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When you got upstairs you noticed many files balanced against the wall. Next to the files were pictures looking about the same height as the files, leaning on the wall. "What are those files of?" You asked Josh since he was the closest to you. "oh those are um, don't freak out but, the files of everyone we had killed." He mumbled looking nervous and ashamed. "what? why do you have their files?" You asked about to pick one up but he pulled you away. "because that way we know stuff about them, their fears are listed which is very interesting. I don't know why or how we found them but those are from a long time ago. Im pretty sure no one is gonna be doing that again. We are like the new Creepy Pasta's here. The ones before us moved to somewhere else and we happened to found this mansion so we decided to start living here once more so then no one could find us. Slender was the one who found this place since the woods are his home" Josh explained. (I don't know the actual story. Sorry!). You were interested in the story but also kind of scared. You didn't know how to react to anything they do around here.

Once you came upon my room you were told to knock. I opened the door just a crack to see your face. I felt ashamed and closed the door. "Caileigh, I don't know what's going on but maybe if you were to let us in you could explain to us" You said in a calming tone. I used dark magic to open the door. It creaked as it opened slowly. You gazed at my room. Words were written on the walls. Some in English some not. "What do you want me to tell you exactly? Why not ask Josh or Ben?" I said. A tune rang in your ears. You couldn't see where it was coming from until I got up to stop the tune coming from my laptop. "why do I have to tell you?" I said angrily glaring at Noha. "who is she talking to?" You asked Toby in a whisper as he stepped away from Noha. "oh she didn't explain it to you?" He asked smiling at Noha. You shook your head no and watched as I began to explain everything. "Noha has telekinesis. She cant speak since her lips are sewn together but she speaks through her mind and then Caileigh is the most demonic of us all. She turns into this demon like figure. Something you can't even imagine." Toby explained. You nodded and started to listen to what happened. "so when me and Josh finally got to my old home we found the door unlocked and I remembered how my parents always locked the doors no matter what so it was odd. We didn't say anything in case someone was home but when we got into the living room we soon found out that everyone was home. Just not alive. It was gory and cruel to look at. My sister had just finished texting her boyfriend then went to watch tv and somehow Ben appeared. He killed her in an instant then said "I believe that's the last one" Before noticing me and Josh and running off. Before Josh could calm me down I went after him not even caring how he killed my parents. I just knew that he killed my family. The only mortals who still cared for me other then Noha and Josh but they are immortal. When we got back her I quickly grabbed Ben and threw him down the hallway and you know what happened from there" I explained feeling so guilty. "why not just go to bed, everyone is tired so its the best idea" Noha said to all of us. Everyone agreed and headed off to their rooms while you stayed in my room with me. You laid in your bed and tiredly pulled the sheets over you so you were comfortable. You were very warm and you felt like you were at home again. Except you had me with you. "I am sorry you had to see me like that" I mumbled. "It's okay, it is a bit hard to understand but don't worry" You said. A million questions filled your mind . "will I be here forever" The words escaped from your thoughts. "it depends, let's just go to bed" I suggested. You agreed before rolling over to face the window.

A few hours later you heard some rustling coming from the window. Of course it was Jeff. You shook me awake and backed away. "What the hell do you want?" I growled. "hey calm down demon, I just wanted to take y/n here on an adventure" He smirked. "what kind of adventure?" You asked standing behind me. "well since its very late, most people would be asleep meaning this is the time to kill for me. I wanted to invite you along so you could see how I do my work, now do you want to join or not?" He asked. You looked at me and I said I didn't care if you went with him as long as he promised me to keep you safe from anyone. He held out his hand from the window and you nervously took it now standing out in the dark night. "Who are you going to kill?" You asked before moving anywhere. "that's a secret" He smirked before grabbing you by the wrist and dragging you around. Thoughts ran through your mind as he led you to a new house. It didn't look familiar which was perfect because now you know that he wont kill anyone you know. "so will you tell me now?" You begged. He sighed. "His name is Cas, are you ready?" He asked looking up at the window.

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