soon the the plane was near it's landing. Nick was awoken by the touch of a warm blanket. He looked up to see a flight attendant, smiling.

"I'm sorry I woke you." She apologized. "It's fine." He said raising up, causing Selena to turn. She was laying on his shoulder, still asleep. "Y'all make a good couple." She said smiling again. "Ah... thanks." Nick said remembering. "We're getting married soon." He added.

"That's wonderful!" The attendant squealed, gaining everyone's attention. Selena slowly opened her eyes, bothered by the squeal. "Are we there yet?" She asked rubbing her tired eyes. "No honey." Nick said, playing his part. "Sorry I woke you." The woman apologized, yet again.

Selena looked up at the attendant. "It's fine." She said, sitting up. "We'll be landing shortly." She said. "And congratulations y'all." She said with her southern accent. "Thank you." They both replied, flashing a fake smile.

"Y'all from Texas?" She asked. "I am, but it's her first time. Bringing her down to meet the family." He smiled, hugging Selena from the side. "That's lovely. You know we do it big in Texas?" She informed then giggled. "I see." Selena giggled.

"Go Cowboys!" She cheered. "Go Cowboys." Nick cheered. They both laughed and the woman left.

"Hey, ready to meet my family?" Nick asked. A sigh escaped Selena's lips. "Yeah." She said, her hands rubbing up and down her jeans. "Nervous?" He asked chuckling. "Just a little." She said nervously as a small chuckle escaped. "Just count your blessings that they like you." He said seriously.


Selena and Nick sat in the yellow cab silently. They were on there way to his home. The place where he grew up until he moved to New York.

Selena had changed into her summer outfit. She had on a black tank top with jean shorts, along with black strapped sandals. Nick had on a navy blue v neck and kaki shorts with polo shoes.

"Here, I forgot." He said pulling out a diamond ring from a velvet box. "Oh my, Nick!" She exclaimed. "What?" He asked concerned. "This is not the ring you proposed to Olivia with." She said as her mouth hung open, mesmerized at the ring.

"I know, it felt wrong just to give you a hand-me-down, so put it on." He said. She took the ring and carefully slipped it on her ring finger. "It's gotta be over five carat." She said looking at the diamond ring from every possible angle. "Eight carrat." He corrected. "Nick, this cost too much." Selena said. "It's fine." Nick assured her. Selena sighed and stared at the huge rock.

The car came to a complete stop. "We're here." The cab driver announced. "Lets go." Nick said exiting the vehicle, Selena following. The cab driver fetched the luggage from the trunk and approached the two. "That's thirty dollars and fifty cents." He said. "Keep the change." Nick said as he handed the guy fourty bucks. "Thanks, have a nice day." He thanked before driving off.

"Okay, let's gather the bags." Nick said grabbing two bags. "Okay." Selena said grabbing the rest. "Nick!" A voice yelled from behind. They both turned their attention to the happy middle aged woman. "Mom!" Nick yelled, dropping the bags and running towards his mother.

"Ouch." Selena said as the bags fell on her feet. "I've missed you honey." Denise said with joy. "I've missed you too mom." He cheered. "Honey, a little help." Selena said walking towards them with the few bags. Anyone could tell that she was struggling, a lot.

"Nick." Denise said concerned. "I got it mom." He said before taking some of the luggage out of his fiancé's hands. "Thanks." She said catching her breath. Nick set the bags down next to the doorstep and walked back to his two girls.

"Mom this is Selena, my fiancé." Nick introduced.

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