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The next day you were pacing back and fourth in your room lost in thought. You started off with thinking of the pros and cons of being a creepy pasta with the rest of them. You couldn't stick with either being or not being a creepy pasta. It was a hard decision. The thought of losing everything so that you can help the others so that they can kill the one who started this mess. Your thoughts were interrupted when Noha came into your room holding a bundle of clothes. She threw them to you. "Time to get ready for school" She said. School. You completely forgot that that's where this started, where you found out they were real. You slipped on the dark gray t-shirt and black ripped skinny jeans. You pulled on your black doc martins and army green jacket. You went downstairs and took some of toby's waffles making him chase you around the house while Me and Josh got ready. When we left the mansion We stopped right before we left the forest. "Why are we stopping?" You asked nervously looking around. "we have to get ready" Josh said taking off his mask, revealing his brown hair similar to mine and his bright blue eyes. I took off my bandana showing my light pink lips. I took down my hair from the lose ponytail. The ends of my hair were blonde just like Ben's. You didn't bother to ask and watched as Josh shoved everything in a bag and hid it behind a tree where it would be very hard to find. Once we got to school we separated. You took your usual classes paying attention and catching up. Every time someone would ask you where you have been you just ignored the question like I told you to do. You sat down at a bench and looked around for me and Josh until your best friend sat down in front of you. "(Y/N) where the hell have you been" They asked angrily. "and don't you even try to ignore me" They added. You sighed and made up a lie. "I got hurt badly and had to stay in the hospital for a few days then we went on a trip." You lied. They glared at you and walked off. Me and Josh sat down in front of you. "so you haven't told anyone have you?" Josh asked. You shook your head no in disappointment. "don't worry, whatever you chose you can tell them later but just not know because they might try to follow you to the mansion" I explained. You nodded and it was time to go back home. We went back inside to our lockers to blend in and take out our bag. "Shit" I mumbled. You looked towards me and I immediately grabbed your wrist and dragged you out of the damn school. You pulled away from me before we reached the stairs. "what's wrong now?" You asked angrily. "look down the hallway" I said rolling my eyes. You looked where I told you and you say him. He was talking to someone but wearing everything he was wearing when he stopped you in the forest. You looked back at me and followed me out of the hallway. Looking back you noticed he was heading in your direction. "Wait where is Josh?" You asked. "He is downstairs waiting for us now lets go!" I said angrily. He was coming closer as we made our way down. I looked at Josh and he knew what was wrong quickly. "I know where to go" He said leading us to a house that looked abandoned. "why did you bring us to liu's house?" I asked. "It was the only protective place I could think of" He shrugged. You looked out the window seeing him walk up the steps. "guys!" You yelled backing away. "You take (Y/N) to the mansion d ill meet you there soon, if something happens and im not home in time send Ben!" I yelled before shoving you guys out the back door and opening the front door. You heard a smash but you kept running in the direction of the mansion. Everyone sat down in the living room nervous about when Ben and I were going to come back. Ben threw the door open carrying me in. "she is hurt badly" Ben mumbled. EJ, Masky and Hoodie got up off of the couch so that I could lay down. I winced at the cuts on my skin and the new scar across my face "How the hell did this happen?" Josh asked as you and Noha cleaned the cuts. "I was too nervous to fight back and I was in this dream. I couldn't move" I explained. "(Y/N) we really need your help to find the other creepy pasta's, please help us?" I begged. You nodded unsure if you made the right decision.

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